Sunday, 13 August 2017

Rbi Forex Reservas Composição Telhas

Pretende substituir a Notificação n. º 17/2009 - Imposto de Serviço, de 7 de Julho de 2009, isentando assim determinados serviços tributáveis ​​A PUBLICAR NO GAZZETE DA ÍNDIA, EXTRAORDINÁRIO, PARTE II, SECÇÃO 3, SUBSECÇÃO i) Governo da Índia Ministério das Finanças Departamento de Receita Nova Deli, 30 de dezembro de 2011 Notificação n º 52/2011-Service Tax GSR (E) .- No exercício das atribuições conferidas pela alínea (1) do art. 93 da Lei de Finanças de 1994 (32 de 1994) (doravante referida como a referida Lei) e na substituição do Governo da Índia A notificação 17/2009 do Ministério da Fazenda - Imposto de Serviço, de 7 de julho de 2009, publicada no Diário Oficial da Índia, Extraordinária, parte II, seção 3, inciso (i) vide número GSR 489 (E), de 7 de julho de 2009, exceto quanto às coisas feitas ou omitidas antes dessa supressão, o Governo Central, ficando satisfeito que é necessário por interesse público fazê-lo, isenta os serviços tributáveis Especificados na coluna 3 do quadro abaixo (a seguir designados "serviços especificados") abrangidos pelas subcláusulas do número 105 do artigo 65.º da referida lei, recebidos por um exportador de mercadorias (a seguir designado "exportador"), E utilizados para a exportação de bens (a seguir denominados «os referidos bens»), da totalidade do imposto sobre o serviço que lhes é aplicável por força do artigo 66. ° e do artigo 66. ° A da referida lei, desde que: a) (B) A isenção será reclamada quer com base nas taxas especificadas na tabela de taxas anexa à presente notificação (a seguir designada por " De acordo com o procedimento especificado no n. º 2 ou com base em documentos, de acordo com o procedimento especificado na alínea c) do n. º 3, não foi efectuado qualquer crédito CENVAT do imposto sobre serviços pago sobre os serviços especificados utilizados para a exportação das referidas mercadorias De acordo com as Regras de Crédito do CENVAT, 2004 (d) a isenção não pode ser reclamada por uma Unidade ou Desenvolvedor de uma Zona Econômica Especial (2), a isenção será efetivada da seguinte maneira: a) fabricante-exportador , Registado como beneficiário nos termos da Lei Central de Impostos Especiais de Consumo de 1944 (1 de 1944) ou das regras adoptadas nos termos da mesma, deve registar o seu número de registo central e número de conta bancária junto do exportador aduaneiro que não esteja registado nos termos das disposições (A), deve registrar seu número de código de imposto de serviço e número de conta bancária com o código alfandegário (c) código de imposto de serviço mencionado na alínea (b), mediante a apresentação de uma declaração no Formulário A-2 ao O Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos Especiais de Importação ou o Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos Especiais de Consumo, consoante o caso, com jurisdição sobre a sede social ou a sede social, consoante o caso, desse exportador; d) O recibo de embarque eletrônico ou a nota de exportação, conforme for o caso, ao apresentar o mesmo ao oficial de alfândega competente, no sentido de que: (i) o reembolso do imposto de serviço pago sobre os serviços especificados seja reivindicado como uma porcentagem da O valor FOB declarado das referidas mercadorias, com base na taxa especificada na Lista (ii), não será reclamada qualquer outra restituição relativamente aos serviços especificados, de acordo com o procedimento especificado no n. º 3 ou de qualquer outra forma, incluindo por A restituição obtida for inferior ao imposto sobre serviços pago sobre os serviços especificados e) o imposto sobre serviços pago sobre os serviços especificados elegíveis como restituição ao abrigo desta isenção será calculado aplicando a taxa especificada para mercadorias de uma classe ou descrição, , Em percentagem do valor FOB das referidas mercadorias f) O montante assim calculado como restituição deve ser depositado na conta bancária do exportador g) A factura de embarque ou de exportação de uma restituição que tenha sido objecto de reembolso com base na taxa Especificado no anexo, por meio de procedimento especificado neste parágrafo, não é elegível para o pedido de reembolso com base em documentos, especificados na alínea h) do parágrafo 3, quando o reembolso envolvido em uma nota de embarque ou nota de exportação for inferior a cinquenta (3), a isenção deve ser executada da seguinte forma: a) O exportador que alega que a isenção pagou efectivamente o imposto sobre o serviço especificado para a exportação das referidas mercadorias B) A pessoa responsável pelo pagamento do imposto de serviço, nos termos do artigo 68.o da referida lei, sobre o serviço especificado prestado ao exportador e utilizado para a exportação das referidas mercadorias não pode beneficiar da isenção do serviço especificado c) Isenção por via Da restituição solicitada de acordo com o procedimento especificado no presente número fica sujeita às condições especificadas em relação ao serviço especificado na coluna (4) do referido quadro; d) O fabricante-exportador, registado como beneficiário nos termos da Lei Central de Impostos Especiais de Consumo , 1944 (1 de 1944) ou as regras estabelecidas ao abrigo deste, deve apresentar um pedido de reembolso do imposto de serviço pago sobre o serviço especificado ao Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos ou ao Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos, consoante o caso, Sobre a fábrica de fabricação no Formulário A-1 (e), o exportador que não esteja registrado de acordo com as disposições mencionadas na alínea (d) deverá, antes do depósito do pedido de reembolso do imposto de serviço, apresentar uma declaração no Formulário A-2 , Que solicita a atribuição do código do imposto sobre serviços, ao Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos ou ao Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos, consoante o caso, com jurisdição sobre a sede social ou a sede social, consoante o caso, desse exportador ( F) o Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos ou o Subcomissário da Central de Impostos Especiais, conforme o caso, deverá, após a devida verificação, atribuir um número de código de imposto de serviço ao exportador referido na alínea e), no prazo de sete Data de recebimento do referido Formulário A-2 (g) sobre a obtenção do código de imposto de serviço, exportador referido na cláusula (e), deve arquivar o pedido de reembolso de imposto de serviço ao Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos ou ao Comissário Central Excise, conforme o caso, com jurisdição sobre a sede social ou sede, conforme o caso, na forma A-1 h), o pedido de restituição deve ser apresentado no prazo de um ano a contar da data de exportação do As referidas mercadorias. Explicação - Para os fins desta cláusula, a data de exportação será a data em que o oficial competente da alfândega fizer uma ordem que permita o desembaraço e carregamento das referidas mercadorias para exportação de acordo com a seção 51 da Lei Aduaneira de 1962 (52 de 1962 I) Se a restituição objecto de um pedido for inferior a quinhentas libras esterlinas, não será permitida a mesma; j) Se o montante total da restituição solicitado no âmbito de um pedido for igual ou superior a 0,25 do valor FOB total das mercadorias de exportação e Exportador está registado no Conselho de Promoção das Exportações patrocinado pelo Ministério do Comércio ou pelo Ministério dos Têxteis, o Formulário A-1 deve ser apresentado juntamente com a factura, nota ou challan relevante, ou qualquer outro documento, incluindo os documentos especificados na coluna (4) Para cada serviço tributável, em original, emitido em nome do exportador, comprovando o pagamento pelo serviço especificado utilizado para a exportação das referidas mercadorias eo imposto de serviço a pagar, certificado da forma especificada nas subcláusulas (A) e (B ) A) Se o exportador for uma empresa de interesse de propriedade ou sociedade de parceria, os documentos juntos com o pedido devem ser auto-certificados pelo exportador e, se o exportador for uma sociedade de responsabilidade limitada, os documentos anexados ao pedido devem ser certificados pela pessoa Autorizada pelo Conselho de Administração (B), os documentos anexados ao pedido devem conter também um certificado do exportador ou da pessoa autorizada pelo Conselho de Administração, para o efeito de que o serviço especificado ao qual o documento pertence tenha sido recebido, O imposto a pagar foi pago eo serviço especificado foi utilizado para a exportação das referidas mercadorias sob o número de ordem de remessa k), quando o montante total da restituição solicitada no âmbito de um pedido for superior a 0,25 do valor FOB total das mercadorias de exportação, O procedimento especificado na cláusula (j) acima será alterado na medida em que a certificação prescrita nas sub-cláusulas (A) e (B) seja feita pelo Revisor Oficial de Contas que fiscaliza as contas anuais do exportador para os fins Da Lei de Sociedades de 1956 (1 de 1956) ou da Lei de Imposto de Renda de 1961 (43 de 1961), conforme o caso (l) o Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos ou o Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos, conforme o caso (I) que o pedido de reembolso do imposto sobre o serviço apresentado no Formulário A-1 está completo em todos os aspectos; (ii) que os documentos especificados foram anexados após a devida certificação; (iii) Já recebidos nas facturas de embarque ou nas notas de exportação com base no procedimento prescrito no parágrafo 2 e iv) que a restituição solicitada seja aritmeticamente exata, reembolsará o imposto pago sobre o serviço especificado no prazo de um mês a contar da data de recebimento Se o Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos ou o Sub-Comissário da Central de Impostos Especiais, conforme o caso, tiver motivos para acreditar que a reclamação ou os documentos anexos não estão em ordem ou que há uma razão para negar tal (4) Quando qualquer restituição do imposto sobre serviços pago sobre o serviço especificado utilizado para a exportação dos referidos bens tiver sido devidamente reembolsado, poderá, após ter registado os motivos por escrito, agir em conformidade com as disposições da referida lei e das respectivas regras. Exportador, mas o produto da venda em relação a essas mercadorias não é recebido pelo exportador, ou em seu nome, na Índia, dentro do prazo concedido pelo Banco de Reservas da Índia, nos termos da secção 8 da Foreign Exchange Management Act de 1999 (42 De 1999), incluindo qualquer prorrogação desse prazo, considera-se que tal restituição nunca foi permitida e recuperada ao abrigo das disposições da referida lei e das regras por ela adoptadas, como se se tratasse de uma cobrança de um imposto de serviço indevidamente reembolsado (5) Esta notificação entrará em vigor no dia 3 de janeiro de 2012. Classificação nos termos da cláusula (105) do artigo 65 da referida Lei (i) Serviço prestado para o transporte das referidas mercadorias do depósito de contêiner interno para o porto de exportação Ii) Serviço prestado a um exportador no que se refere ao transporte de mercadorias de exportação directamente do local de afastamento, para o depósito de contentores para o interior ou para o porto ou aeroporto, consoante o caso, a partir do qual as mercadorias são exportadas. I) O exportador deve certificar que o benefício da isenção previa a notificação nº 18/2009-S. T. Não tiver sido reivindicada e ii) os pormenores, especificados na factura do exportador, relativos às mercadorias de exportação, sejam especificamente mencionados na nota de entrega ou de transporte ou na factura do transportador; iii) na factura emitida pelo exportador em Em relação às mercadorias de exportação, indicarão o depósito ou o porto ou o aeroporto do continente de onde as mercadorias são exportadas. I) Prestação de serviços prestados para o transporte das referidas mercadorias do depósito de contentores para o porto de exportação, e ii) Serviços prestados a um exportador no que se refere ao transporte de mercadorias de exportação directamente do local de saída para o depósito ou porto ou aeroporto , Conforme o caso, a partir do qual as mercadorias são exportadas. Serviços de limpeza especializada, nomeadamente a desinfecção, exterminação, esterilização ou fumigação de recipientes utilizados para a exportação dos referidos produtos fornecidos a um exportador. Serviço prestado por uma agência de correio a um exportador em relação ao transporte de documentos sensíveis ao tempo, mercadorias ou artigos relativos à exportação, para um destino fora da Índia. I) O recibo emitido pela agência de courier especificará o número do exportador importador, o número da factura de exportação, a natureza do correio, o destino do correio, incluindo o nome eo endereço do destinatário do correio e ii) Exportador produz documentos relacionados com o uso do serviço de courier para exportar mercadorias. Serviço prestado por um agente aduaneiro em relação à exportação de mercadorias exportadas pelo exportador. O exportador deve produzir: (i) factura emitida pelo agente aduaneiro para a prestação dos serviços especificados na coluna (3), especificando: (a) número e data da conta de embarque; (b) número e data da factura emitida pelo exportador relativa a Exportação de mercadorias c) pormenores de todos os encargos, reembolsáveis ​​ou não, cobrados pelo agente aduaneiro do exportador em relação aos produtos de exportação; ii) pormenores de outros serviços tributáveis ​​prestados pelo referido agente aduaneiro e recebidos pelo exportador , Com ou sem relação para exportação de mercadorias. (Ii) Serviço prestado em relação a cartas de crédito de exportação, tais como aconselhamento de comissão, aconselhamento de emenda, taxas de confirmação (iii) Serviço de compra ou venda de moeda estrangeira, incluindo mudança de moeda fornecida Exportador em relação às mercadorias de exportação. Serviço de compra ou venda de moeda estrangeira, incluindo mudança de moeda fornecida a um exportador em relação a mercadorias de exportação. 9. Declaração: - Declaro que (i) as informações fornecidas neste formulário de candidatura são verdadeiras, correctas e completas em todos os aspectos, de acordo com a notificação e que estou autorizado a assinar em nome do exportador electrónico (Ii) nenhum crédito CENVAT do imposto de serviço pago sobre os serviços especificados utilizados para a exportação das referidas mercadorias seja / será tomado de acordo com as Regras de Crédito do CENVAT, (Iii) a isenção tenha sido solicitada para o imposto de serviço que tenha sido efetivamente pago sobre os serviços especificados (iv) Eu / nós manteremos registros relativos à exportação dos referidos bens e os serviços especificados utilizados para exportação dos referidos bens e faremos Nas instalações declaradas, a todo o tempo razoável, os registos para inspecção e exame pelo Oficial Central de Impostos de Consumo autorizado por escrito pelo Comissário Assistente jurisdicional da Central de Impostos ou pelo Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos Especiais, consoante o caso. Data: Local: Assinatura e endereço completo do exportador (selo de aposição) Declaração de um exportador para obtenção do Código de Imposto de Serviço (referido na cláusula 3 (e) da Notificação nº / 20- ST datada) 1. Nome do exportador: 2 4. Endereço da sede ou sede do Exportador: 3. Número de Conta Permanente (PAN) do Exportador: 4. Código de Exportação de Importação (IEC) do Exportador: 5. Detalhes da Conta Bancária do Exportador: (a) Nome do Banco: (b) Nome da Filial: (c) Número da Conta: 6. (a) Constituição do Exportador Propriedade / Sociedade / Endereço e número de telefone do titular / parceiro / director 7. Nome, denominação e endereço do (s) signatário (s) autorizado (s): 8. Eu declaro que: (i) as informações fornecidas neste formulário de candidatura são verdadeiras, Todos os aspectos e que estou autorizado a assinar em nome do exportador (ii) manteremos registros relativos à exportação das referidas mercadorias e os serviços especificados utilizados para a exportação das referidas mercadorias e disponibilizaremos, nas instalações declaradas, Em todos os momentos razoáveis, esses registros para inspeção e exame pelo Oficial Central de Imposto de Consumo autorizado por escrito pelo Comissário Assistente Jurídico da Central de Impostos ou pelo Comissário Adjunto da Central de Impostos de Consumo, conforme o caso. (Assinatura do requerente / pessoa autorizada com carimbo) Data: Local: Lista de taxas O Capítulo ou sub-Título e descrições de mercadorias na Tabela a seguir estão alinhados com os itens tarifários e descrições de mercadorias na Primeira Lista da Pauta Aduaneira Act, 1975 (51 de 1975). Aplicam-se, mutatis mutandis, as Regras Gerais para a Interpretação da Primeira Lista da referida Lei da Tarifa Aduaneira de 1975 para classificar as mercadorias de exportação listadas na Tabela. Malas, capas para viagem, malas e maletas, incluídas as de toucador e as maletas e pastas para documentos e as maletas e pastas para documentos, , Sacos de toalete, mochilas, bolsas, sacos de compras, carteiras, porta-moedas, estojos de mapas, estojos para cigarros, sacos de tabaco, sacos de ferramentas, sacos de desporto, caixas de garrafas, caixas de jóias, caixas de pó, De couro natural ou reconstituído, de folhas de plásticos, de matérias têxteis, de fibras vulcanizadas ou de cartão, ou recobertos, total ou principalmente, com essas matérias ou com papel. Vestuário e seus acessórios, de couro natural ou reconstituído Estruturas de alumínio (exceto os construções prefabricadas da posição 9406) e suas partes (por exemplo, pontes e elementos de pontes, torres, pórticos ou pilones, pilares, colunas, armações, estruturas para telhados, portas e janelas, ) De alumínio, reservatórios, cubas e recipientes semelhantes para quaisquer matérias (exceto gases comprimidos ou liquefeitos), de capacidade superior a 300 l, mesmo com revestimento interior (Incluídos os recipientes tubulares rígidos ou flexíveis), para quaisquer matérias (excepto gases comprimidos ou liquefeitos), de capacidade não superior a 30 litros 300l, com ou sem revestimento ou isolamento térmico, mas sem equipamento mecânico ou térmico. Os heróis, vilões e monstros dos Reinos Esquecidos estão voltando com o DD Icons of the Realms: Monster Menagerie II. Disponível agora O merc com uma boca traz tudo o que você ama sobre ele para Marvel Dice Masters: Deadpool disponível agora Deadly Foes apresenta amigos e inimigos do mundo de Golarion, e é certo para agradar os fãs de Pathfinder novos e veteranos tanto disponíveis agora em seu FLGS agora Decore o seu castelo, sala do trono ou quartos vivos com esta deslumbrante recriação dos Dragões Dragões Dragão Vermelho - Pré-Ordem Agora Pré-ordem Assalto dos Gigantes hoje para comandar um dos seis tipos de gigantes e reivindicar o direito de governar sobre todos os gigantes Colecione todos os 44 DD Ícones dos Reinos: Storm Kings Thunder Miniatures - Disponível Agora Jogue feitiços e competir contra outros assistentes em uma corrida épica para saquear Rock Paper Wizard é um emocionante jogo de festa para 3-6 jogadores - Disponível Agora Burkes Gambit Disponível Agora Prepare-se para uma borda de seu assento Thriller Set in Space Clique neste banner para saber mais WizKids traz mais Dice-Rolling Diversão para o Tabletop com lançamento próximo, Dice Stars - Pre-Order agora Blank White Dice, projetado por Jonathan Leistiko, é Uma emocionante nova tomada de dados jogos disponíveis agora Pontue sua oficial WizKids camisas, hoodies, mercadoria e muito mais Colecione seus heróis, construir suas equipes e derrotar seus inimigos nos muitos reinos do mundo HeroClix. Em HeroClix você pode ser o herói que você sonhou ou o vilão de seus pesadelos. Com milhares de personagens para escolher e mapas de terreno de todo o universo, quem sabe onde HeroClix irá levá-lo. Ataque de ataque é um jogo de miniaturas de combate tático rápido, com figuras de coleção baseadas no Universo Star Trek e os Dungeons Dragons Forgotten Realms. Utilizando o sistema de manobra FlightPath, comande o seu exército em combate épico personalizar o seu exército com equipamentos, armas, habilidades especiais e muito mais Dice Masters é um smash-hit cruz-marca oferecendo utilizando WizKids propriedade Dice Building Game plataforma onde os jogadores recolhem e montar sua equipe de Dados de personagem e batalha no jogo de cabeça-a-cabeça. Tal como acontece com Quarriors, o jogo que iniciou Dice Building Games, Michael Elliott e Eric M. Lang estão liderando o trabalho de design para o que certamente será na maioria dos povos assistir lista. Jogar AnywhereEuropean Glimpse Fale com o nosso especialista Todos devem ver vistas cobertas Easy Traveling, Smooth Sailing - Em um feriado Cox Kings você pode apenas relaxar e cuidar bem de tudo. Serviço de primeira classe - De localização, serviço, ambiente, cada detalhe é olhado para garantir que a sua estadia seja agradável. Um amigo na necessidade - nosso gerente da excursão Certamente - nosso gerente da excursão fará imediatamente lhe fazer a sensação em casa. Hell mostrar-lhe as vistas, guiá-lo e cuidar de qualquer problema, pequeno ou grande Grandes refeições - Estimular o seu paladar com uma grande variedade de pratos indianos cuidadosamente selecionados e aromatizados com ingredientes autênticos e especiarias. Sightseeing que toma sua respiração afastado - apreciar a viagem cénico através de Europa com sua paisagem sempre em mudança - das cidades cosmopolitan movimentadas aos lagos tranquilos e às montanhas alpinas. Nós oferecemos um valor terrific do feriado thats impossível combinar Opcionais Fabulous, preços grandes - você pode projetar os feriados de sua escolha do plethora das opções antes de você. Conheça Mickey Minnie no Euro Disney Park. Seja deslumbrado em Swarovski Crystal World. Veneza - a cidade da lagoa. Explore a Cidade do Vaticano com a Basílica de São Pedro. Hide .. Todos devem ver vistas cobertas Easy Traveling, Smooth Sailing - Em um feriado Cox Kings você pode apenas relaxar e cuidar bem de tudo. Mais Bem-vindo ao seu tour Cox Kings European Glimpse. Seu representante Rex Cox cumprimenta-lo no ponto de encontro na saída após imigração e alfândega e transfere-o confortavelmente para o seu hotel (check-in após 1600 horas). Cox e Kings leva o cuidado de começar o seu turismo apenas no dia seguinte, para que você possa relaxar após o seu longo vôo e superar o seu jetlag. Pernoite em Paris. Jantar em um restaurante indiano. O Euro Disney é dividido em Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland que são as quatro terras temáticas mágicas ea sempre famosa Main Street EUA. Passeios emocionantes, shows incríveis, desfiles, fantasia e emoção garantem diversão e ação sem parar. Contos de fadas ganham vida. Emoções em todos os tamanhos e formas. Big emoções como Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, leva você para a borda do universo e os pequenos, onde você pode navegar ao redor do mundo com It39s um pequeno mundo pequeno. Diversão em família é em torno de cada canto, de Piratas do Caribe para o Mad Hatter39s Copos de Chá. Personagens favoritos da Disney estão esperando para conhecê-lo. Você pode encontrar o Mickey e o Minnie. Não se esqueça de tirar um instantâneo com um dos seus personagens favoritos da Disney Say Cheese e obter uma fotografia acompanhada por um abraço e um autógrafo. Mundo de Cristal Swarovski Mundo de Cristal Swarovski - O museu do renomado fabricante de cristal austríaco fica a poucos quilômetros. Leste de Innsbruck, na cidade de Wattens. Aqui você vai encontrar exposições de arte, todos girando em torno do tema de cristais. Alguns dos destaques incluem o maior cristal do mundo, uma parede de cristais, uma cúpula de cristal e obras de Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring e uma sala de imagens e sons de Brian Eno. O jardim do museu é bonito, com uma grande cabeça gigante na entrada e um labirinto de arbustos Hoje, a sua Euro Disney Desencadear a criança em você para uma excursão cheia de diversão Passeios emocionantes, personagens favoritos da Disney e shows incríveis torná-lo uma atração familiar completa. Nota: O seu bilhete de parque dá-lhe a opção de entrar no Euro Disney Park ou Walt Disney Studios. O Euro Disney Park é dividido em terra de fronteira, terra de Aventura, Fantasyland, terra de descoberta que são as quatro terras temáticas mágicas ea sempre famosa Main Street EUA. Passeios emocionantes, shows incríveis, desfiles, fantasia e emoção garantem diversão e ação sem parar. Contos de fadas ganham vida. Emoções em todos os tamanhos e formas. Big emoções como Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, leva você para a borda do universo e os pequenos, onde você pode navegar ao redor do mundo com o seu um pequeno mundo pequeno. Diversão em família está em cada esquina, desde Piratas do Caribe até os Taças de Chá Mad Hatters. Personagens favoritos da Disney estão esperando para conhecê-lo. Você pode Olá Pooh, Howdy Goofy e conhecer Mickey e Minnie. Não se esqueça de tirar um instantâneo com um dos seus personagens favoritos da Disney Say Cheese e obter uma fotografia acompanhada por um abraço e um autógrafo. OU Descubra o mundo mágico do cinema e da televisão no Walt Disney Studios, onde uma sensação de destino por trás das cenas espera por você. Experimente a magia de cinema e os sets de cinema ganhando vida através de lotes cinemágicos, apresentando atrações emocionantes e shows espetaculares com seus sonhos no centro do palco permitindo que seus screendreams se tornem realidade Faça sua estréia na tela grande no Toon Studio ou Production Courtyard. Desfrute de uma visita guiada panorâmica da cidade panorâmica de monumentos famosos como a Pirâmide do Louvre, Opera Garniers, o maior teatro de ópera do mundo, o Rio Sena, a Place de la Concorde - o local da guilhotina infame, Champs Elysees - um Das ruas mais elegantes do mundo, o Arco do Triunfo Napoleânico eo Hotel des Invalides. Termine o dia tendo na visão deslumbrante da cidade brilhante como você ascensão por um elevador para o 2 º nível da Torre Eiffel Após o jantar, voltar ao seu hotel. Pernoite em Paris. Café da manhã no hotel e jantar em um restaurante indiano. O Euro Disney é dividido em Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland que são as quatro terras temáticas mágicas ea sempre famosa Main Street EUA. Passeios emocionantes, shows incríveis, desfiles, fantasia e emoção garantem diversão e ação sem parar. Contos de fadas ganham vida. Emoções em todos os tamanhos e formas. Big emoções como Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, leva você para a borda do universo e os pequenos, onde você pode navegar ao redor do mundo com It39s um pequeno mundo pequeno. Diversão em família é em torno de cada canto, de Piratas do Caribe para o Mad Hatter39s Copos de Chá. Personagens favoritos da Disney estão esperando para conhecê-lo. Você pode encontrar o Mickey e o Minnie. Não se esqueça de tirar um instantâneo com um dos seus personagens favoritos da Disney Say Cheese e obter uma fotografia acompanhada por um abraço e um autógrafo. Mundo de Cristal Swarovski Mundo de Cristal Swarovski - O museu do renomado fabricante de cristal austríaco fica a poucos quilômetros. Leste de Innsbruck, na cidade de Wattens. Aqui você vai encontrar exposições de arte, todos girando em torno do tema de cristais. Alguns dos destaques incluem o maior cristal do mundo, uma parede de cristais, uma cúpula de cristal e obras de Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring e uma sala de imagens e sons de Brian Eno. Os terrenos do museu são bonitos, com uma grande cabeça gigante na entrada e um labirinto de arbustos Hoje sente-se, relaxe e desfrutar de uma movimentação cênica espetacular de aproximadamente sete horas para a Suíça. Conduza passado belas vistas dos Alpes com vislumbres da paisagem italiana e suas cidades medievais. Talvez ainda mais surpreendente do que as cidades suíças em si é o campo. Ao contrário de suas cidades modernas e pouco povoadas, seu interior é formado por pequenas aldeias, muitas vezes constituídas por antigas casas históricas e pitorescos chalés, separados entre si por belas paisagens, uma composição única de montanhas, fazendas, castelos medievais e os famosos suíços Vacas, navegação, evergreen, prados. Após o jantar, check-in em seu hotel. Pernoite na Suíça Central. Café da manhã no hotel, almoço embalado de um restaurante indiano e jantar em um restaurante indiano. O Euro Disney é dividido em Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland que são as quatro terras temáticas mágicas ea sempre famosa Main Street EUA. Passeios emocionantes, shows incríveis, desfiles, fantasia e emoção garantem diversão e ação sem parar. Contos de fadas ganham vida. Emoções em todos os tamanhos e formas. Big emoções como Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, leva você para a borda do universo e os pequenos, onde você pode navegar ao redor do mundo com It39s um pequeno mundo pequeno. Diversão em família é em torno de cada canto, de Piratas do Caribe para o Mad Hatter39s Copos de Chá. Personagens favoritos da Disney estão esperando para conhecê-lo. Você pode encontrar o Mickey e o Minnie. Não se esqueça de tirar um instantâneo com um dos seus personagens favoritos da Disney Say Cheese e obter uma fotografia acompanhada por um abraço e um autógrafo. Mundo de Cristal Swarovski Mundo de Cristal Swarovski - O museu do renomado fabricante de cristal austríaco fica a poucos quilômetros. Leste de Innsbruck, na cidade de Wattens. Aqui você vai encontrar exposições de arte, todos girando em torno do tema de cristais. Alguns dos destaques incluem o maior cristal do mundo, uma parede de cristais, uma cúpula de cristal e obras de Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring e uma sala de imagens e sons de Brian Eno. O jardim do museu são bonitos, com uma grande cabeça gigante na entrada e um labirinto de arbustos Veja o Rhinefalls trovejando em Schaffhausen. Pegue um barco para o pé das cataratas. Em seguida, uma viagem panorâmica para a cidade de Zurique. Onde à chegada você vai prosseguir em uma excursão de orientação por Bahnhofstrasse - a rua de compras mais excitante da cidade, passado famosos locais como Peterskirche (Igreja de São Peters) situado em uma praça medieval, famosa por seu relógio do século 16, o maior relógio na Europa . A torre de cobre elegante do Fraumunster encontrou no 9o século com janelas de vidro manchadas impressive. Do outro lado do rio Limmat, você terá uma vista da bela românica e catedral gótica dedicada aos santos patronos de Zurique. Em Lucerne com suas montanhas pitorescas, lagos, cowbells, aldeias alpinas e prados, o pungente Monumento do Leão, a coberta, madeira Kapellbrucke (capela ponte), ea ornamentada Igreja dos Jesuítas. Você terá outro encontro com as maravilhas das compras suíças. Mais tarde, depois do jantar, volte para o hotel. Pernoite na Suíça Central. Café da manhã no hotel, almoço e jantar em um restaurante indiano. O Euro Disney é dividido em Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland que são as quatro terras temáticas mágicas ea sempre famosa Main Street EUA. Passeios emocionantes, shows incríveis, desfiles, fantasia e emoção garantem diversão e ação sem parar. Contos de fadas ganham vida. Emoções em todos os tamanhos e formas. Big emoções como Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, leva você para a borda do universo e os pequenos, onde você pode navegar ao redor do mundo com It39s um pequeno mundo pequeno. Diversão em família é em torno de cada canto, de Piratas do Caribe para o Mad Hatter39s Copos de Chá. Personagens favoritos da Disney estão esperando para conhecê-lo. Você pode encontrar o Mickey e o Minnie. Não se esqueça de tirar um instantâneo com um dos seus personagens favoritos da Disney Say Cheese e obter uma fotografia acompanhada por um abraço e um autógrafo. Mundo de Cristal Swarovski Mundo de Cristal Swarovski - O museu do renomado fabricante de cristal austríaco fica a poucos quilômetros. Leste de Innsbruck, na cidade de Wattens. Aqui você vai encontrar exposições de arte, todos girando em torno do tema de cristais. Alguns dos destaques incluem o maior cristal do mundo, uma parede de cristais, uma cúpula de cristal e obras de Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring e uma sala de imagens e sons de Brian Eno. O jardim do museu é bonito, com uma grande cabeça gigante na entrada e um labirinto de arbustos O Euro Disney é dividido em Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland, que são as quatro terras temáticas mágicas ea sempre famosa Main Street EUA. Passeios emocionantes, shows incríveis, desfiles, fantasia e emoção garantem diversão e ação sem parar. Contos de fadas ganham vida. Emoções em todos os tamanhos e formas. Big emoções como Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, leva você para a borda do universo e os pequenos, onde você pode navegar ao redor do mundo com It39s um pequeno mundo pequeno. Diversão em família é em torno de cada canto, de Piratas do Caribe para o Mad Hatter39s Copos de Chá. Personagens favoritos da Disney estão esperando para conhecê-lo. Você pode encontrar o Mickey e o Minnie. Não se esqueça de tirar um instantâneo com um dos seus personagens favoritos da Disney Say Cheese e obter uma fotografia acompanhada por um abraço e um autógrafo. Mundo de Cristal Swarovski Mundo de Cristal Swarovski - O museu do renomado fabricante de cristal austríaco fica a poucos quilômetros. Leste de Innsbruck, na cidade de Wattens. Aqui você vai encontrar exposições de arte, todos girando em torno do tema de cristais. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Next your drive today takes you to the Principality of Liechtenstein and a stop at Vaduz - the capital, famous for postage stamps. Later onto Austria . En route halt at the internationally renowned Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Wattens, and prepare to be dazzled at the Chambers of Wonder In a wondrous blue hall dominated by a Unicum - a wall of crystal, you see the worlds biggest crystal and its smallest Over 7 million people from all corners of the globe, have already been thrilled by the Swarovski experience - now you are one of them Continue a scenic drive to Innsbruck . Located on the Inn River, Innsbruck is one of Europes most beautiful and lively cities. An international centre for winter sports, it has hosted the Winter Olympics twice Our Orientation tour introduces you to its world famous sights. View the Golden Roof or Goldenes Dachl, an ornate Gothic balcony erected by the Emperor Maximilian I in the 15th century, decorated with gold painted copper shingles. Next walk to the Imperial Church followed by the Hofburg or Imperial Palace. This Capital of the Alps, has a history of 800 years Later check into the hotel. Overnight in Innsbruck area. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch at an Indian restaurant and Dinner at the hotel. The Euro Disney is divided into Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with It39s a Small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter39s Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can 39Hello39 Pooh, 39Howdy39 Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. Swarovski Crystal World Swarovski Crystal World - The Museum of the world-renowned Austrian crystal maker lies just a few kms. east of Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens. Here you will find displays of art, all revolving around the theme of crystals. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Today your journey takes you on a drive past quaint villages, medieval castles and fruit orchards and cutting across the fertile Adriatic Plains, to the magical lagoon city of Venice . Nothing prepares you for the captivating city of canals and palaces - Venice is simply unique Built on 117 small islands, it is a pedestrians city, so get set for a walking tour. Cruise from Tronchetto Pier and glide romantically past fairytale palaces, through incredible miniature canals to the Piazza San Marco (St. Marks Square), where you disembark. Napoleon dubbed the Square the finest drawing room in Europe for its constant carnival atmosphere Witness the bronze Moors striking the hour, as they have been doing for the past 500 years From there to the Doges Palace, connected by the Bridge of Sighs to its prisons. It was from here that the legendary lover Casanova made his famous escape End this exciting tour with a brief visit to a Murano Glass Showroom (when open for visitors) for a demonstration in glass blowing. It was on the island of Murano, that glass was first made in Europe and hand blown Venetian glass is world famous. After you take your return cruise to Tronchetto Pier, drive to dinner and then check into your hotel. Overnight in Padova. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. The Euro Disney is divided into Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with It39s a Small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter39s Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can 39Hello39 Pooh, 39Howdy39 Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. Swarovski Crystal World Swarovski Crystal World - The Museum of the world-renowned Austrian crystal maker lies just a few kms. east of Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens. Here you will find displays of art, all revolving around the theme of crystals. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Drive across the Apennine Mountains, along the Brenta River past Bologna, to Pisa . the hometown of Galileo and a city, which makes the most of its claim to fame - its Leaning Tower It has leaned almost since construction first started, due to the swampy soil beneath it. At a photo stop here, note its striking beauty along with its characteristic tilt. It is the Duomos (Cathedral) Bell Tower. Together with the Baptistery, these are all a part of the Field of Miracles. Continue to Florence . a shrine to the wonders of the Renaissance . with more artistic treasures per square meter than any other city in the world Included in your walking tour of Florence is a visit to the remarkable Duomo (when open for visitors), which is the fourth largest cathedral in the world. It dominates the citys skyline and still defines its scale - no building in town is taller Besides it is the Gate to Paradise - the heavenly gilded bronze doors of the Baptistery, originally a pagan temple and the open-air gallery in Signoria Square. Walk on the famous Ponte Vecchio, the oldest surviving bridge in the city. After an exciting tour, drive to the region of Tuscany . where on arrival you will be checked into your hotel. Overnight in Arezzo. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch at an Indian restaurant and Indian dinner at the hotel. The Euro Disney is divided into Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with It39s a Small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter39s Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can 39Hello39 Pooh, 39Howdy39 Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. Swarovski Crystal World Swarovski Crystal World - The Museum of the world-renowned Austrian crystal maker lies just a few kms. east of Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens. Here you will find displays of art, all revolving around the theme of crystals. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Rome was not built in a day - the truth of this oft quoted adage hits you with full force, as we pack in all the must see agenda into our guided panoramic highlight city tour . According to legend, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC. Start your introduction to Rome with a journey to The Vatican the smallest nation in the world It boasts a priceless art collection and is probably per square foot the richest country in the world The most famous square of The Vatican is St. Peters Square with St. Peters Basilica, one of the largest churches in the world. Gaze in awe at Michelangelos Pieta. Continue your tour driving past the triumphal Arch of Constantine, one of the most important commemorative monuments of antiquity and then drive through Piazza Venezia, where the grandiose monument to the reunification of Italy is often referred to as the Marble wedding cake Pass the Circus Maximus - the Hippodrome - known for its ancient chariot races, which was reconstructed by Hollywood for the well known movie Ben Hur Pay tribute to the brave Gladiators of Rome. At this amphitheatre, the notorious and gory gladiatorial games were held, where they fought one another and wild animals while the crowd roared Pass the ruins of the Roman Forum and end the tour at the famous Trevi Fountain. Legend has it, that if you make a wish and toss a coin over your left shoulder into the fountain, you are sure to return to Rome We at Cox and Kings look forward to that After an exciting tour relax and enjoy your return drive to the hotel. Note: Due to Rome city regulations, certain roads may be off limits for long distance coaches. This may result in the Rome sightseeing being done partly by foot / public transport. Overnight in Rome. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. The Euro Disney is divided into Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with It39s a Small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter39s Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can 39Hello39 Pooh, 39Howdy39 Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. Swarovski Crystal World Swarovski Crystal World - The Museum of the world-renowned Austrian crystal maker lies just a few kms. east of Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens. Here you will find displays of art, all revolving around the theme of crystals. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Good times need never end As you get ready for the airport and your flight back home, relive the high points of your Cox and Kings European Glimpse tour. We are confident you will join us again sometime soon. Please do give us your valuable feedback on feedbackcoxandkings . Note: - Please note that this tour may run with an altered flow due to operational constraints. Breakfast either in the hotel or on board the flight. The Euro Disney is divided into Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with It39s a Small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter39s Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can 39Hello39 Pooh, 39Howdy39 Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. Swarovski Crystal World Swarovski Crystal World - The Museum of the world-renowned Austrian crystal maker lies just a few kms. east of Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens. Here you will find displays of art, all revolving around the theme of crystals. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Today its Euro Disney Unleash the child in you for a fun filled excursion Thrilling rides, favorite Disney characters and incredible shows make it a complete family attraction. Note: Your park ticket gives you the option of entering either Euro Disney Park or Walt Disney Studios. The Euro Disney Park is divided into Frontier land, Adventure land, Fantasyland, Discovery land which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with Its a small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatters Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can Hello Pooh, Howdy Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. OR Discover the magical world of cinema and television at Walt Disney Studios where a behind the scenes destination sensation awaits you. Experience movie magic and cinema sets coming to life through cinemagical lots, featuring thrilling attractions and spectacular shows with your dreams centre-stage allowing your screendreams to come true Make your big screen debut at Toon Studio or Production Courtyard. Enjoy a guided panoramic highlight city tour of famous monuments like the Pyramid of the Louvre, Garniers Opera, the largest opera theatre in the world, the River Seine, the Place de la Concorde - the site of the infamous guillotine, the Champs Elysees - one of the most fashionable streets in the world, the Napoleanic Arc de Triomphe and the Hotel des Invalides. End the day taking in the dazzling overview of the glittering city as you ascend by an elevator to the 2nd level of the Eiffel Tower After dinner, return to your hotel. Overnight in Paris. Breakfast at the hotel and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Today sit back, relax and enjoy a spectacular scenic drive of approximately seven hours to Switzerland. Drive past beautiful views of the Alps with glimpses of Italian countryside and its medieval towns. Perhaps even more amazing than the Swiss cities themselves is the countryside. Unlike its modern and rather populated cities, its countryside is formed by patches of small villages, often consisting of ancient historical houses and picturesque chalets, separated from each other by beautiful landscapes, a unique composition of mountains, farms, medieval castles and the famous Swiss cows browsing the evergreen meadows. After dinner, check into your hotel. Overnight in Central Switzerland. Breakfast at the hotel, Packed lunch from an Indian restaurant and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. See the thundering Rhinefalls at Schaffhausen . Take a boat to the foot of the falls. Then a scenic drive to the city of Zurich . where on arrival you will proceed on an orientation tour strolling down Bahnhofstrasse - the citys fanciest shopping street, past famous sights like Peterskirche (St. Peters Church) situated in a medieval square, famous for its 16th Century clock, the largest clock face in Europe. The elegant copper spire of the Fraumunster found in the 9th Century with impressive stained glass windows. Across the Limmat River, you will get a view of the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic Cathedral dedicated to Zurichs patron saints. On to Lucerne with its picturesque mountains, lakes, cowbells, alpine villages and meadows, the poignant Lion Monument, the covered, wooden Kapellbrucke (chapel bridge), and the ornate Jesuit Church. You will have another encounter with the marvels of Swiss shopping. Later after dinner, drive back to your hotel. Overnight in Central Switzerland. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Today you will drive to Interlaken where you have a free day or you have the option to enjoy Visit to Jungfrau with Indian Lunch and Interlaken City Tour. Note: Guests not availing the optional tour to Jungfrau will get a packed dinner. Overnight in Central Switzerland. Breakfast at the hotel and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Next your drive today takes you to the Principality of Liechtenstein and a stop at Vaduz - the capital, famous for postage stamps. Later onto Austria . En route halt at the internationally renowned Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Wattens, and prepare to be dazzled at the Chambers of Wonder In a wondrous blue hall dominated by a Unicum - a wall of crystal, you see the worlds biggest crystal and its smallest Over 7 million people from all corners of the globe, have already been thrilled by the Swarovski experience - now you are one of them Continue a scenic drive to Innsbruck . Located on the Inn River, Innsbruck is one of Europes most beautiful and lively cities. An international centre for winter sports, it has hosted the Winter Olympics twice Our Orientation tour introduces you to its world famous sights. View the Golden Roof or Goldenes Dachl, an ornate Gothic balcony erected by the Emperor Maximilian I in the 15th century, decorated with gold painted copper shingles. Next walk to the Imperial Church followed by the Hofburg or Imperial Palace. This Capital of the Alps, has a history of 800 years Later check into the hotel. Overnight in Innsbruck area. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch at an Indian restaurant and Dinner at the hotel. Today your journey takes you on a drive past quaint villages, medieval castles and fruit orchards and cutting across the fertile Adriatic Plains, to the magical lagoon city of Venice . Nothing prepares you for the captivating city of canals and palaces - Venice is simply unique Built on 117 small islands, it is a pedestrians city, so get set for a walking tour. Cruise from Tronchetto Pier and glide romantically past fairytale palaces, through incredible miniature canals to the Piazza San Marco (St. Marks Square), where you disembark. Napoleon dubbed the Square the finest drawing room in Europe for its constant carnival atmosphere Witness the bronze Moors striking the hour, as they have been doing for the past 500 years From there to the Doges Palace, connected by the Bridge of Sighs to its prisons. It was from here that the legendary lover Casanova made his famous escape End this exciting tour with a brief visit to a Murano Glass Showroom (when open for visitors) for a demonstration in glass blowing. It was on the island of Murano, that glass was first made in Europe and hand blown Venetian glass is world famous. After you take your return cruise to Tronchetto Pier, drive to dinner and then check into your hotel. Overnight in Padova. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Drive across the Apennine Mountains, along the Brenta River past Bologna, to Pisa . the hometown of Galileo and a city, which makes the most of its claim to fame - its Leaning Tower It has leaned almost since construction first started, due to the swampy soil beneath it. At a photo stop here, note its striking beauty along with its characteristic tilt. It is the Duomos (Cathedral) Bell Tower. Together with the Baptistery, these are all a part of the Field of Miracles. Continue to Florence . a shrine to the wonders of the Renaissance . with more artistic treasures per square meter than any other city in the world Included in your walking tour of Florence is a visit to the remarkable Duomo (when open for visitors), which is the fourth largest cathedral in the world. It dominates the citys skyline and still defines its scale - no building in town is taller Besides it is the Gate to Paradise - the heavenly gilded bronze doors of the Baptistery, originally a pagan temple and the open-air gallery in Signoria Square. Walk on the famous Ponte Vecchio, the oldest surviving bridge in the city. After an exciting tour, drive to the region of Tuscany . where on arrival you will be checked into your hotel. Overnight in Arezzo. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch at an Indian restaurant and Indian dinner at the hotel. Rome was not built in a day - the truth of this oft quoted adage hits you with full force, as we pack in all the must see agenda into our guided panoramic highlight city tour . According to legend, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC. Start your introduction to Rome with a journey to The Vatican the smallest nation in the world It boasts a priceless art collection and is probably per square foot the richest country in the world The most famous square of The Vatican is St. Peters Square with St. Peters Basilica, one of the largest churches in the world. Gaze in awe at Michelangelos Pieta. Continue your tour driving past the triumphal Arch of Constantine, one of the most important commemorative monuments of antiquity and then drive through Piazza Venezia, where the grandiose monument to the reunification of Italy is often referred to as the Marble wedding cake Pass the Circus Maximus - the Hippodrome - known for its ancient chariot races, which was reconstructed by Hollywood for the well known movie Ben Hur Pay tribute to the brave Gladiators of Rome. At this amphitheatre, the notorious and gory gladiatorial games were held, where they fought one another and wild animals while the crowd roared Pass the ruins of the Roman Forum and end the tour at the famous Trevi Fountain. Legend has it, that if you make a wish and toss a coin over your left shoulder into the fountain, you are sure to return to Rome We at Cox and Kings look forward to that After an exciting tour relax and enjoy your return drive to the hotel. Note: Due to Rome city regulations, certain roads may be off limits for long distance coaches. This may result in the Rome sightseeing being done partly by foot / public transport. Overnight in Rome. Breakfast at the hotel, Lunch and Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Good times need never end As you get ready for the airport and your flight back home, relive the high points of your Cox and Kings European Glimpse tour. We are confident you will join us again sometime soon. Please do give us your valuable feedback on feedbackcoxandkings . Note: - Please note that this tour may run with an altered flow due to operational constraints. Breakfast either in the hotel or on board the flight. The Euro Disney is divided into Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, Discoveryland which are the four magical themed lands and the ever famous Main Street USA. Thrilling rides, incredible shows, parades, fantasy and excitement guarantees non-stop fun and action. Fairytales come to life. Thrills in all sizes and shapes. Big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, takes you to the edge of the universe and little ones, where you can sail around the world with It39s a Small small world. Family fun is around every corner, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter39s Tea Cups. Favourite Disney Characters are waiting to meet you. You can 39Hello39 Pooh, 39Howdy39 Goofy and meet Mickey and Minnie. Do not forget to take a snapshot with one of your favourite Disney characters Say Cheese and get a photograph accompanied by a hug and an autograph. Swarovski Crystal World Swarovski Crystal World - The Museum of the world-renowned Austrian crystal maker lies just a few kms. east of Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens. Here you will find displays of art, all revolving around the theme of crystals. Some of the highlights include the world39s largest crystal, a wall of crystals, a crystal dome and works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and a room of sights and sounds by Brian Eno. The museum grounds are beautiful featuring a large giant head at the entrance and a shrubbery maze Cost of your Round Trip Economy Class Excursion Airfare. Accommodation at the hotels mentioned or similar. Cost of your Overseas Travel Insurance policy valid for the duration of the tour covered for passengers upto the age of 70 years. Services of Cox Kings Tour Manager or Local Representative. Meals as mentioned in the itinerary. Coach tours, transfers, entrance fees, excursions, sightseeing and surface transportation as mentioned in the itinerary. Airport taxes. Visa Charges for Schengen. An additional amount of INR 1500 is to be compulsorily paid by way of Secure your Booking Amount. Optional Add-On tours unless mentioned otherwise. Cost of US 2,50,000 granted by the Reserve Bank of India under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme. Any increase in the airfare / taxes / routing charged by the airlines for ticket (presently calculated on 14th July 2016) Airline and Hotel surcharges (if applicable) during high / festive season to be paid extra per person. Cost of extension of validity or deviation of your air ticket. Any increase in Rate of Euro leading to an increase in Tour Cost coming into effect prior to departure. However, the rate prevailing on the given day of payment will apply. Porterage at hotels, apartment, airports and seaports, tips, laundry, wines, mineral water, telephone charges, all items of personal nature and also food and drinks not forming part of the touring groups menu. Medical test and Premium cost of your Overseas Travel Insurance policy valid for passengers above 70 years of age. Anything not specifically mentioned in What Your Tour Price Includes box. Compulsory Tips of Euro 3 per adult / child per day. Government Service Tax 4.50 on gross bill effective 1st June 2016. Our international escorted group tours are sold under the brand Duniya Dekho. All our products are sold subject to these Terms and Conditions, as amended from time to time and the contract between you and us shall be governed by the same. If you book any third party products through us, their Terms and Conditions would be applicable in addition to our Terms and Conditions. Indian nationals eligible to travel on Duniya Dekho Escorted Group Tours must have a valid passport for at least six months or as applicable subsequent to the date of departure of the tour and have been granted the necessary visas, international certificates of vaccination, insurance and medical insurance, other travel documents and clearances etc. required to travel throughout the tour. You will have to comply with applicable RBI guidelines and Government of India rules. You can book Duniya Dekho tours online as well as offline. You can book ONLINE on coxandkings . com or through the Cox amp Kings offices / our Cox amp Kings Franchisees shops / through our Preferred Agents (PA) or through your own travel agent. For the relevant addresses of branch offices and Franchisees of the Company and our network please refer to our Brochure and Price Grid or online. Please complete and sign the Booking Form and the Terms and Conditions per party after perusing the How to Book rules, Terms and Conditions, tour brochure, itinerary or website. In cases where tour participants belong to more than one family under a single form, it shall be signed by the head / authorized person of each family and the same shall be construed as acceptance with full responsibility of a contract for and on behalf of all persons booked. In case the travel agent or any other person signs the Booking Form, it shall be conclusively presumed that the tour participants had given the necessary authority to such lead person / agent to sign the Booking Form and Terms and Conditions and enter into a binding contract on their behalf with the company assuming full responsibility thereof. If you are booking through your Travel Agent, you should make all payments to your travel agent and the Travel Agent would pay the Company on your behalf. Signing of the Booking Form and Terms and Conditions and payment receipt issued for initial payment made towards the tour cost shall be a legally binding contract between the parties. Please refer to the detailed processes listed under How to Book Online and How to Book Offline Please find a chart of the schedule of payment for the Duniya Dekho tours. If you are booking your tour within 45 days of the departure date, then 100 of the tour payments must be made immediately, before any service can be provided. This booking will be subject to availability. NOTE: (a) The Reservation fee is non-refundable and not secured like the booking amount (b) Booking amount for any add-on packages or extension taken with the main tour or separately will be Rs. 10,000/- per person. You can secure your non-refundable booking amount by paying a nominal fee of Rs. 1000 per person. In the unlikely event of you cancelling the tour 21 days prior to the departure, this scheme protects your booking amount of Rs. 20,000 against cancellation charges. Secure your booking amount scheme is refundable only if the cancellation occurs under the following situations and documentary proof will be required by company to refund the booking amount (Conditions Apply): Death in the immediate Family. (Family members are defined as blood relatives) Major Accident to self or immediate family member. (Family members are defined as blood relatives) Major Sickness / Hospitalisation to the travelle where travel is not permitted under written medical advice from the doctor. Acts of God like Tsunami. Terrorist Activities like 9/11 and 26/11. Any travel barred guidelines to the destination country by WHO like SARS. Any political Turbulence in the destination country where travel is barred by the government. Please Note: VISA REJECTION BY CONSULATES IS NOT COVERED UNDER THIS SCHEME Please note that we need the passport (in original) of each tour participant to be submitted to us along with the visa documents. The visa documents are available at our sales outlets or you can download them from our website which features within each itinerary. You would have to pay the documentation amount as mentioned in the table below. In the event of rejection of the UK / USA visas by the consulate at least 60 days prior to the date of departure an amount of actual visa fees plus Rs. 5000 per person towards your visa service fees and incidental administrative charges will be deducted. However, if this falls within the cancellation period, then in addition the cancellation policy will also apply. NOTE: Urgent Visas for Europe only shall be charged at an additional amount of Rs.1,000/- per person. However there is no guarantee that visa will be granted or given on time. Please note that all the documents for processing your visas should reach us latest 60 days prior to the date of departure of the tour. If you fail to submit the documents within the said time limit or if your booking is accepted within 45 days of the departure of the tour, you would have to pay urgent visa fees of Rs.1000 and if you are not granted the visa for any reason, the cancellation policy will apply. Please note that urgent visa fees do not guarantee the issuance of visas. During certain peak times, some visas may take a longer time to issue. Granting or rejecting visas is at the sole discretion of the respective consulate and the Company shall not be responsible / liable for the same. Apart from visa documentation which is available as stated above, please note that you will also be required to provide the following documentation. A) a. Copy of PAN card / Form 60 if payment of Rs. 20000 or more is made in cash. B. Cheque / Demand draft in the name of Cox amp Kings Ltd. c. Physically signed booking form by the traveller d. Physically signed Terms and Conditions form by the traveller. B) We would also require the following documents from you, under the Reserve Bank of India KYC Guidelines: e. Physically signed BTQ form by the traveller (Only for international travel) f. Signed Photocopy of the first 2 pages and last 2 pages of your passport. G. Valid Visa issued by the country of visit. h. Air Tickets i. Proof of Address by way of copies of Bills of utility services like Telephone Bill, Electricity Bill or Ration Card etc. If the utility bill that you are providing as proof of address is in the name of some other member of your family, with whom you are living and are closely related, then you would need to provide us such utility bill along with a declaration from the person named in such utility bill stating that you are a relative and are staying with him / her Note. Please note that respective destinations immigration can change on arrival VISA procedure at any time. All online payments that happen for any ofthe products booked via coxandkings . com site are secure. Cox amp Kings does not store the credit card details of any customer in their database or in any data backup system or retrieval systems. Once you are ready to transact you are transferred to the bank site. The card details are captured on the credit card site and not ours, hence we cannot be held responsible / liable for any misuse of credit card whatsoever. Please refer to the complete process under How to Book Online and How to Book Offline. 1. Online, you can pay by CREDIT CARD and transact directly on the site coxandkings. If part payment has been made by credit card, the balance payment can be made by credit card, debit card, netbanking, cheque, demand draft or cash as per the process listed under How to Book Online. 2. You can pay by CHEQUE / DEMAND DRAFT. The cheque / demand draft has to be deposited with any of the Cox amp Kings Offices or Franchisees or Agents. Once the payment is cleared, only then will confirmation be made and the documentation be released. The cancellation policy will apply if the payment is not cleared within the specified time. The cheque / demand draft has to be drawn in favor of Cox amp Kings Ltd. 3. You can pay your TRAVEL AGENT who would pay the Company on your behalf. IMPORTANT: Any payment made to your Travel Agent by you would not constitute payment to the Company until the same is remitted to the account of the Company and cleared. 4. If you are making a CASH PAYMENT above Rs. 20,000/- you would have to submit a copy of your PAN Card to us and an Income Tax declaration. NOTE: On payment of the booking amount and the documentation amount / full payment, you will receive an acknowledgement for the amount paid. For ONLINE bookings, on the website via credit card, you will be able to view the monies paid under the View Transaction listed on the site. You will have to pay all bank charges including charges relating to credit card / debit card / net banking / cheque / demand draft at the applicable rate in addition to the tour cost. The Company reserves the right to decline your booking / s for any Tour or to cancel your booking without assigning any reason. The Non Resident Indians (NRI) and Foreign Nationals are required to pay the entire tour cost in applicable foreign currency for the respective tour. In case of foreign exchange transactions, prevailing rate of exchange on the date of the transaction would be applicable. Please check your Invoice for the due date of your balance payments of the tour cost. This balance payment has to be made 45 days prior to departure date of the tour. If the booking is accepted within 45 days of the date of departure of the tour, the entire tour cost has to be paid upfront. A delay in payment of your tour cost (part payment or full payment) can result in a delay in issuing your air tickets, processing your visas and it would be considered as cancellation of your booking from your end and result in levy of the applicable Cancellation charges as per the cancellation schedule. The Company reserves the right to amend the prices published in this brochure and on the website and to charge accordingly in case of currency fluctuations, increase in cost of fuel, travel arrangements, special / high season charge levied by the suppliers, hike in any government taxes or any taxes or visa amounts and for any reason etc. before the date of departure. All such increases in price must be paid for in full before your departure. If your booking is not accepted by the company, the amount paid by you towards this booking would be refunded by the Company without any interest. Please note that in case of special offers, promotions or schemes additional terms and conditions of these offers, promotions or schemes will be applicable in addition to these terms and conditions. You will have to adhere to the payment schedule prescribed under such offers, promotions or schemes in order to be eligible to avail benefits under such offers, promotions or schemes. If you fail to make the payment by the due date and / or do not comply with all the terms and conditions of the offer, promotion or scheme you shall not be entitled to receive the benefit under such offer, promotion or scheme under any circumstances. For Duniya Dekho all services will be as per those specified / confirmed and will be paid for as per the Invoices and Service Voucher(s). A Service Voucher(s) is the written confirmation of your tour and entitles you to travel on the tour and must be presented by you to the Tour Manager or Service Provider as applicable. You will receive the Service Voucher(s) (with your air-tickets and train tickets, if applicable) approximately 2 to 5 days prior to departure, provided you adhere to the time schedule of documentation and payments in full. A delay in adhering to the above mentioned time frame would result in delay in issuing the documents for land arrangements, air tickets and arranging the visa / s / permits (if applicable) and may result in the cancellation of the Tour with applicable cancellation charges. No services will be provided if the Service Voucher in original is not in your possession. Important / emergency contact numbers are printed on the Service Vouchers and / or the briefing sheet provided to you. It is the Clients responsibility to check the Service Voucher(s) carefully and to let the concerned staff at the companys offices or Cox amp Kings Franchisees or PA (Preferred Agents) or the travel agent know immediately in the event of any error. In some cases, the Client would be handed his internal flight / train / hotel vouchers by the Tour Manager / representative of the Company on arrival at the holiday destination. It is entirely your responsibility to hold and carry on tour valid travel documents including your Passport, which must be valid for a period of at least six months or as applicable from the date of travel on the tour with all required visas and immigration clearance (if applicable), confirmed air tickets, documents confirming insurance to cover risk to life, limb and property for the duration of the tour, medical clearances, inoculation / vaccination certificates etc. as the case may be to be able to travel as per your tour itinerary. The costs of processing the above travel documents are not included in your Tour Cost. It is necessary for you to ensure that you have the appropriate passport, which is valid for at least six months or as applicable after the date of departure of your tour. Furthermore, you will be required to take the appropriate visas for going on the tour. We provide you visa guidance services for which we will charge you. Such charges may include not only the actual visa charge and costs incurred but also our service charge. Please note that UK and USA visas will have to be obtained by you directly however we may assist you in preparing and submitting the visa application based on documents provided by you. Even if you do not get your visa, you shall be liable to pay the applicable charges. If you already possess a visa or wish to do the visa / s on your own, you would be entitled only for the refund of actual visa / s cost and the portion of charges attributable to our service charges will still have to be paid by you. It is your responsibility to promptly furnish to us all documents required for application of your visas etc. latest 60 days before the departure date. It is your responsibility to properly fill in the visa application form. In fact, in the current scenario it would be far more prudent to furnish all documents at least four months before the departure date. Given the security concerns and the over-cautious approach adopted by embassies and consulates, visa processing can take quite long. Please note that we may receive documents submitted late but we are not responsible or liable for rejection or non-receipt of visas due to inadequate or late submissions. You are required to furnish only genuine and valid documentation. Granting / rejection of visas is the sole discretion of embassy / consulate. We only act as a facilitator for obtaining visas. You may be required to appear personally before the embassy / consulate for any interview(s) / providing biometrics. The Company shall under no circumstances be held liable for such rejection of visas and any other incidental or consequential loss, damage, cost or expense etc. Expressly on the aforesaid conditions, you have approached the Company for obtaining visas. We would not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for any clerical error made by the concerned embassy / consulate regarding the name, attachment of wrong photograph, duration and type of visa (single / multiple entry) or passport number etc. We always use services of reputed courier companies for the purpose of transmission of passports to the embassies / consulates and to our clients in various cities. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential caused due to transmission delays or loss of passport or documents in the course of transmission of documents by us to the embassy or to you or in the course of transmission of documents by the embassy / consulate to us. We would however, make best attempts to trace your documents or assist you in obtaining alternative / certified copies of the lost documents. If you are unable to travel on the tour originally booked by you because either you could not get your visa in time or due to an error of the part of the embassy / consulate, an incorrect visa is issued to you, you shall have the option to postpone your tour to any other future date or transfer your tour to any other tour and in such case the amendment fee for the same shall apply, in addition to cancellation charges. Terms amp Conditions shall apply. Please note that if the rejection of visa is intimated by the embassy / consulate within the cancellation period specified in the section titled CANCELLATION OF BOOKING BY YOU then the cancellation charges as appearing in that section would apply. Please further note that for the purpose of ascertaining the applicable cancellation rates, the cancellation would be deemed to have been made on the date we receive intimation of visa rejection from the consulate / embassy. Should you choose to re-apply after visa rejection, then you shall do so at your own risk and cost. If the visa is rejected a second time, the applicable cancellation rates shall be based on the date of receipt of intimation of the rejection of second visa application and so the charges will be much higher than the rates which would have applied on the first rejection. Should we not receive any intimation from the consulate / embassy either accepting or rejecting a visa application before the departure date of your tour, the maximum cancellation charges shall apply. It is made clear that the cancellation charges shall apply in addition to the retention of visa service charges. Your travel insurance policy is an add on benefit to the Trawelltag / Assist product, which is included in our tour package. You are therefore, entitled to travel with an Overseas travel insurance cover for the normal duration of the tour. All passengers up to the age of 70 years are covered under the insurance policy. All the passengers above the age of 70 years have to undergo medical tests as stipulated by the insurance company after which the policies are issued. Pre - existing diseases are not covered under this insurance policy. An additional charge will be levied if you wish to extend the tour for longer than the normal tour duration. If any adventure sports are included in the tour package, you shall avail of the same at your own risk having regard to your medical condition. We shall not be liable for any death, injury or other loss due to your participation in such adventure sports, and any release form that you may be required to sign by such person / service provider / club / association / organization / hobbyist / institution will be binding. Please take note that, in case of death of tourist(s) all the arrangements for transportation of the dead body including procuring the death certificate, post - mortem, re - patriation of dead body and all personal effects / property and insurance claims etc. shall be made by accompanying relative and / or accompanying known acquaintances of the deceased. Company shall not be responsible for extending any help for the same. The entire expenses shall be borne by the accompanying relative and / or accompanying known acquaintances of the tourist. The Company or any tour leader shall not be responsible for the same. In case any of the relatives wants to visit the country where the tourist has expired, all the necessary arrangements shall be made by the said relatives only at his / her cost. Please note that you would have a direct contractual relation with the insurer and we are not in any manner directly connected with this relationship. You shall directly submit claims to your Insurance Company. The Insurance Company shall directly pay the settlement amounts to you and any dispute in regard to rejection of claim or adequacy of settlement amount shall be settled by you directly with the Insurance Company. As per the present RBI Regulations, all resident Indians holding Indian passports are entitled to an amount not exceeding USD 10,000 or its equivalent per person, in one financial year for one or more private visits under the Basic Travel Quota. All individuals holding valid Passport, travelling on business are entitled to seek USD 25,000 or its equivalent Foreign Currency for every visit. Individuals are entitled to combine the BTQ and Business Travel quota for their visit abroad. To confirm The US Dollar cash limit for any single visit cannot exceed a maximum of USD 3000 or its equivalent. You will pay the total tour amount in Indian Rupees to Cox amp Kings Limited in favor of Cox amp Kings Ltd along with the completed and signed BTQ Form and other documents which will be required by us for release of the Foreign Exchange towards the cost of the tour. Please see DOCUMENTATION section for documents which have to be provided under KYC norms published by the Reserve Bank of India. It is recommended that the Client should avail the foreign exchange component of the tour cost from the Company under their Basic Travel Quota entitlement. The balance amount of the BTQ after deducting your tour cost can be purchased by you towards your personal expenses while on tour. We recommend that you purchase your personal foreign exchange requirements from our Foreign Exchange Division. It is advisable to carry your foreign exchange partly in cash and partly in Travellers Cheques / Currency Card. In case of an amendment / cancellation, any new arrangements will be regarded as an entirely new booking and will be subject to availability and all requests must be made and then confirmed in writing and the Company reserves the right to make a charge of INR 1000 each time a change or amendment is made to a confirmed booking at the Clients request. Please note that in case the amendment request is made within the cancellation period, cancellation charges will also apply as if cancellation was effected on the day the request for amendment is made. The cancellation charges will be in addition to the amendment fee. Terms amp Conditions apply. Duniya Dekho is the Package Tour brand for our group escorted tours and the Company holds airline seats as a group for its passengers on the date of published departures from India and return reservations to India after the tour. Any changes in the departure date or return date is purely subject to availability. If you wish to travel in advance or return at a later date after the tour ends and are travelling on an air ticket issued by Cox amp Kings, then you must pay the applicable difference between the group airfare within the package holiday tour cost and the market airfare for the changed sector. The same will be quoted by the company to you on your request. Over and above this you are also required to pay an Airline Seat Rebooking and Reservation Fee of Rs. 5,000/- or amount as applicable per person per sector, per change depending on the airline (subject to availability of seats and ticket validity). NOTE . You will not be able to avail of the group transfers and accordingly you will have to make your own way to meet up with the group on arrival and / or to your next destination when your tour ends. It is absolutely necessary to have your return air seats to India confirmed prior to your departure from India. If you wish to change the date of your return journey after departure from India, you will have to pay a Change in Reservation Fee if any, directly to the airline, subject to availability of seats in the same booking class. This fee may range between USD 75 to USD 200 or more per person and we will not be responsible for the same. Terms and Conditions shall apply. Though you may receive a confirmed air ticket for a particular sector, due to over booking of seats the airline may offload passengers and accommodate them on a subsequent flight for which we will not be responsible / liable. As you are booked on a group fare ticket, please note that seat allotment will be done only when you physically report at the airport check in counter. You are advised to report at the airport check in counter at least 3 to 4 hours prior to the departure time. Seat allocation is a matter of airlines discretion and availability of seats which is not in the control of Cox amp Kings. Hence Cox amp Kings shall not be held responsible / liable if you do not get seats together or do not get your preferred seats. NOTE: In case you are returning on a later date after the tour ends, the responsibility to re-confirm air tickets 72 hours prior to the departure would be solely yours. A request in writing for transfer from one tour to another 45 days prior to the departure will be treated as cancellation on that tour and a fresh booking on another. In these cases, a transfer Fee of Rs.5,000/- per person will be applicable in addition to the costs for re-processing your visas, medical insurance and air tickets etc due to the transfer to another tour. In case you transfer within the cancellation period, then the cancellation policy will also apply. Terms amp Conditions shall apply. Pre / post tour accommodation / add on packages or extensions etc. are available to you at special rates. You must ensure that you request your Travel Agent for the same at the time of booking your tour. If you wish to cancel your tour, you must intimate the Company as follows provided that such intimation should be given on a working day within working hours: 1. By fax at 91 22 2270 9161 followed by a written communication to our Registered Office listed below OR 2. By email to contactuscoxandkings . com followed by a written communication to our Registered Office listed below OR 3. In writing on working days within working hours at the Registered Office of the Company: Cox amp Kings Ltd, Customer Service, Duniya Dekho, Turner Morrison Building, 16 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India If the Booking Form has been signed by one or more persons for themselves and for others mentioned in the form, then the communication signed by such signatory / s would be treated as a valid communication for cancellation for all such persons mentioned in the form. Similarly if your Travel Agent cancels, it will be deemed and construed that all the clients and you are in agreement with the same. The computation of the period of notice of cancellation shall commence only from the time the written request reaches the Company at its office in Mumbai on working days within office time at the details listed above. In case of cancellation, the following cancellation charges shall apply:GST of 12.36 applicable over and above all mentioned charges GST of 12.36 applicable over and above all mentioned charges It is a clear understanding between the parties that for the purpose of this clause cancellation can be due to any reason whatsoever including the reason of inability to participate due to any reason including illness, death, court orders, nonavailability of travel documents etc. The Company shall not be liable to pay any compensation, interest or damages to you. As per the booking conditions, we are constrained to levy the aforesaid Cancellation Charges in addition to the actual expenditure incurred towards visa, travel insurance, retention charges by overseas supplier etc. You expressly agree to and accept the foregoing clause. We reserve the right to cancel any tour prior to departure without assigning any reason. In such a situation we would offer you alternative tour dates / tours or you would have the option of traveling as individual travellers or on group tours. If the alternative date / tour is not acceptable or you do not wish to travel as individual travellers, we would refund the money paid by you without interest after deducting the visa costs, insurance and any other cost incurred by us on your behalf. However, we would not be responsible or liable to pay any compensation or damages or consequential loss or to refund any other expenses incurred by you. However, in the event of the Company exercising its rights to amend or alter any tour / holiday advertised in their Brochure / itinerary after it has been booked but prior to departure, you shall have the option to continue with the tour / holiday as amended or altered or to accept any alternative tour / holiday, which the Company may offer. In either of these above cases the Company shall not be liable to you for any damage, additional expenses, consequential loss / damage etc. suffered by you or to pay any amount as refund. If the tour or any part thereof cannot be conducted due to Force Majeure or Vis Majeure, the Company shall not be responsible / liable to offer any refund to you. However, at its sole discretion, the Company may give the refund based on various factors such as the number of participants, the cancellation policies of suppliers like hoteliers, coach operators, etc. and the decision of the Company on the quantum of refund shall be final and binding upon you. It would take at least 45 days to process the refund (if due). It is clearly understood that there shall be no refund whatsoever if the Client does not or cannot utilize any of the services like hotels, sightseeing, rides, cruises, meals, entrance fees, optionals etc. due to any reason whatsoever. The above conditions would apply to clients who book on Duniya Dekho Tours, Luxury Escapades Group Tours, Anand Yatra, Gaurav Yatra, Instant Holidays and all Adhoc Groups or any promotions operated by the company from time to time. Book your Tour on our Travel Now Pay Later option by paying for your holidays in convenient monthly installments. This is also subject to the lenders terms and conditions. This scheme is available to citizens of India between the age of 25 and 60 years, self - employed or having salary income. You must be a resident of the city selected by you from the list below. The scheme is available in limited number of cities only. Just call our offices for information on your selected holiday destination, travel documentation and details of the option. Tick the option of installments in the Booking Form and pay a booking amount and choose the EMI plan from 12, 24 or 36 months that suits you for your balance payments. You could even pay part of the tour price up front and avail the EMI plan for the balance. Our executives will do all documentation with the EMI plan right from the pick up of your application form and EMI cheques after approval. This documentation includes a declaration to be given by the traveller in the prescribed format. Your contact details will be forwarded to the bank and the bank executive will answer all the queries relating to the loan scheme and advise you on the final status of your loan. Once approved, the loan cheque would be issued in our name. We also have an EMI plan for senior employees of select companies and persons with good payment history on their credit card, car loan, home loan or personal loan. Since your visa, ticket, insurance and the foreign exchange for your tour can be arranged only after the bank approves your EMI plan, you will be required to cooperate with them in the early completion of the EMI plan documentation, so that the approval is received by us within 6 days of your enquiry or booking. Where your sanctioned EMI plan also covers the full foreign currency portion of the tour price, you need not pay for it separately but hand over all the documents as per RBI rules viz. uma. Physically signed BTQ form by the traveller (Only for international travel) b. Signed Photocopy of the first 2 pages and last 2 pages of your passport. C. Valid Visa issued by the country of visit. D. Air Tickets e. Proof of Address by way of copies of Bills of utility services like Telephone Bill, Electricity Bill or Ration Card etc. If the utility bill that you are providing as proof of address is in the name of some other member of your family, with whom you are living and are closely related, then you would need to provide us such utility bill along with a declaration from the person named in such utility bill stating that you are a relative and are staying with him / her Also, you would need to provide us the following documents: f. Physically signed booking form by the traveller g. Physically signed Terms and Conditions form by the traveller. Where you have either opted for or have been sanctioned the EMI plan only for part of the tour price, the balance INR or foreign currency of the tour price should be paid directly to us before departure as per the payment schedule. Please note that it is the discretion of the bank to determine the quantum of loan for which you will be eligible based on your documentation and other relevant factors and all the terms and conditions of the same shall be binding upon you. Delay in your complying with banks requirements or EMI plan documentation beyond 21 days from booking could result in cancellation of your booking and forfeiture of your booking amount. If your EMI plan is not approved for any reason, you can still travel by paying up the entire tour price up front thereby avoiding any cancellation charges. In case of cancellation of your tour, the provisions relating to cancellation charges would apply as per the time frame prescribed under the cancellation clause. You will have a direct relation with the bank. Please note that our role is limited to co-ordination with the banks on your behalf. Granting or rejecting of the loan application shall be the sole prerogative of the concerned bank. As to the interpretation of the aforesaid terms and conditions, the decision of Cox amp Kings shall be final and binding upon you. The aforesaid terms and conditions shall be subject to Mumbai jurisdiction. We reserve our right to alter the terms amp conditions any time without any prior notice. This How to Book document is subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction. In the terms and conditions set out in this document, the following terms shall, unless contrary to the context, have the meaning specified. You means the person / s in whose name and / or whose behalf the Booking is made. Alternatively, the reference may be made in the third person as Tour Participant / They / Client / Them / His / Her. We / Us / Company means Cox amp Kings Limited. Infant / Child mean respectively a person below the age of two years and a person more than the age of two and below the age of twelve years. Contractor / Supplier means supplier of any infrastructural facility and shall include hotel managements, airlines, caterers, restaurants, places of entertainment like theme parks, museums, art galleries etc shipping company, railway, ferry, cruise, coach who are to provide the services to the Client. Tour Cost means the tour cost mentioned in the Price Grid / brochures / online and other payments such as taxes, surcharges etc payable by the client to the Company Brochure means printed brochure, Website, itinerary, leaflets, booklet, Price Grid. Website means coxandkings . Web pages means pages on the Website coxandkings Cancellation Policy means and includes all the cancellation charges levied by the company from time to time, third party cancellation charges etc. as more particularly described hereinbelow or any other documents. Duniya Dekho means and includes all tours namely Gaurav Yatra tours, Anand Yatra tours but is not limited to Duniya Dekho Escorted tours, Duniya Dekho Group tours, Instant Holidays etc. Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions and includes the How to Book Rules, Booking Form, Web Pages, Brochure, Price Grid, Itinerary, Promotion Booklet and other documents as may be notified from time to timeWe take reasonable care in preparing the brochure, price grid, web pages and other documents and in describing the services therein. However, we are not liable for any typographical / printing errors. Furthermore, brochures may be printed several months in advance and the content may not always be fully updated. We therefore ask you to confirm the current information by contacting us. Please note that the itinerary may have changed. The products and services displayed may have changed. The photos of meals / sightseeing / properties are for reference only and may differ from the actual meals / sights. Distance between places and temperatures are approximate and can change depending on travel, road conditions and climatic changes. Hotels may have to be booked far off from the central place. We reserve the right to alter, amend, change or modify the tour package and itineraries before or during the tour. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you promptly of such changes / events sufficiently in advance during booking or prior to departure of the tour. If such changes / events occur during the tour, our tour manager or local representative will inform you of the changes on the spot and we solicit your full co - operation in accepting such circumstantial changes. Therefore, no grievance regarding any itinerary / service change which we are constrained to make, will be entertained from the tour participants during or after the tour. Please note that promotional offers may have different terms and conditions which will be in addition to these terms and conditions and the requirements of the booking deposits, payments, deadlines and mode of payment may be defined in such promotions which will be over and above these terms and conditions. Such changes may be necessitated due to factors beyond our control such as Force Majeure events, strikes, fairs, festivals, sport events, weather conditions, traffic problems, overbooking of hotels / flights, cancellation / re-routing of flights or railway, closure of / restricted entry at a place of sightseeing etc. Generally, we try to avoid dates when big Fairs, Exhibitions, Olympics etc. and other events are held in certain cities as hotels are fully booked several years ahead. If you have to travel on such dates, you may have to stay in alternate hotels or hotels in other cities. Due to airlines requirements the points of entry and exit in a country may change. We may operate more than one coach per departure date and may for convenience reverse the direction or amend the itinerary. Change in itinerary may also be required or necessitated on account of actions, inactions, defaults or condition of tour participants in the group. We will make reasonable efforts to keep the overall package of services unchanged. However, we shall not be liable to refund any amount or pay any compensation / damages on account of any change in itinerary. Please read carefully and understand the contents of the Tour Brochure / itinerary, the Terms and Conditions, How to Book Rules, Price Grid and such other documents as may be applicable, as all these will form part of your contract with us once you effect the booking. To effect the booking, we may require you to sign the Booking Form and such other documents as we may deem fit including (without limitation) the Terms amp Conditions, How to Book rules and Price Grid (collectively Booking Documents). Upon executing the Booking Documents and on payment of the prescribed nonrefundable interest-free booking amount, a binding contract shall come into existence. We advise you to ensure, before making a booking, that you have and / or you will be able to provide all the required valid and genuine documents and your professional qualifications to enable you to apply for visa, insurance etc. Please go through our web site and check from our staff to ascertain the required documentation. Please note that guests other than tourist are not to be invited on tour by any tourist and they are not allowed to use any of the services of the tour. In the event you are booking through us a tour / travel service of any third party operators like Insight Vacations, Star Cruise etc, the terms and conditions of such third party operators, including their payment schedule, cancellation, refund etc shall be applicable to you in addition to these Terms and Conditions. You can purchase our services from our sales outlets, agents or franchises. In the alternative, you can register and book your tour / services online through our website. Our website provides the facility of making online booking of tours and services. However, we cannot give any guarantee or warranty with respect to the website bookingengine which could malfunction due to well-known reasons including software or network errors. We have incorporated all modern protection technologies to ensure that information concerning you or your payments is kept secure and confidential. It is made clear that the online booking shall be effective once you confirm the terms and conditions, as follows. During the course of online booking on our website, you will have the opportunity to go through our terms and conditions and privacy policy, which are displayed on our website and which you will need to confirm and accept in the course of booking online. Further, you will also need to send us a hard copy of the said signed Terms and Conditions confirming that you have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions and other applicable documents including Brochure and / or, Itinerary and / or Price Grid and / or promotion booklet etc. We would also require a copy of the first two pages and last two pages of your passport which show the date of your passport, place and date of issue and expiry, amongst other documentation. Please see under the documentation section for the list. The Company reserves the right to decline to register any person / s for any tour or to cancel their registration without assigning any reason. In case of one or more but not all tour participants named in the Booking Form sign the Booking Documents, it shall be deemed that the signatories have been duly authorized by all such tour participants to sign on their behalf assuming full responsibility and accordingly it shall be deemed that all such tour participants have signed the booking documents. Where tour participants are booking through a travel agent, if such travel agent signs the Booking Documents, it shall be deemed that such signature is for and on behalf of all the tour participants named in the Booking Form assuming full responsibility. It shall be deemed and construed that all such tour participants have duly authorized the said travel agent to sign the Booking Documents on their behalf. Our international escorted group tours are sold under the brand

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