Chicmag é um blog de estilo limpo para blogueiros de estilo de vida, blogueiros de moda e pessoas criativas que gostam de escrever. Nós construímos o Chicmag como um modelo de blogger de fluido, fluido e super fluido. Facilitamos que os visitantes visitem o conteúdo do seu blog, por isso passam mais tempo a apreciar os seus artigos, o que os deixa com vontade de voltar para mais. Chicmag também é muito fácil de personalizar, manter e usar em uma base diária. Chicmag é um 8220no barulho, nenhum tema muss8221, para que você possa se concentrar na coisa mais importante, criando conteúdo envolvente Adota projeto totalmente responsivo que ficará deslumbrante em qualquer dispositivo. Este modelo é SEO-pronto e fornece uma plataforma grande para conseguir rankings super elevados do Search Engine para seu Web site. Criamos este tema com o pensamento de satisfazer todas as necessidades e desejos que um usuário teria. Seu vem com dois Layout - com lista simples, com carrossel em destaque (e você vai ter ambos design ao custo do único modelo). A documentação / instruções como a forma de usar o modelo é dado aqui que irá guiá-lo através de todo o modelo como a configuração ou alterar qualquer coisa: Clique aqui para documentação Características de ChicMag Estilo de vida Personal Blogger Modelo: Totalmente Responsive Design - Check Totalmente SEO Optimized - Verifique o Mobile Friendly Design - Verifique Novo - Mega Menu Suporte Youtube thumbnail Avançado Search Engine Optimization Auto redimensionar imagem em miniatura Tabbed Menu Bem Online Documentação Random posts Comentários Recentes Comentário comentado Sistema de comentários múltiplos Recent Post By Label Custom Error 404 Página Modelos de notícias do Blogger Compatível com os principais navegadores (IE8, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) Layout de administração profissional, ajudá-lo a trabalhar fácil com o layout do blog. Chicmag Tema Serviço de Instalação: Nosso serviço de instalação dá-lhe uma maneira simples, rápida e segura de obter o seu modelo de configuração sem aborrecimentos. Criamos um pacote de serviços que oferece tudo o que você precisa para ter seu tema e sua configuração de conteúdo em nenhum momento. Vou instalar o seu Tema do Blogger da maneira certa O meu serviço inclui: - Instalação do seu Tema do Blogger. - Personalização do seu tema como a aparência exata do site de demonstração. - Instalação dos seus widgets padrão do Theme. - Instalação do seu conteúdo de Demo Temas. - Personalização do seu tema como o site de demonstração. - Suporte Amigável aos Peritos. Nota: É proibido remover o link de crédito devido à eliminação dos links de crédito fará seu blog para redirecionar Nosso site. Para aqueles que querem remover pode comprar a versão completa. Nota: Se você tornar seu blog privado, então este modelo não funciona. Suporte: Nós escrevemos um guia muito detalhado e claro para ajudá-lo a trabalhar com facilidade com ChicMag Fashion Lifestyle Personal Blogger Template. Mas se você tiver alguma dúvida, por favor, sinta-se livre para perguntar no nosso sistema de comentários, we8217ll responder suas perguntas imediatamente se você tem mesmo GMT comigo (GMT 5,30). Nota: Os compradores da Versão Premium receberão garantia de suporte antecipado e vitalício. Flexmag é um Blog Blog Blogger modelo de estilo de vida, moda, jogos, alimentos, blogs, saúde, esportes, viagens tecnologia, negócios ou sites de entretenimento. Adota o projeto inteiramente responsivo que olhará stunning em todo o dispositivo. Este modelo é SEO-pronto e fornece uma plataforma grande para conseguir rankings super elevados do Search Engine para seu Web site. Criamos este tema com o pensamento de satisfazer todas as necessidades e desejos que um usuário teria. Sua vem com dois Layout - com estilo de lista, com grade em destaque. A documentação / instruções como a forma de usar o modelo é dado aqui que irá guiá-lo através de todo o modelo como a configuração ou alterar qualquer coisa: Clique aqui para documentação Características de FlexMag Responsive Blog Blog Blogger Template: Totalmente Responsive Design - Check Totalmente SEO Optimized - Verifique o Mobile Friendly Design - Verifique Novo - Mega Menu Suporte Youtube thumbnail Avançado Search Engine Optimization Auto redimensionar imagem em miniatura Tabbed Menu Bem Online Documentação Random posts Comentários Recentes Comentário comentado Sistema de comentários múltiplos Recent Post By Label Custom Error 404 Página Modelos de notícias do Blogger Compatível com os principais navegadores (IE8, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) Layout de administração profissional, ajudá-lo a trabalhar fácil com o layout do blog. Serviço de instalação do tema Flexmag: Nosso serviço de instalação fornece uma maneira simples, rápida e segura de obter sua configuração de modelo sem problemas. Criamos um pacote de serviços que oferece tudo o que você precisa para ter seu tema e sua configuração de conteúdo em nenhum momento. Vou instalar o seu Tema do Blogger da maneira certa O meu serviço inclui: - Instalação do seu Tema do Blogger. - Personalização do seu tema como a aparência exata do site de demonstração. - Instalação dos seus widgets padrão do Theme. - Instalação do seu conteúdo de Demo Temas. - Personalização do seu tema como o site de demonstração. - Suporte Amigável aos Peritos. Nota: É proibido remover o link de crédito devido à eliminação dos links de crédito fará seu blog para redirecionar Nosso site. Para aqueles que querem remover pode comprar a versão completa. Nota: Se você tornar seu blog privado, então este modelo não funciona. Suporte: Nós escrevemos um guia muito detalhado e claro para ajudá-lo a trabalhar com facilidade com FlexMag Responsive Blogger Template. Mas se você tiver alguma dúvida, por favor, sinta-se livre para perguntar no nosso sistema de comentários, we8217ll responder suas perguntas imediatamente se você tem mesmo GMT comigo (GMT 5,30). Nota: Os compradores da Versão Premium receberão garantia de suporte antecipado e vitalício. Nanopress é um simples, fácil de usar, rico em recursos, de carregamento rápido, personalizável, funcional e moderno Blogger notícias, jornal, revista, blog e modelo de publicação Blogger. Este modelo é totalmente responsivo, se encaixa qualquer tamanho de exibição de menor a maior resoluções e suporta todos os navegadores modernos. Este modelo é SEO-pronto e fornece uma plataforma grande para conseguir rankings super elevados do Search Engine para seu Web site. Este tema tem uma nova característica - estado do tempo. Seu vem com dois Layout - com Slider, com grade em destaque. A documentação / instruções sobre como usar o modelo é dada aqui que irá guiá-lo através de todo o modelo como como configurar ou alterar qualquer coisa: Clique aqui para Documentação Características de Nanopress Responsive Notícias / Revista Blogger Modelo: Totalmente Responsive Design - Check Fully SEO Otimizado - Verifique o Mobile Friendly Design - Verifique o Google Testing Tool Validator - Verifique Novo - Weather widget Suporte Youtube thumbnail Advance Search Engine Optimization Auto resize thumbnail image Menu com abas Bem Online Documentação Random posts Comentários Recentes Comentário Roscado Comentário Anúncios Ready Auto Imagem do autor Assinatura do boletim informativo Erro personalizado 404 Página Modelos de notícias do Blogger Compatível com os principais navegadores (IE8, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) O layout de administração profissional facilita o trabalho com o layout do blog. Nanopress Tema Serviço de instalação: Nosso serviço de instalação dá-lhe uma maneira simples, rápida e segura de obter o seu modelo de configuração sem aborrecimentos. Criamos um pacote de serviços que oferece tudo o que você precisa para ter seu tema e sua configuração de conteúdo em nenhum momento. Vou instalar o seu Tema do Blogger da maneira certa O meu serviço inclui: - Instalação do seu Tema do Blogger. - Personalização do seu tema como a aparência exata do site de demonstração. - Instalação dos seus widgets padrão do Theme. - Instalação do seu conteúdo de Demo Temas. - Personalização do seu tema como o site de demonstração. - Suporte Amigável aos Peritos. Nota: É proibido remover o link de crédito devido à eliminação dos links de crédito fará seu blog para redirecionar Nosso site. Para aqueles que querem remover pode comprar a versão completa. Imp: Se você fizer seu blog privado, então este modelo não funciona. Nota: Os compradores da Versão Premium receberão garantia de suporte antecipado e vitalício. Rosemary é um modelo Multipurpose Clean Minimal Blogger com design de luxo, adaptado para ser excepcional em todos os tipos de blogs. É uma escolha perfeita para o seu layout minimalista blog, blog pessoal. Blog de beleza, Blog de moda, blog OOTD, blog de autoridade ou qualquer tipo de blog criativo ou revista simples. Tem um design responsivo que significa que seu conteúdo será exibido lindamente em todos os dispositivos móveis. Se você está procurando modelo blogger minimalista, então esta é a melhor opção para você. Sua vem com três Layout - Moda, Beleza, Mínimo. A documentação / instruções sobre como usar o modelo é dada aqui que irá guiá-lo através de todo o modelo como como configurar ou alterar qualquer coisa: Clique aqui para documentação Características do Rosemary Minimal Responsive Blogger Modelo: Design Totalmente Responsável Advance Search Engine Optimization Pin it Button on images widget Instagram Widget Pinterest Auto resize thumbnail image Bem Comentário Comentário Post recente por Label Posts relacionados support Anúncios Ready Auto Imagem do autor Newsletter Subscription Erro personalizado 404 Página Estilo minimalista Compatível com os principais navegadores (IE8, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) Professional admin Layout, ajudá-lo a trabalhar com facilidade com layout do blog. Rosemary - Serviço de Instalação Mínimo Tema: Nosso serviço de Instalação fornece uma maneira simples, rápida e segura de obter sua configuração de modelo sem problemas. Criamos um pacote de serviços que oferece tudo o que você precisa para ter seu tema e sua configuração de conteúdo em nenhum momento. Vou instalar o seu Tema do Blogger da maneira certa O meu serviço inclui: - Instalação do seu Tema do Blogger. - Personalização do seu tema como a aparência exata do site de demonstração. - Instalação dos seus widgets padrão do Theme. - Instalação do seu conteúdo de Demo Temas. - Personalização do seu tema como o site de demonstração. - Suporte Amigável aos Peritos. Nota: Este serviço não inclui a adição de novos recursos. Depois de adquirir este serviço. Deixe-nos saber aqui. Nota: É proibido remover o link de crédito devido à eliminação dos links de crédito fará seu blog para redirecionar Nosso site. Para aqueles que querem remover pode comprar a versão completa. Suporte: Nós escrevemos um guia muito detalhado e claro para ajudá-lo a trabalhar com o Template Minimal Responsive Blogger. Mas se você tiver alguma dúvida, por favor, sinta-se livre para perguntar no nosso sistema de comentários, we8217ll responder suas perguntas imediatamente se você tem mesmo GMT comigo (GMT 5,30). Nota: Os compradores da Versão Premium receberão garantia de suporte antecipado e vitalício. Olivia é um amp light minimalistic Blogger Template perfeito para bloggers lifestyle amp ampolas. Ele tem tantas características incríveis que vão fazer o seu blog ou revista se destacar entre outros. É uma escolha perfeita para o seu layout de blog Lifestyle, blog pessoal. Blog de nicho, blog de moda, blog de autoridade ou qualquer tipo de blog criativo ou revista simples. Tem um design responsivo que significa que seu conteúdo será exibido lindamente em todos os dispositivos móveis. Se você está procurando modelo blogger minimalista, então esta é a melhor opção para você. Seu vem com dois layout de projeto: 1. Com Light Header 2. Com Dark Header Novas Funcionalidades - Post Tempo de leitura, sistemas de comentários Múltiplos, Sem barra lateral / Barra lateral esquerda / barra lateral direita Opção A documentação / instruções sobre como usar o modelo é dada aqui Que irá guiá-lo através de todo o modelo como a forma de configuração ou alterar qualquer coisa: Clique aqui para documentação Recursos de Olivia Minimal Responsive Blogger Modelo: Design Totalmente Responsive - Verifique Mobile Friendly Design - Check Advance Search Engine Optimization Destaque Multi comentários sistemas Sem sidebar / Barra lateral esquerda / barra lateral direita Opção Instagram widget Auto redimensionamento thumbnail image Bem Comentário Comentário Post recente por Label Posts relacionados support Anúncios Ready Auto Imagem do autor Newsletter Subscription Erro personalizado 404 Página Estilo minimalista Compatível com os principais navegadores (IE8, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) Professional Admin layout, ajudá-lo a trabalhar com facilidade com o layout do blog. Olivia - Serviço de Instalação Mínimo Tema: Nosso serviço de Instalação oferece uma maneira simples, rápida e segura de obter sua configuração de modelo sem aborrecimentos. Criamos um pacote de serviços que oferece tudo o que você precisa para ter seu tema e sua configuração de conteúdo em nenhum momento. Instalarei o seu Tema do Blogger da forma certa O meu serviço inclui: - Instalação do seu Tema do Blogger. - Personalização do seu tema como a aparência exata do site de demonstração. - Instalação dos seus widgets padrão do Theme. - Instalação do seu conteúdo de Demo Temas. - Personalização do seu tema como o site de demonstração. - Suporte Amigável aos Peritos. Nota: Este serviço não inclui a adição de novos recursos. Depois de adquirir este serviço. Deixe-nos saber aqui. Nota: É proibido remover o link de crédito devido à eliminação dos links de crédito fará seu blog para redirecionar Nosso site. Para aqueles que querem remover pode comprar a versão completa. Nota: Os compradores da Versão Premium receberão garantia de suporte antecipado e vitalício. Claire é um blogueiro pessoal e profissional blogging tema. É um tema de blog light amp brilhante, adaptado para mostrar o seu conteúdo em um estilo sem esforço atemporal. Este modelo é muito flexível, fácil de personalizar e bem documentado, abordagens para uso pessoal Blog e profissional. Nós garantimos que, este é melhor Seo Optimized Blogger Template no mercado. Se você está procurando modelo blogger minimalista, então esta é a melhor opção para você. Características de Claire Personal amp Responsive Blogger Modelo: Fully Responsive Design - Check Totalmente SEO Optimized Google Testing Tool Validator - Verifique Mobile Friendly Design - Check Widget Widget Clean Typography Breadcrumbs Auto redimensionar thumbnail image Bem Comentário Discussão Comentário Postagens recentes Auto Author Image Assinatura do Boletim Informativo Erro Personalizado 404 Página Estilo Minimalista Destaque e Popular Opção Post Badge Compatível com os principais navegadores (IE8, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) Layout de administração profissional, ajudá-lo a trabalhar com facilidade com o layout do blog. Claire - Serviço de Instalação de Tema Pessoal: Nosso serviço de Instalação fornece uma maneira simples, rápida e segura de obter sua configuração de modelo sem problemas. Criamos um pacote de serviços que oferece tudo o que você precisa para ter seu tema e sua configuração de conteúdo em nenhum momento. Vou instalar o seu Tema do Blogger da maneira certa O meu serviço inclui: - Instalação do seu Tema do Blogger. - Personalização do seu tema como a aparência exata do site de demonstração. - Instalação dos seus widgets padrão do Theme. - Instalação do seu conteúdo de Demo Temas. - Personalização do seu tema como o site de demonstração. - Suporte Amigável aos Peritos. Nota: Este serviço não inclui a adição de novos recursos. Depois de adquirir este serviço. Deixe-nos saber aqui. Nota: É proibido remover o link de crédito devido à eliminação dos links de crédito fará seu blog para redirecionar Nosso site. Para aqueles que querem remover pode comprar a versão completa. Suporte: Nós escrevemos um guia muito detalhado e claro para ajudá-lo a trabalhar com facilidade com Claire Personal Clean amplificador Responsive Blogger Template. Mas se você tiver alguma dúvida, por favor, sinta-se livre para perguntar no nosso sistema de comentários, we8217ll responder suas perguntas imediatamente se você tem mesmo GMT comigo (GMT 5,30). Nota: Os compradores da Versão Premium receberão garantia de suporte antecipado e vitalício. Moldes perfeitos do Blogger e serviço incrível, muito obrigado pelo trabalho profissional e rápido. Eles colocaram tanto esforço em cada aspecto do tema. Adoro este tema. Eu gosto do Moviexpose Blogger Template porque eu posso personalizá-lo ainda mais para o meu desejo heart8217s, e além da equipe ThemeXpose é super útil Awesome Free Blogger Templates, super fácil de configurar. Apoio impressionante. Suporte é o que é tudo sobre. E Im feliz de dar-lhes 5 estrelas ea primeira revisão. Temos enorme sucesso com ThemeXpose Minimal Blogger Template em nosso site. Este tema geralmente mais específico e mais detalhado revista tema nunca. Trabalhar com o modelo Expose Blogger do ThemeXpose foi bastante simples e simples. A documentação foi muito útil. O suporte foi ótimo, também O Xpose Blogger Templates é fácil de comprar, instalar e configurar. As instruções de configuração foram boas. Suporte ao usuário foi ótimo Obrigado. Muito bom Blogger Templates, talvez o melhor de seu tipo. Deve ser um prémio Modelo, livre é apenas impressionante Um monte de recursos e um design muito limpo e bonito. Realmente, temos sido tão feliz com a nossa experiência com ThemeXpose. Suporte ao usuário foi ótimo Obrigado Ideal para produtores de conteúdo, como sites de notícias ou revistas, seu uso limpo do espaço, totalmente responsivo, organizado design torna um stand-out. Minimalista ainda powered com a última tendência, como design responsável. Globalmente, este tema me forneceu todas essas coisas tão ansioso para mais novos recursos e updates. No s porque, mas um amor capaz de permanecer no meio do caminho viendo desenhos animados sin parar. A oferta do TDT provoca que eu possa passar as tardes. Disfarce de episódios de 1 hora de Jelly Jamm. Youtube / watchvcIPO5. - - Suscrbete Aqu bit. ly. Si hay unas comiquitas navideas que esperamos con anhelo todos los a los dibujos animados de Rankin Bass o melhor disse os desenhos animados de. Em uma reunião de hoje, os acordes de alguns desenhos animados e séries de TV antigos que vêm nos finais dos anos 70 e durante. Este fim de semana passado em um prato de sorvete e um presente de presente para a série completa de remi e fervura lembrar mi infância quando. Disfarce de episódios de 1 hora de Jelly Jamm. Youtube / watchvcIPO5. - - Suscrbete Aqu bit. ly/1HHIdpm Disfarce da Coleção Jelly Jamm de 1 hora de duracin. Dibujos animados e caricaturas infantis para divertirte con Jelly Jamm. As compilações de Jelly Jamm filho um recopilatório de episódios para que você possa desfrutar de 1 hora de Jelly Jamm sin interrupcin. Episódios: 31. Os Mundos de Jammbo: 00:01 - 10:48 32. La Gran Estudiante: 10:49 - 21:32 33. El Pianista Inesperado: 21:33 - 32:18 34. Ultravisin: 32:19 - 42:56 35. Universo Rosa: 42:57 - 53:36 Outras Colecções: Colecção Bello: bit. ly/1J1U28z Colecção Rita: bit. ly/1J1U2W2 Colecção Mina: bit. ly/1JTmzxP Coleccin Goomo: bit. ly/ 1erHbBp Descubre ms sobre os desenhos animados de Jelly jamm en: WEB: jellyjamm APPS: bit. ly/1EY1Ghc FACEBOOK: facebook / JellyJammOff. GOOGLE: plus. google/JellyjammOfi. AMAZON: amzn. to/1M4VudY PINTEREST: es. pinterest / jellyjamm / Adems, pode desfrutar da msica da série infantil, um pilar fundamental da série para nios. La msica de Jelly Jamm foi escrito e compôs por Guille Milkyway, cantante de La Casa Azul. Adams, no canal oficial dos desenhos emendados em televisão pode encontrar a letra para o que é possível cantar as canções da série infantil em família. Si te ha gustado Pocoyo, Dora la Exploradora, Peppa Pig, o los dibujos de Disney, te gustar Jelly Jamm. Uma série dos mesmos criadores que o cautivar. Adams, estas caricaturas se emitem em televisão e em canais como Discovery kids, Televisa (Canal 5), Milkshake (Canal 5), Cartoonito, o Clan Television en TVE. Canções de Jelly Jamm em Latino: bit. ly/1KwKEMh Episódios da primeira temporada: bit. ly/1AvbiS8 Suscrbete nosso canal de YouTube Latino: bit. ly/1PJP7i3 Ms episodios de Jelly Jamm em castellano: bit. ly/1FiptHa, Url: youtube / watchvvvSBs4Y3rc, ogdescr: Disfruta de episódios de 1 hora de Jelly Jamm. Youtube / watchvcIPO5npXPPs - - Suscrbete Aqu bit. ly/1HHIdpm Disfrut. A maneira que as coisas vão Thomas Rhett Vídeo África informações de viagem. Este guia para viajar na África cobre o planeamento do safari, férias da família, fatos e pontas práticas, informação do país, negócios. Matt Gillie e Dan Emerson ainda estão em alta na vida agora. Sua apenas uma semana desde que abriu Gillersons Grubbery no centro Aurora. As últimas notícias e análises FX, taxas de moeda ao vivo, calendário forex e muito mais. Construído para o comerciante de forex ativo. A maneira como as coisas vão para o cinema Na pesquisa científica sobre o que torna os artigos ir viral, histórias divertidas foram compartilhadas com mais freqüência do que as menos divertidas. A temporada de basquete da faculdade está a menos de 100 dias de distância, então o Top 25 Way-Too-Early não é muito cedo mais. É hora de uma atualização e algum movimento. EVIDÊNCIAS. Evidência circunstancial. Inferência de fatos. Ministério Público v Liew Kim Choo 1997 2 SLR 443 7 2 Accomplice. Competente contra acusado. PROCESSO CIVIL. Distress. Recurso de indemnização por danos injustificados. Ginsin Holdings Pte Ltd v Tan Mui Khoon t / a Chan Eng Em breve Service amp Anor 1997 1 SLR 554 2 1. PROCEDIMENTO CIVIL Distress Ação por danos por perdas injustificadas Ginsin Holdings Pte Ltd v Tan Mui Khoon t / 1997 1 SLR 554 2 1 Juiz Desclassificação Lee Kuan Yew v Tang Liang Hong Anor e outras acções 1997 2 SLR 233 2 2 Serviço Fora da jurisdição Kishinchand Tiloomal Bhojwani v Sunil Kishinchand Bhojwani amp Anor 1997 2 SLR 682 2 3 Contra-reclamação Liu Wing Ngai t / a Kam Wah Engenharia de Ultrassom Co Lui Kok Wai t / a Almac Máquinas 1997 1 SLR 560 2 4 Ausência de partido Ordem de corte removendo advertência privada foi feita na ausência de caveator Lim Kim Chong amp Anor v Ng Boon Siew amp Anor Moção de Origem No 251389 2 5 Ausência do autor e do seu advogado Caso julgado Buga Singh v Koh Bon Keo 1967 1 MLJ 16 2 6 New India Assurance Co Ltd v Karam Singh 1972 2 MLJ 26 2 7 Ausência ausência de conselheiros, Kim Kiat amp Bros Realty Sdn Bhd v Leang Ah Kan 1983 1 MLJ 351 2 8 Ausência de procedimento Recurso de Aquisição de Terras (Apelações) Conselho Yap Suat Tee amp Ors v Coletor de Receita de Terras 1968 1 MLJ 306 2 9 Conta declarada Contas comuns Re Wan Ahmad Nasir, falecido Nuteh Rayfeyah v Ghows Khan 1935 MLJ 160 2 10 Ingredientes de Chan Hua Eng v Lim Beng Hui 1969 1 MLJ 29 2 11 Chee Bay Hoon v Tan Chong amp Sons Motor Co Ltd 1968 1 MLJ 167 2 12 Dinheiro depositado Sockalingam Chettiar V Palaniappa Chettiar 1935 MLJ 74 2 13 Defesa e contrária Palaniappa Chetty v Visvanathan Chetty 1925 6 FMSLR 5 2 14 Contas Ação para Aroozoo v Aroozoo 1937 MLJ 255 2 15 Juman Khan v Secretário Supremo Tribunal 1 JLR 52 2 16 Lalchand Nathermal v Kamaluddin Bin Maamor 1991 1 MLJ 380 2 17 Ação por dinheiro emprestado Chong Sin Kong v Ho Ming Nyong 1955 SCR 26 2 18 Beneficiário tendo hipotecado todo o seu interesse na propriedade Ewe Keok Neoh v Ng Aun Thye 1934 MLJ 23 2 19 Chargee entrou em posse Woon Foon Ho v Muthiah Chetty 1934 MLJ 121 2 20 Reivindicação Re Chop Cheong Tuck 1939 MLJ 185 2 21 Não apresentação de contas na audiência do caso Chong Sin Kong contra Ho Min Nyong 1955 SCR 26 2 22 Depósito de contas Yu Oi Yong amp Anor v Ho Toong Peng amp Ors 1977 1 MLJ 120 2 23 Contas de parceria Khoo Yah Hong v Khay Thye 1883 1 Ky 647 2 24 Soh Ah Suan v Ang Huat Chwee amp Anor 1937 MLJ 109 2 25 Diretor e agente Kee Ban Keat v Chop Siong Joo Cheong 1939 MLJ 97 2 27 Funcionários do Governo da Malásia Co-operative Housing Society Ltd contra United Asia Investment Ltd amp Ors 1972 1 MLJ 113 2 26 Ordem sumária de contabilidade Goh Say Hun v Ooi Chit Lee amp Anor 1994 2 SLR 268 2 28 Tomada de contas Goh Say Hun V Ooi Chit Lee, processo Anor no 1202, de 1987, e citação no processo n. ° 5906 de 1992 2 30 Tomada de contas do reponsável Re Kavena Hadjee Mohamed Yoosuf, fallecido em 1936 MLJ 97 2 31 Tomada de contas ordinária Khoo Hun Yeong v Khaw Joo Choe 1911 1 MC 15 2 32 Tomada de contas, reclamações envolvendo Joseph v Sayampanathan 1939 MLJ 240 2 29 Contas obrigatórias Obrigação da falência de produzir Re Ang Teck Say 1934 MLJ 25 2 33 Ação Abatement Chokalingam Chetty v Amin 1933-34 FMSLR 130 2 35 Chua Soo Lee amp Anor v Conselho Municipal de Cingapura 1967 2 MLJ 121 2 34 Acumulação de Sun Hing amp Co v Sun Cheong Minas de Estanho 1972 1 MLJ 273 2 36 Alien inimigo Van Hoogstraten v Baixo Lum Seng 1940 MLJ 138 2 37 Pedido de remoção de Caveat Woo Yok Wan v Loo Pek Chee 1975 1 MLJ 156 2 38 Aplicação para atacar a ação Ásia Finanças Commerical Bhd v Sri Rendangan Sdn Bhd Amp Ors Civil Suit N ° 23-505-86 2 39 Capacidade de processar Ng Tien amp Anor v Chow Nim Yam Civil Suit n. ° 390 de 1983 2 41 Ng Tien amp Anor v Chow Nim Yan Apelação Civil n. ° 02-207-89 2 40 Causa da acção Amir Farid Datuk Isahak v Abdul Rahman Abu Bakar e Anor Suit No D4-22-1164-89 2 48 Interfinance Bhd v Rei Shih Fan Suit Não KG 238 de 1987 2 47 Lim Hean Pin v Thean Seng Co Sdn Bhd Ors 1992 2 MLJ 10 2 46 Mat bin Lim amp Anor v Ho Yut Kam Anor amplificador 1967 1 MLJ 13 2 42 Roadstar-Anseah Investimentos Pte Ltd v Thian Hock Elétrica Sdn Bhd Código Não D2-22-282-87 2 43 Tan Cheng Chye amp Anor v Beng Teck Giap, Hensen 1990 2 MLJ xliii 2 44 Wong Ah Sing v Governo de Singapura amp Ors 1968 1 MLJ 1 2 45 Causas de acção separadas e distintas Hagemeyer Trading Co (Malásia) Sdn Bhd v Gibson Trading Co 1978 2 MLJ 101 2 49 Acção de cobrança Financeira Bhd árabe-malaiense Ahmed Abdul Rahman Processo Civil Não D32395188 2 50 Reivindicação de bens vendidos E entregue Esso Standard Malaya Bhd v Southern Cross Airways (Malásia) Bhd 1972 1 MLJ 168 2 51 Início Abdulmajid v Haji Abdulrazak 1971 2 MLJ 228 2 60 Haji Ismail bin Che Chik contra Comissário do Estado, Penang 1975 1 MLJ 271 2 53 Pesurohjaya Ibu Kota Kuala Lumpur v Administrador Público Ors 1971 2 MLJ 30 2 61 Re Coliseu Stand Car Service Ltd Abdul Khalik v Mohamed Jee Ors 1972 1 MLJ 109 2 55 Re União Nacional dos Trabalhadores Comerciais Wong Yoon Leong amp Ors v Balasingham amp Ors 1974 1 MLJ 172 2 57 Revertex Ltd amp Anor v Slim Rivertex Sdn Bhd e Ors 1991 1 MLJ 508 2 62 Sarawak Building Supplies Sdn Bhd v Director das Florestas e Ors 1991 1 MLJ 211 2 58 Seah Choon Chye v Saraswathy Devi 1971 1 MLJ 112 2 54 Syawal Enterprise Sdn Bhd Anor v Dayadiri Sdn Bhd 1990 3 MLJ 239 2 56 TN Metal Indústrias Sdn Bhd amp Ors v Ng Pyak Yeow 1996 4 MLJ 567 2 52 Tang Eng Ferro Works Co Ltd v Ting Ling Kiew amp Anor 1990 2 MLJ 440 2 59 Compromisso em processo existente e pendente NV Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (Royal Packet Navegação Co Ltd) v Yee Chang amp Co Ltd 1959 MLJ 97 2 64 Condição precedente KM Natersahib amp Anor v Meyer Irmãos 1940 MLJ 252 2 65 Pânico confuso M Pakiam v YP Devathanjam 1952 MLJ 58 2 66 Consolidação de ações Chin Yook Way v Loke Suat Choo Divórcio Petição nº 33-95-90 2 68 Daniel s / O D William v Luhat Wan amp Ors Luhat Wan v Serviços Sociais e de Bem-Estar Lotteries Board amp Ors 1990 2 MLJ 48 2 69 Del E Webb Internacional Hotel Co v Hotel Merlin Penang Sdn Bhd 1973 1 MLJ 31 2 71 Sykt Multi Wood (uma empresa) V Foosan Timber Industries Sdn Bhd Am. Anor Civil Suit Não KG 105 de 1983 2 70 Consolidação de fatos Edward Goh Geok Seng v Dunstan Dumpangol amp Ors (No 1) Processo Civil Não K346 de 1988 2 72 Goh Chok Tong v Jeyaretnam Joshua Benjamin 1997 2 SLR 679 2 67 Descontinuação de Ansa Teknik (M) Sdn BHD v Cygal Sdn Bhd 1989 2 MLJ 423 2 74 Desenvolvimento e Commercial Bank Bhd v Mohd Samsudin Shafie amp Ors Civil Suit N ° 488 de 1983 2 76 Overseas Union Finance Ltd v Lim Joo Chong 1971 2 MLJ 124 2 75 United Asian Bank Ltd v Balakrishnan (t / a Balakrishnan Restaurant) amp Ors 1992 1 MLJ 587 2 73 Indeferimento da acção Confiança Concrete Sdn Bhd v Shimizu-Peremba Sdn Bhd 1994 1 MLJ 465 2 83 New India Assurance Co Ltd v Karam Singh 1972 2 MLJ 26 2 80 Privilegi v Papathi Processo Civil Não 22-260-85 2 78 Raghaven a / l Kannan v Raja Motor amp Service (A Firm) 2 79 Ver Wan Chon v Chua Ka Bu 1990 2 MLJ 40 2 82 Te Cheng Hoi v Peh Im Kweng 1994 2 MLJ 547 2 81 Despedimento de processo por falta de acusação Mohd Hashim bin Alia v Meredith Coelho amp Ors 2 77 Muhamad Daud bin Hj Sharif amp Anor v Hong Leong Finanças Bhd Suit No 22-1106 -1985 2 84 Descarte de ação sem julgamento Atip bin Ali v Josephine Doris Nunis amp Anor 1987 1 MLJ 82 2 100 Banco Bumiputra Malásia Bhd amp Anor v Lorrain Esme Osman e Ors 1987 2 MLJ 633 2 103 CC Ng amp Brothers Sdn Bhd v Governo Do Estado de Pahang 1985 1 MLJ 347 2 102 China Seguros Co Ltd v Yeong Ah Lan Anor 1973 2 MLJ 185 2 85 Goh Bak Tun v Kuching Autoridade Portuária 1986 1 MLJ 408 2 96 Khoo Saw Ee Neoh v Cheah Leong Keah 1927 2 MC 115 2 92 Kuantan Kuala Lumpur Express Omnibus Co Ltd v Utama Express Sdn Bhd 1986 1 MLJ 192 2 101 Lim Gait Tong v Desenvolvimento da Terra Peninsular Bhd Anor 1982 1 MLJ 330 2 90 Lim Heng Hoo v Tan Hock Hai amp Ors 1974 1 MLJ 101 2 86 Mercantile Bank Ltd contra JP Pereira 1979 2 MLJ 1 2 91 Newacres Sdn Bhd contra Sri Alam Sdn Bhd Recurso Cível n ° 02-117-91 2 95 Palaniappan contra Ramanathan e Ors 1972 1 MLJ 227 2 93 Re Singapura Indústria de Souvenir (Pte) Ltd Dr HC Huang dan Rakan-Rakan v O liquidatário da Indústria de Lembrança de Cingapura (Pte) Ltd 1986 1 MLJ 14 2 94 Sidek bin Haji Muhamad amp Ors v O Governo do Estado de Perak amp Ors 1982 1 MLJ 313 2 99 Sim Leng Chua V JE Manghardt 1987 2 MLJ 153 2 98 Tanga Chuan Ching amp Anor v Toshiba Electrónica Malásia Sdn Bhd 1983 1 MLJ 254 2 87 Toh Hock Thye amp Ors v Toh Chwee Biow 1982 1 MLJ 152 2 89 Vasudevan v T Damodaran amp Anor 1981 2 MLJ 150 2 88 Veetak Enterprise Sdn Bhd v The Kuala Lumpur Finanças Bhd 1987 1 MLJ 407 2 97 Duplicidade de ações Lai Kim Loi v Datuk Lai Fook Kim Anor amplificador 1989 2 MLJ 290 2 105 Finanças Supremas (M) Bhd v Bukit Barat Desenvolvimento Sdn Bhd Amp Anor 1991 2 CLJ 1394 2 104 Ordem ex parte Dato Mak Kok amp Ors v Ver Keng Leong amp Ors 1990 1 CLJ 71 2 106 Tohtonku Sdn Bhd v Superace (M) Sdn Bhd 1989 2 MLJ 298 2 107 Formas e procedimentos Foo Yong Fong Amp Anor v R 1962 MLJ 156 2 108 Deixar de iniciar processos de falência Re Wee Chow Yong, ex parte Finanças Públicas Bhd 1989 3 MLJ 508 2 109 Deixar de intervir Kong Ming Banco Bhd v Kang Wah Construção Sdn Bhd amp Ors Yek Nai Liong amp Ors (Requerentes / Intervenientes) Processo No KG 197 de 1988 2 110 Prazo de Limitação Ban Guan Hin Realty Sdn Bhd v Ensolarado Yap Chiok Sai amp Ors 1989 1 MLJ 131 2 111 Rinya anak Kassi v Wong Sie Rei 1970 2 MLJ 82 2 113 Tay Ivy v Tay Joyce 1992 1 SLR 893 2 112 Acordo de empréstimo Kartar Singh v Pappa 1954 MLJ 193 2 114 Conflito Teng Yeng v Arunasalam Chettiar 1951 MLJ 123 2 115 Multiplicidade de ações Lyn País Sdn Bhd v EIC Vestuário Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1997 1 MLJ 198 2 116 Sivarajah amp Ors contra Yeoh Eng Huat Andrew e Ors 1994 3 MLJ 271 2 117 Aviso de intenção de proceder Panwell Investments Pte Ltd contra Lau Ee Theow 1995 3 SLR 137 2 118 Partido Haji Abdullah Ors v Ibrahim Ors 1965 2 MLJ 189 2 120 Fiduciário do Templo de Chettiar v Kehar Singh 1954 MLJ 18 2 119 Tratado privado Chung Khiaw Bank Ltd v Lau Ah Yen amp Anor 1989 2 MLJ 247 2 121 Recuperação de dinheiro pago Arsadet Ahmad v Doh Neng Chiang Processo Cível 384 de 1980 2 122 Recuperação de moneys secured by charge Citibank NA v Ibrahim bin Othman 1994 1 MLJ 608 2 123 Reinstatement of action Esa bin Sayon v Woon Kim Poh amp Anor 2 124 Res judicata Chua Wee Seng v Fazal Mohamed 1971 1 MLJ 106 2 125 Othman amp Anor v Mek 1972 2 MLJ 158 2 126 Striking out Abu Karim v Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd amp Anor 2 127 Suit against Registrar of Land Titles Tunas (Pte) Ltd v Mayer Investment Pte Ltd amp Ors 1989 2 MLJ 132 2 128 Suit against partners individually Krishnan v Abdul Razak amp Anor 1969 1 MLJ 43 2 129 Two actions in respect of same cause of action Bank of Canton Ltd v Dart Sum Timber (Pte) Ltd 1978 2 MLJ 5 2 130 Withdrawal of suit Abdul Kadir v Ismail Ganny Rowther amp Co 1931-32 FMSLR 94 2 131 Action in rem Injunction The Nagasaki Spirit Owners of Cargo Laden or Lately Laden on Board the Ship or Vessel Ocean Blessing v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Nagasaki Spirit (No 1) 1994 1 SLR 434 2 132 Adjournment Appeal against Insas Bhd amp Anor v Ayer Molek Rubber Co Bhd amp Ors 1995 2 MLJ 833 2 133 Application for Go Pak Hoong Tractor and Building Construction v Syarikat Pasir Perdana 1982 1 MLJ 77 2 135 Lee Ah Tee v Ong Tiow Pheng amp Ors 1984 1 MLJ 107 2 137 Re Dato Mohamed Pilus bin Yusoh, ex parte Southern Bank Bhd 1988 1 MLJ 536 2 136 Tan Pak v Cham Boon San amp other actions 1992 2 MLJ 271 2 134 Tan Pak v Cham Boon San amp other actions 1992 2 MLJ 271 2 138 Message by telegram that defendant sick and solicitor unable to catch plane Syarikat Pasir Perdana v Go Pak Hoong Tractor and Building Construction 1981 1 MLJ 314 2 139 Refusal Lee Ah Ba v Md Noor bin Ariffin amp Anor 1990 3 MLJ 169 2 140 Administration of estates Action for declaration Ooi Jim amp Anor v Ai Eit amp Ors 1977 2 MLJ 105 2 141 Appointment of representative Wong Moy (administratrix of the estate of Theng Chee Khim, deceased) v Soo Ah Choy 2 142 Discretion of probate officer Foo Sam Tek v Probate Officer, Simanggang 1960 -63 SCR 17 2 143 Eviction proceedings Teck Seng amp Co v William Eu Keng Yuet 1980 2 MLJ 115 2 144 Leave to begin proceedings against receiver appointed by court Re Haji Mohamed Eusoff, deceased Kok Su Win v Ng Koon Mee 1981 2 MLJ 77 2 145 Letter of administration Datin Peggy Lilian Taylor v Leong Yuet Yeng amp Anor 1985 2 MLJ 456 2 146 Letter of administration with schedule of property attached Khoo Kay Hock v EJ Ketting amp Ors 1978 2 MLJ 57 2 147 Sale of land belonging to estate Re the Estate of Tunku Mohamed Jewa Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid, deceased Tunku Ismail bin Tunku Mohamed Jewa amp Anor v Tunku Baharom bin Tunku Mohamed Jewa amp Ors 1982 2 MLJ 44 2 148 Admiralty Action in rem Keppel Corp Ltd v Chemical Bank 1994 1 SLR 346 2 156 The Benja Bhum Semco Salvage amp Marine Pte Ltd v Owners of and Other Persons Interested in the Ship or Vessel mv Benja Bhum 1994 1 SLR 88 2 155 The Brunei 602 Owners of Cargo Aboard MV v MV Hai Hin 28, Owners of, amp Anor 1984 1 MLJ 227 2 150 The El Aris et al Owners of the Vessel Pelopidas v Owners of the Vessels El Arish, Edco and El Tor 1994 1 SLR 419 2 154 The Fierbinti Romline SA Shipping Co v Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Ship or Vessel Fierbinti 1994 3 SLR 864 2 152 The Golden Petroleum Gronco Services v Owners and Other PersonsInterested in the ship Golden Petroleum 1994 1 SLR 92 2 149 The Trade Fair Lim amp Sons (Pte) Ltd v Owners of and Other Persons interested in the Ship or Vessel Trade Fair 1994 1 SLR 704 2 153 The Trade Fair Owners of the Ship or Vessel Trade Fair v Lim amp Sons (Pte) Ltd 1994 3 SLR 827 2 151 Admiralty jurisdiction of the High Court Ocean Gain Shipping Pte Ltd v Owner and/ or Charterer of Demise of Vessel Dong Nai Registered at Haiphong Port, Vietnam (The Dong Nai) 1996 4 MLJ 454 2 159 The Atlas Pride Alexander G Tsavliris amp Sons Maritime Co v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Atlas Pride Admiralty in Rem No 645 of 1992 2 158 The Permina 108 Owners of Permina 108 v Martropico Compania Naviera SA 1977 1 MLJ 49 2 157 Affidavit to lead warrant of arrest of vessel Dok-En Werf-Maatschappij Wilton-Fijenoord NV v The Owners of the Sauvereal 1972 2 MLJ 1 2 162 The Courageous Colocotronis EMJ Colocotronis amp Ors v European American Banking Corp amp Ors 1978 2 MLJ 184 2 160 The Hoe Lee Owners of Cargo Ex Kuala Kangsar v Owners of Hoe Lee 1970 1 MLJ 45 2 161 The Sri Melati Palka Utama Shipping Co Ltd v Sri Melati (Owners) amp Parties Interested 1976 1 MLJ 283 2 163 Arrest of cargo or ship The Ocean Jade Owners of the Ship or Vessel Ocean Jade v Owners of Cargo lately laden on board the Ship or Vessel Ocean Jade 1991 2 MLJ 385 2 164 Bangkok Bank Ltd v Wiel Brothers Cotton Inc 1977 2 MLJ 134 2 165 Arrest of ship The Andres Bonifacio Far East Oil Tanker SA v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Andres Bonifacio 1991 2 MLJ 371 2 166 The Opal 3 ex Kuchino Atlantis Engineering amp Construction Pte Ltd v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Opal 3 ex Kuchino (Fishing Collective Farm Leninets, Interveners) 1992 2 SLR 585 2 167 The Euroexpress, Owners of Cargo Abroad Euroexpress v Owners of the Euroexpress 1988 3 MLJ 367 2 170 The Golden Petroleum Gronco Services Pte Ltd v Owners of and Other Persons Interested in the Ship Golden Petroleum 1994 1 SLR 92 2 168 The Saint Christopher The Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York v The Saint Christopher (Owners) 1969 1 MLJ 213 2 169 Caveat against release of vessel Shanti Kant Jinghan v Owners of the Vessel Indera Pertama amp Anor (No 2) Admiralty in Rem No D1-41-5-88 2 171 Claim for damages arising out of carriage of goods by sea The Lung Yung The Lung Yung amp Thai Yung Owners amp Ors v Sadit Timber Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1984 1 MLJ 29 2 172 Costs The Ohm Mariana ex Peony Pacific Navigation Co Pte Ltd v Owners of and Other Persons Interested in the Ship or Vessel Ohm Mariana ex Peony 1992 2 SLR 623 2 173 Execution The Yih Shen Lai Lai Yin v MV Yih Shen, Owners of and Other Persons Interested 1986 2 MLJ 65 2 174 Intervention in proceedings The Yih Shen MV Yih Shen, Owners of Cargo On v MV Yih Shen, Owners of 1985 2 MLJ 154 2 175 Jurisdiction The Ohm Mariana ex Peony Pacific Navigation Co Pte Ltd v Owners of and Other Persons Interested in the Ship or Vessel Ohm Mariana ex Peony 1992 2 SLR 623 2 179 The Opal 3 ex Kuchino Atlantis Engineering amp Construction Pte Ltd v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Opal 3 ex Kuchino (Fishing Collective Farm Leninets, Interveners) 1992 2 SLR 585 2 181 Emilia Shipping Inc v State Enterprise for Pulp and Paper Industries Admiralty in Personam No 653 of 1990 1991 2 MLJ 379 2 180 Soon Aik Marine amp Engineering Pte Ltd v Hoesheng (Owners of) (Central Provident Fund Board, Intervener) 1989 1 MLJ 178 2 177 The Evpo Agnic 1988 3 All ER 810 2 178 The Sinar Mas Fraser amp Neave (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v Sinar Mas amp Ors, Owners of 1982 1 MLJ 279 2 176 Merger of judgment The Daien Maru No 18 Kenny Franco amp Ors v MV Daien Maru No 18, Owners of amp Ors Interested 1985 2 MLJ 90 2 182 Order for sale of ship Tropical Timber Industries Ltd amp Ors v Sheriff of High Court, Penang 1978 2 MLJ 62 2 183 Parties The Great Loyalty MV Oswego Merchant, Owners of v MV Great Loyalty, Owners of 1982 2 MLJ 10 2 186 The Pangkalan Susu/Permina 3001 Rasu Maritima SA v Pangkalan Susu/Permina 3001 (Owners) amp Persons Interested 1977 1 MLJ 141 2 185 The Thorlina The Thorlina, Owners amp Ors v Keppel Shipyard Ltd 1986 2 MLJ 7 2 184 Security for release of ship Sadit Timber Sdn Bhd amp Anor v The Ling Yung and Thai Yung, Owners amp Ors 1984 2 MLJ 217 2 187 Stay of proceedings The Kapitan Mezentsev Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Ship or Vessel Kapitan Mezentsev v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Kapitan Mezentsev 1995 3 SLR 55 2 188 The Maldive Importer MV Maldive Victory, Owners of Cargo Laden On v MV Maldive Importer, Owners of 1986 1 MLJ 12 2 189 The Sungei Bulan Arden Shipping Ltd v Sungei Bulan, Owners of The Chartered Bank (Interveners) 1983 2 MLJ 377 2 190 Summary judgment The August 8th August 8th (Owners) v Costas Bachas 1981 1 MLJ 132 2 192 The August 8th Costas Bachas v August 8th (Owners) 1980 2 MLJ 179 2 191 The August 8th The August 8th Owners v Costas Bachas 1983 1 MLJ 28 2 193 Warrant of arrest Hai Soon Diesel amp Trading Pte Ltd v The Hope (ex-Panagia) 2 194 The Permina 108 Martropico Compania Naviera SA v Permina 108 (Owners) amp Persons Interested The Permina Samudra XIV Martropico Compania Naviera SA v Permina XIV (Owners) amp Persons Interested 1977 1 MLJ 43 2 197 The Permina Samudra XIV Martropico Compania Naviera SA v Owners of Permina Samudra XIV 1977 1 MLJ 47 2 195 The Simba Owners of Simba v Zim Israel Navigation 1970 1 MLJ 121 2 196 Writ of summons Lim Bock Lai v Selco (Singapore) Pte Ltd 1987 2 MLJ 688 2 202 Middle East Tankers and Freighters v Owner of the Vessel and Other Interested Party in the Vessel of MV IRA 1996 4 MLJ 109 2 203 The Big Beacher Builders Merchants amp General Agencies v Big Beacher ex Magellan ex Heavy Lift Hero, Owners of 1984 2 MLJ 4 2 200 The Fierbinti Romline SA Shipping Co v Owners of Cargo Lately Laden on Board the Ship or Vessel Fierbinti 1994 3 SLR 864 2 204 The Hoe Lee Owners of Cargo Ex Kuala Kangsar v Owners of Hoe Lee 1970 1 MLJ 45 2 199 The Union Hodeidah Ahmed Abdul Qawi Bamaodah v The Union Hodeidah (Owners of) 1987 2 MLJ 561 2 201 Writ, amendment of Owners of the Ship or Vessel Kusu Island v Owners of cargo lately laden on board the Ship or Vessel Brani Island The Kusu Island Civil Appeal No 77 of 1983 2 198 Admiralty in rem Masters claim for wages and disbursements Pemunya Kapal MV Brihope amp Ors v Emmanuel Okwuosa amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 453 2 205 Priority of payments to several claimants to proceeds from sale of arrested ship Pemunya Kapal MV Brihope amp Ors v Emmanuel Okwuosa amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 453 2 206 Statement of claim Pemunya Kapal MV Brihope amp Ors v Emmanuel Okwuosa amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 453 2 207 Writ Pemunya Kapal MV Brihope amp Ors v Emmanuel Okwuosa amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 453 2 208 Admission Admissibility of Teh Eok Kee amp Anor v Tan Chiah Hock amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 613 2 209 Judgment on admission, application for Carabao Exports Pty Ltd v Online Management Consultants Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1988 3 MLJ 271 2 210 Ong Gim Huat v Toh Suan Lin Amy 1992 2 MLJ 610 2 211 Out-of-court admissions Teh Eok Kee amp Anor v Tan Chiah Hock amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 613 2 212 Admission by counsel Assessment of damages Haron v Macaulay 1969 1 MLJ 169 2 213 Effect of Yap Cheng Kee amp Anor v Ow Giam Eng amp Anor 1977 1 MLJ 177 2 214 Erroneous statement of law Che Esah amp Anor v Che Limah 1966 1 MLJ 36 2 215 Withdrawal of admission Che Esah amp Anor v Che Limah 1966 1 MLJ 36 2 216 Affidavit Failure to state source of information stated therein Hock Hua Bank (Sabah) Bhd v Lam Tat Ming amp Ors Suit No K22-27 of 1994 2 217 Affidavit in support of interim injunction Interlocutory injunction Remus Innovation Forschungs - Und Abgasanlanlagen - Produktionsgesellschaft MBH amp Anor v Hong Boon Siong amp Ors 1995 2 SLR 148 2 218 Affidavits Affidavit dated earlier than issue of writ EIC Clothing Sdn Bhd v Lie Yam Ngoon, Patricia Guaman No D 2-22-297-95 2 221 Affidavit dated one day earlier than the issue of writ Lau Yeok Lin amp Ors v Hip Soon Engineering amp Construction Sdn Bhd 1988 2 MLJ 308 2 222 Affidavit in reply Perbadanan Nasional Insurans Sdn Bhd v Pua Lai Ong 1996 3 MLJ 85 2 224 Punca Klasik Sdn Bhd v Seok Kim Leow 1996 5 MLJ 241 2 223 Affidavit in reply not filed within 14 days of plaintiffs service of writ but only a day before trial Pemunya Kapal MV Brihope amp Ors v Emmanuel Okwuosa amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 453 2 219 Affidavit in support of application Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd amp Ors v Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd 1997 1 MLJ 581 2 220 Affidavit of service Ipmuda Trading Sdn Bhd v Khoo Kiat Piau t/a Yings Trading Co amp Anor 1996 5 MLJ 637 2 225 Rohana bte Ariffin v Universiti Sains Malaysia Hashim Hussin Yaacob v Universiti Sains Malaysia 1988 2 MLJ 609 2 226 Affidavits of evidence-in-chief Auto Clean N Shine Services (suing as a firm) v Eastern Publishing Associates Pte Ltd 2 227 Application of the Evidence Act 1950 to affidavits Kor Sor Hwa v Hooi Soon Onn 2 228 Authority to administer oath Re Pat A Beins 1937 MLJ 193 2 229 Bare allegation of assault Teoh Yook Huwah v Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri amp Anor 1993 1 MLJ 12 2 230 Contents The Ocean Jade Owners of the Ship or Vessel Ocean Jade v Owners of Cargo lately laden on board the Ship or Vessel Ocean Jade 1991 2 MLJ 385 2 236 Hari Singh v Sundarammal 1965 2 MLJ 174 2 235 Kassim bin Sulong amp Anor v Guthrie Estates Holdings Ltd amp Ors 1993 3 MLJ 303 2 238 Kwan Yoon Fatt amp Sons Sdn Bhd amp Anor v Trends Buildings Sdn Bhd 1993 3 CLJ 485 2 232 MUI Bank Bhd v Alkner Investments Pte Ltd 1990 3 MLJ 385 2 237 UMBC Finance Ltd v Robin Woon Kim Yan 1990 3 MLJ 360 2 234 Yamamori (Hong Kong) Ltd v Davidson amp Ors 1992 2 MLJ 410 2 233 Yeo Hiap Seng v Australian Food Corp Pte Ltd amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 144 2 231 Contents of Dynacast (S) Pte Ltd v Lim Meng Siang amp Ors 1989 3 MLJ 459 2 239 Contested facts President Hotel Sdn Bhd v Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur amp Anor (Crest Trading Sdn Bhd, intervener) 2 240 Cross-examination of deponent on affidavit Syed Ali Redha Alsagoff (administrator of the estate of Mohamed bin Ali, deceased) v Syed Salim Alhadad 1996 3 SLR 41 2 241 Cross - examination of deponent to affidavit Welch amp Anor v Britannia Industries Pte Ltd 1993 1 SLR 673 2 242 Cross-examination of deponents of affidavits in support of winding-up petition Tan Sooi Shin v Kow Kek Hing 1991 3 MLJ 390 2 243 Cross-examination of person not a deponent to affidavit Gomez v Gomez 1969 1 MLJ 228 2 244 Cross-examination on Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd amp Ors and another application 1994 2 MLJ 789 CSLR X651 2 246 Syarikat Tungaring Kilang Papan (S) Sdn Bhd v Sabah Forest Industries Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No K 596 of 1988 2 245 Defective affidavit Amanah International Finance Bhd v Thien Juk Cheung amp Ors Suit No KG 392 of 1986 2 250 Ho Mee Luang v Lo Ga Lung 1997 2 MLJ 617 2 247 Kasnen a/l Kandasamy v Menteri Sumber Manusia Malaysia amp Anor 2 248 Defective affidavit in application for summary judgment Heller Factoring Sdn Bhd v Zeenex (M) Sdn Bhd amp Ors 2 249 Syarikat Islamiyah v Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd 1988 3 MLJ 218 2 251 Defective affidavit without jurat Mohan a/l Paramsivam v Sepang Omnibus Co Sdn Bhd 1989 1 MLJ 247 2 252 Erasures and interlineations Goh Un Chong v Yap Tong San 1864 Leic 245 2 253 Expunging of paragraphs Hua Khian Co (Pte) Ltd v Lee Eng Kiat 1996 3 SLR 1 2 254 Filing and service Malayan Banking Bhd v Siong Electronic Industries (1981) Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1994 1 MLJ 704 2 255 Further argument United Asian Bank Bhd v Bhassie 1991 2 MLJ 122 2 256 In support of application for ex parte Mareva injunction Motor Sports International Ltd (Servants or agents at Federal Territory of Labuan) amp Ors v Delcont (M) Sdn Bhd 1996 2 MLJ 605 2 257 In support of application for habeas corpus S Ravi v Timbalan Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Malaysia amp Anor Criminal Application No 44-23-1994 2 258 In support of application for injunction Loh Hoon Loi amp Ors v Viewpoint Properties (Sabah) Sdn Bhd 1995 4 MLJ 804 2 259 In support of application for interim injunction Ko Ko Ma Pony Horse Centre v Rasa Sayang Beach Hotels (Pg) Bhd 1989 1 MLJ 383 2 260 In support of application for order for sale Perwira Affin Bank Bhd v Tan Tian Ser Originating Summons No S3-24-381-93 2 261 In support of application for specific performance Soon Kong Meng amp Anor v Lee Thye amp Ors 1995 3 MLJ 544 2 262 In support of application to strike out defence Ting Hua Yiew v Ace Commercial Enterprise Sdn Bhd 1996 2 MLJ 678 2 263 In support of originating motion Hiap Yiak Trading Sdn Bhd v Gim Hin amp Co (M) Sdn Bhd Originating Motion No 38-18-1988 2 264 In support of petition Perusahaan Petanda Bintang Sdn Bhd v Asbir, Hira Singh amp Co 1995 2 MLJ 455 2 265 In support of summons-in - chambers MBA Life Assurance v Yeo Hua San amp Ors Civil Suit No D5-22-380-91 2 266 Lack of jurat on BM copy Associated Tower Sdn Bhd v Tee Ching Chew amp Anor Originating Summons No 24-54-96 2 267 Mere denial Ng Lai Tien v Peregrine Finance Ltd 2 268 Need to reply specifically to allegations Alloy Automotive Sdn Bhd v Perusahaan Ironfield Sdn Bhd 1986 1 MLJ 382 2 271 Perwira Affin Bank Bhd (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Perwira Habib Bank Malaysia Bhd) v Lorrain Esme Osman 1996 4 MLJ 656 2 270 United Malayan Insurance Bhd v Ng Chai Khoon Paul 1992 2 MLJ 447 2 269 O 14 application Ang Swee Chuan v Lim Teng Huan 1988 3 MLJ 471 2 275 BBMB Kewangan Bhd lwn Attan bin Abu Bakar 1996 1 MLJ 709 2 274 Majlis Islam Negeri Johor v United Merchant Finance Bhd MUI Continental Insurance Sdn Bhd (Third Party) 2 273 PB Securities Sdn Bhd v Abdul Rashid bin Mohamed 1994 3 MLJ 168 2 272 Oral evidence-in-chief, giving of Lee Kuan Yew amp Anor v Vinocur amp Ors and another action 1995 3 SLR 477 2 276 Order to file further affidavit Minister of Labour, Malaysia v Sanjiv Oberoi amp Anor 1990 1 MLJ 112 2 277 Originating summons procedure Low Chang Hian v Kelab Golf DiRaja Selangor 1995 3 MLJ 1 2 278 Reply Ng Hee Thoong amp Anor v Public Bank Bhd 1995 1 MLJ 281 2 279 Role in interlocutory proceedings Esa bin Sayon v Woon Kim Poh amp Anor 2 280 Service of Ready Resource Corporation Sdn Bhd v Singgarung Sdn Bhd Civil Suit No K22-141 of 1995 2 282 Serata Holdings Sdn Bhd v Malayan Banking Bhd Civil Suit No 22-43-1993 2 281 Striking out (part of) Hua Khian Co Pte Ltd v Lee Eng Kiat 2 283 Striking out of AB Chew Investments Pte Ltd v Lim Tjoen Kong 1989 2 CLJ 1190 2 284 Oh Kuang Liang v Associated Wood Ind Sdn Bhd 2 286 Wyno Marine Pte Ltd (in liquidation) v Lim Teck Cheng amp Ors Suit No 2274 of 1993 (Summons-in-Chambers Nos 2482 and 2873 of 1996) 2 285 Whether deponent had locus standi to affirm affidavit Ong Bee Yam v Osprey Sdn Bhd amp Ors 2 287 Amendment Addition of new cause of action Chin Kok Kwong Construction Sdn Bhd v Sunrise Towers Sdn Bhd 1986 2 MLJ 41 2 290 Hock Hua Bank Bhd v Leong Yew Chin 1987 1 MLJ 230 2 288 Kwong Kum Sun Chan (M) Sdn Bhd v Selangor Properties Berhad Suit No C 2715 of 1985 2 289 Lim Jee Tee amp Anor v Lim Yong Swan Suit No 3727 of 1983 2 293 Lim Yong Swan v Lim Jee Tee amp Anor 1993 1 SLR 500 2 292 The Virginia Rhea China Steel Corp amp Anor v MV Virginia Rhea, Owners of 1983 1 MLJ 198 2 294 The Virginia Rhea China Steel Corporation amp Anor v The Virginia Rhea, Owners of 1985 2 MLJ 1 2 291 Addition of new party Government of Malaysia v Mohamed Amin bin Hassan 1986 1 MLJ 224 2 295 Gracie Teo v Tay Leng Hong amp Ors 1987 2 MLJ 435 2 296 Addition of special damages during trial Dr S Underwood v Ong Ah Long 1986 2 MLJ 246 2 297 Appellate stage Alwee v Lai Kong Fook amp Ors 1981 2 MLJ 82 2 298 Chen Chow Lek v Tan Yew Lai 1983 1 MLJ 170 2 299 Mohamed Ashraff amp Anor v Commissioner for Federal Capital 1972 2 MLJ 69 2 300 Counterclaim Golf Park Supermarket (S) Sdn Bhd v Hap Hing Sdn Bhd amp Anor Suit No K347 of 1987 2 301 Defence Abdul Johari bin Abdul Rahman v Lim How Chong amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 629 2 306 Algemene Bank Nederland NV v Happy Valley Restaurant Pte Ltd 1991 2 MLJ 289 2 304 Alloy Automotive Sdn Bhd v Perusahaan Ironfield Sdn Bhd 1986 1 MLJ 382 2 305 Capeco Maritime NV amp Ors v Pemilik Kapal Bluebell Susannah Admiralty in Rem 27-1-95 2 303 Government of State of Pahang v Tengku Abdul Aziz amp Anor 1978 2 MLJ 34 2 307 Hassan Mawllai v Bombay Trading Co (Pte) Ltd Suit No 3460 of 1986 2 311 Hong Leong Finance Ltd v Famco (S) Pte Ltd amp Ors 1992 2 SLR 1108 2 310 Lee Sen Lan amp Anor v Mah Kwee Hock 1990 2 MLJ 157 2 312 Lee Siew Chun v Sourgrapes Packaging Products Trading Pte Ltd amp Ors 1993 2 SLR 297 2 302 Seng Choon Hardware (M) Sdn Bhd v Director-General of Royal Customs amp Excise, Malaysia amp Anor 1993 2 CLJ 114 2 308 Wright Norman amp Anor v Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd 1994 1 SLR 513 2 309 Delay in applying for amendment Abu Bakar v Mohamed Zain 1967 1 MLJ 168 2 314 Selvam s/o Murugaya v MCTM Corp Pte Ltd Civil Suit No S5-23-97-89 2 313 The Benoi VI Sindo Timber Enterprises (Pte) Ltd v Benoi VI (Owners amp Ors) 1980 2 MLJ 265 2 315 Effect of amendment Sio Koon Lim amp Anor v SB Mehra 1981 1 MLJ 225 2 316 Tan Guan Hock v Khor Chai Heah 1 MLJ 422 2 317 Indorsement of plaintiffs address The Kota Pahlawan Kota Pahlawan, Owners of Ship v Kota Pahlawan, Owners of Cargo 1982 2 MLJ 8 2 318 Judgment Arunasalam Chettiar v Mohamed Abdul Latheef Maricar amp Anor 1934 MLJ 30 2 322 Indian Overseas Bank v Motorcycle Industries (1973) Pte Ltd amp Ors 1993 1 SLR 89 2 320 Philip Securities (Pte) v Yong Tet Miaw 1988 3 MLJ 61 2 321 Savena Supramaniam Pillay v Tan Kah Chia 1934 MLJ 133 2 319 Order In the Estate of Embi bin Haji Abdullah , deceased Mohamed v Zainab 1934 MLJ 71 2 325 Public Bank Bhd v Perwira Habib Bank Malaysia Bhd Code No S6-22-138-90 2 324 Tay Ek Seng Company Sdn Bhd amp Ors v Tay Cho Koh amp Ors 1975 2 MLJ 167 2 323 Parties Boss s/o Ramasamy v Penang Port Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1996 5 MLJ 511 2 330 Gopal VC Kamalappan amp Anor v Tannimalay Appasamy Originating Summons No 24-937-92 2 326 Re Kota Pahlawan Kota Pahlawan, Owners of Cargo v Kota Pahlawan, Owners of Ship 1982 1 MLJ 13 2 328 Soon Peng Yam amp Anor (trustees of the Chinese Swimming Club) v Maimon bte Ahmad (administratrix of Sukinah bte Haji Hassan, deceased) 1996 2 SLR 609 2 327 The Kusu Island MV Brani Island, Owners of Cargo Laden on Board v MV Kusu Island, Owners of 1985 1 MLJ 342 2 329 Pleadings Ismail bin Ibrahim amp Ors v Sum Poh Development Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1988 3 MLJ 348 2 331 Statement of claim Mahan Singh v Government of Malaysia 1973 2 MLJ 149 2 335 Teh Teik Sooi v Lim Kok Heang amp Ors Civil Suit No 22-27-87 2 333 Yong Joo Chuan v Tan Teck Chiang 1978 1 MLJ 173 2 334 Yoong Leok Kee Corporation Sdn Bhd v Chin Thong Thai 1981 2 MLJ 21 2 332 Writ Leicester Wholesale Fruit Market Ltd v Grundy 1990 1 All ER 442 2 336 Seganom Sdn Bhd v Perspective Management Services Sdn Bhd amp Anor Civil Suit No D5-22-1175-93 2 337 Writ and pleadings Abdul Gaffer v Chua Kwang Yong 1995 1 SLR 484 2 338 Writ and statement of claim Chan Mui Eng amp Ors v Chua Chu Huwe amp Anor 1994 1 SLR 375 2 339 Anton Piller order Affidavit in support inadmissible as hearsay Dynacast (S) Pte Ltd v Lim Meng Siang amp Ors 1989 3 MLJ 459 2 340 Application for return of goods seized Kibi (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor v Cheng Chew Chye amp Anor Civil Suit No 22-128-1994 2 341 Kibi (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor v Cheng Chew Chye amp Anor Civil Suit No 22-128-1994 2 342 Application to set aside Bengawan Solo Pte Ltd amp Anor v Season Confectionery Co (Pte) Ltd 1994 1 SLR 617 2 343 Copyright, infringement of Television Broadcasts Ltd amp Ors v Mandarin Video Holdings Sdn Bhd 1983 2 MLJ 346 2 344 Damages Kibi (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor v Cheng Chew Chye amp Anor Civil Suit No 22-128-1994 2 345 Ex parte application Expanded Metal Manufacturing Pte Ltd amp Anor v Expanded Metal Co Ltd 1995 1 SLR 673 2 346 Ex parte applications Dormeuil Freres SA v Nicolian International (Textiles) Ltd 1988 3 All ER 197 2 347 Ex parte order to enter premises and take documents Lian Keow Sdn Bhd v C Paramjothy amp Anor 1982 1 MLJ 217 2 348 Ex parte order to restrain respondents from reproducing , disposing etc cinematograph films Asia Television Ltd amp Anor v Viwa Video Sdn Bhd amp Connected Cases 1984 2 MLJ 304 2 349 Genuine and pirated goods mixed Peters Edition Ltd v Renner Piano Co Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music v Renner Piano Co 1990 1 MLJ 337 2 350 Interlocutory injunction Riedel-de Haen AG v Liew Keng Pang Suit No 771 of 1988 2 351 Interrogatories order Hung Ka Ho amp Anor v A1 Office System Pte Ltd 1992 2 SLR 379 2 352 Mareva injunction, in aid of Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd amp Anor v Lorrain Osman amp Ors 1985 2 MLJ 236 2 353 Principles and circumstances applicable Computerland Corp v Yew Seng Computers Pte 1991 3 MLJ 201 2 354 Setting aside Arjunan amp Ors v Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Ladang amp Ors 1993 1 MLJ 326 2 358 PMK Rajah v Worldwide Commodities Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1985 1 MLJ 86 2 357 Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn Bhd v Cahaya Surya Buku dan Alat Tulis 1989 1 MLJ 386 2 355 Television Broadcasts amp Ors v Seremban Video Centre Sdn Bhd 1985 1 MLJ 171 2 356 Trade mark infringement Reebok International Ltd v Royal Corp and another action 1992 2 SLR 136 2 359 Appeal Fact, findings of Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat amp Anor v Plenitude Holding Sdn Bhd 1993 1 MLJ 113 2 360 Absence of defendants counsel Delcont (M) Sdn Bhd v Motor Sport International Ltd amp Ors 1996 5 MLJ 51 2 361 Adducing fresh evidence Hua Joo Development Co Sdn Bhd v Survey Development Service Civil Appeal No KG 13 of 1992 (1) 2 363 Hua Joo Development Co Sdn Bhd v Survey Development Service Civil Appeal No KG 13 of 1992 (1) 2 364 Hua Joo Development Co Sdn Bhd v Survey Development Service Civil Appeal No KG 13 of 1992 (1) 2 366 Huang Ching Hwee v Heng Kay Pah amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 349 2 365 Tio Chee Hing v Chung Kiaw Bank Ltd 2 362 Adducing of fresh evidence Amanah Factors Sdn Bhd v Trans Resources Corp Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No D5-22-155-91 2 376 Chai Yen v Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association 1980 2 MLJ 142 2 377 Cheong Kim Hock v Lin Securities (Pte) (In Liquidation) 1992 2 SLR 349 2 374 Chong Joon Wah v Tan Lye Thiang 1991 3 MLJ 353 2 371 John Trawe Kuda v Adtec Sdn Bhd 1996 5 MLJ 335 2 378 Kim Import amp Export Sdn Bhd v Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar Civil Suit No D5-22-1160-90 2 373 Kok Fook Sang v Juta Vila (M) Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1996 2 MLJ 666 (1996) CSLR XX4178 2 372 Lam Soon Cannery Co v Hooper amp Co 1965 2 MLJ 148 2 375 Lim Hee Chuan v Toh Phaik Har 1949 MLJ 92 2 370 Nikko Merchant Bank (Singapore) Ltd v Syamsul Bachri amp Anor Civil Appeal No 17 of1989 2 368 Punca Klasik Sdn Bhd v Seok Kim Leow 1996 5 MLJ 241 2 380 Shaik Sahied bin Abdullah Bajarie v Mootoo Carpen Chitty 1910 2 MC 16 2 367 Teo Hock Guan amp Anor (t/a Teo Meng Huah Construction) v Johore Builders amp Investments Sdn Bhd 1996 2 MLJ 596 2 369 William Jacks amp Co ( M) Sdn Bhd v Chemquip (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1991 2 MLJ 555 2 379 Admissibility of affidavit made after trial Tiong Hung Ming v Kalimantan Hardwood Sdn Bhd 1994 3 MLJ 656 2 381 Admissibility of affidavits Chiew Soon Chiew Chun Soon v Tay Tai Aun 1990 1 CLJ 469 2 382 Admission of fresh evidence Seet Melvin v Law Society of Singapore 1995 2 SLR 323 2 383 Admission to Bar Ting Sie Huong v State Attorney General 1985 1 MLJ 431 2 384 Affidavit attempting to adduce fresh evidence Weng Neng Medical amp Liquor (KL) Sdn Bhd v Fountain Industries Sdn Bhd 1994 3 MLJ 278 2 385 Amendment of pleadings on appeal John Trawe Kuda v Adtec Sdn Bhd 1996 5 MLJ 335 2 388 Malayan Banking Bhd v Loh Hong Eng amp Ors 2 386 Tindok Besar Estate Sdn Bhd v Tinjar Co 1979 2 MLJ 229 2 387 Appeal against Registrar of Companies decision Drilex Systems Pte Ltd v Registrar of Companies amp Anor 1990 1 MLJ 199 2 398 Appeal against decision of Registrar of Companies to refuse to order change of name Pestbusters Pte Ltd v Registrar of Companies amp Anor 1996 2 SLR 78 2 394 Appeal against decision of Registrar of Companies to register company Pestmasters Pte Ltd v Pestbusters Pte Ltd 1997 1 SLR 377 2 389 Appeal against decision of senior assistant registrar Tuan Haji Ahmed Abdul Rahman v Arab-Malaysian Finance Bhd 1996 1 MLJ 3 2 395 Appeal against exercise of judicial discretion in interlocutory matter Wright Norman amp Anor v Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd 1992 2 SLR 710 2 396 Appeal against judgment of High Court Lim Phin Khian v Kho Su Ming 1996 1 MLJ 1 2 397 Appeal from Senior Inspector of Mines Court Lee Soo Chuan v Lai Ah Yan amp Anor 1971 2 MLJ 275 2 412 Appeal from registrar Chellapah v Malayan Railway Administration 1949 MLJ 96 2 403 Chin Kon Nam amp Anor v Chai Yun Phin Development Sdn Bhd 1996 4 MLJ 271 2 405 Gooi Seang Tuck v Tan Peng Loon amp Anor 1959 MLJ 153 2 402 Hagemeyer Trading Co (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v Gibson Trading Co 1978 2 MLJ 101 2 406 MBA Life Assurance v Yeo Hua San amp Ors Civil Suit No D5-22-380-91 2 400 Majlis Perbandaran Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah v Chin Nyok Lin, Pentadbir Harta Pesaka Loke Yoon Hing Loke Yoon Heng, Simati amp Ors Civil Suit No 22-1-199 2 407 Malayan Banking Bhd v Pendaftar Hakmilik, Negeri Pahang amp Anor 1991 1 MLJ 119 2 401 Malaysia Credit Finance Bhd v Business Computers Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No D3-22-1153-89 2 399 Oh Teik Seng v Public Bank Bhd 2 390 Syarikat Yew Hock Seng Building Construction v Sim Lian Huat Holdings Sdn Bhd 1989 2 MLJ 509 2 404 Appeal from registrar to judge-in-chambers Seloga Jaya Sdn Bhd v Pembenaan Keng Ting (Sabah) Sdn Bhd 1994 2 MLJ 97 2 408 Appeal from senior assistant registrar Asia Commercial Finance (M) Bhd amp Anor v Development amp Realtor Sdn Bhd 1992 2 MLJ 504 2 409 Lewata Construction Sdn Bhd v Shamali Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No 23-13-1987 1992 3 CLJ 1719 2 410 Negara Properties Sdn Bhd v Akitek Bersekutu Malaysia (sued as a firm) amp Ors 1995 2 MLJ 185 2 411 Appeal from sessions court Tan Lee Hong v Letchmee Civil Appeal No 12-71-93 1994 1 MLJ 515 2 413 Appeal from subordinate court to High Court Kannaya amp Anor v Teh Swee Eng 1994 1 MLJ 508 2 414 Appeal to Federal Court Thong Seng Poh amp Anor v Thong Meng Tee 1967 1 MLJ 81 2 415 Appeal to High Court Ang Lit Yiang amp Ors v Teoh Hing Yeu amp Anor 1996 3 MLJ 277 2 418 Development amp Commercial Bank Bhd v Lam Chuan Company Num Tjuan Sdn Bhd (Claimaint) 1989 1 MLJ 318 2 419 Michael Chong Shui Keong Michael Chong v Fong Shui En 1996 5 MLJ 177 2 420 Sulaiman bin Mohamad v Malayan Banking Bhd 1992 2 MLJ 116 2 416 Tan Thye Heng v Pan Mercantile (S) Pte Ltd amp Anor 1990 1 MLJ 208 2 417 Zain Azahari bin Zainal Abidin v Wearne Brothers (1983) Sdn Bhd 1997 5 MLJ 39 2 391 Zain Azahari bin Zainal Abidin v Wearne Brothers (1983) Sdn Bhd 1997 5 MLJ 39 2 392 Zain Azahari bin Zainal Abidin v Wearne Brothers (1983) Sdn Bhd 1997 5 MLJ 39 2 393 Appeal to Privy Council Aik Hoe amp Co Ltd v Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, First Division 1968 1 MLJ 293 2 423 Dow Jones Publishing Co (Asia ) Inc v Attorney-General of Singapore 1989 3 MLJ 321 2 424 Strathmore Group Ltd v AM Fraser, CY Todd amp Durafort Investments Ltd Petition for special leave to appeal, 30 April 1992 2 422 Sundry Workers v Antigua Hotel and Tourist Association Privy Council Appeal No 36 of 1991 2 425 Tengku Aishah amp Ors v Wardley Ltd 1993 1 SLR 490 2 421 Appeal to Supreme Court Eastern amp Oriental Hotel (1951) Sdn Bhd v Ellarious George Fernandez amp Anor 1989 1 MLJ 35 2 426 Yeap Leong Huat v Yeap Leong Soon amp Anor Yeap Leong Theam amp Ors v Yeap Leong Soon amp Anor 1989 3 MLJ 157 2 427 Appeals from the High Court to appeals in bankruptcy Re Low Kok Tuan, ex-p Arab - Malaysian Merchant Bank Bhd 2 428 Appeals to High Court from subordinate court Mohamad Safuan bin Wasidin amp Anor v Mohd Ridhuan bin Ahmad (an infant) 1994 2 MLJ 187 2 429 Appeals to the Privy Council Tominam bte Tukimin v Toh Kai Chup 1989 2 MLJ 257 2 430 Application in chambers Malayan United Finance Bhd v Liew Yet Lan Boo Choon Sia (Purchaser) 1990 1 MLJ 317 2 432 Application to extend time to serve notice of appeal Soh Keng Hian v American International Assurance Co Ltd 1996 1 MLJ 191 2 433 Application to produce new evidence Tengku Iskandar bin Tengku Ahmad lwn Yew Chin Eng 2 431 Application to restore Malaysia Credit Finance Bhd v Business Computers Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No D3-22-1153-89 2 434 Application to strike out affidavit Great Pacific Finance v Tan Hock Chan Suit No 5858 of 1986 2 435 Apportionment of liability Abdullah bin Md Noor v Abdullah Bin Saat Civil Appeal No 12-11-92 (91) 2 436 Chew Soo Lan v Ludhiana Transport Syndicate amp Anor 1976 2 MLJ 205 2 438 Hussein amp Anor v Maiden 1970 1 MLJ 114 2 440 Jeremiah v Lee Yew Kwai 1966 1 MLJ 59 2 437 Jeremiah v Lee Yew Kwai 1966 1 MLJ 59 2 442 Uval amp Anor v Zainal 1970 1 MLJ 74 2 441 Yahaya bin Mat amp Anor v Abdul Rahman bin Abu 1982 1 MLJ 202 2 439 Apportionment of liability and quantum of damages Jamiah bte Holam v Koon Yin 1983 1 MLJ 103 2 443 Assessment of damages Abdul Kadir bin Amin v Tan Cheng Chu amp Anor Civil Appeal No 12-2-90 2 449 Abdul Kadir bin Amin v Tan Cheng Chua amp Anor Civil Appeal No 12-2-90 2 444 Ganesan Carlose amp Partners (sued as a firm) v Lee Siew Chun 1994 3 SLR 421 2 445 Mahmod bin Kailan v Goh Seng Choon amp Anor 1976 2 MLJ 239 2 447 Ng Soo Ngoh v Yong Chong Sing Bill of Costs No 379 of 1988 in District Court Suit No 6091 of 1986 2 446 Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat amp Anor v Plenitude Holdings Sdn Bhd 1994 3 MLJ 777 2 448 Assessment of evidence MK (Project Management) Ltd v Baker Marine Energy Pte Ltd 1995 1 SLR 36 2 450 Bringing of Public Feedmill (M) Sdn Bhd (in liquidation) v Hai Yeu Hin 1994 2 MLJ 34 2 451 Case stated, by way of Chua Lip Kong v Director-General of Inland Revenue 1982 1 MLJ 235 2 454 E v Comptroller-General of Inland Revenue 1970 2 MLJ 117 2 452 E v Comptroller-General of Inland Revenue 1970 2 MLJ 117 2 453 Conditional leave to defend GBH Ceramics Sdn Bhd v How It Low Aik amp Anor Civil Suit No D1 -23-1249-88 2 455 Credibility of witnesses Abraham Ho Ah Loke v William Manson-Hing 1949 MLJ 37 2 468 Antonio Dias Caldeira v Frederick Augustus Gray 1936 MLJ 137 2 469 Chew Boon Ee v Ramanathan Chettiar amp Ors 1959 MLJ 235 2 464 Chin Keow v Government of Malaysia 1967 2 MLJ 45 2 479 Choo Tiong Hin amp Ors v Choo Hock Swee 1959 MLJ 67 2 470 Goh Leng Kwang v Teng Swee Lin amp Ors 1974 2 MLJ 5 2 477 Khoo Sit Hoh amp Ors v Lim Thean Tong 1912 AC 323 2 462 Lam Soon Oil Soap Manufacturing Ltd v Impex Syndicate Ltd 1964 MLJ 176 2 475 Lim Hye Chua v Lim See Kiat 1940 MLJ 199 2 463 Luk Dai Chung v Ngu Ee Nguok 1966 1 MLJ 119 2 474 Mohamed Amirdin v Varatharajan 1968 2 MLJ 83 2 471 Mohamed Hussain amp Anor v Pavadise 1956 MLJ 63 2 466 Ng See Hem v Official Assignee 1953 MLJ 32 2 461 Norata Singh v Sedara Singh 1967 1 MLJ 265 2 473 Putra v Sivagnanam amp Anor 1959 MLJ 259 2 465 Ramanathan Chettiar v Wong Ah Sam 1924 4 FMSLR 229 2 460 Seng Heng Electrical v Chua Len Teng 1970 1 MLJ 67 2 480 Tan Chow Soo v Ratna Ammal 1969 2 MLJ 49 2 478 Tan Tek Yan v Samuel 1964 MLJ 283 2 472 Tay Kheng Hong v Heap Moh Steamship Co Ltd 1964 MLJ 87 2 476 Tay Koh Yat Bus Co Ltd v Chua Chong Cher amp Ors 1972 1 MLJ 183 2 467 Credibility of witnesses, decision based on Chong Sooi Chuen v Yuen Lai Chun 1988 2 MLJ 443 2 456 Damu Jadhao v Paras Nath Singh 1965 2 MLJ 151 2 458 Mohamed Fahmy v Happy World Ltd 1948 MLJ 23 2 457 Credibility of witnesses, view of judge on Abdul Rahman Talib v Seenivasagam amp Anor 1966 2 MLJ 66 2 459 Damages Chow Khai Hong v Tham Sek Khow amp Anor 1992 1 SLR 4 2 487 K Ratnasingam v Kow Ah Dek amp Anor 1983 2 MLJ 297 2 482 Mahamad bin Mahamad Said amp Anor v Perianayagam amp Anor 1972 1 MLJ 67 2 481 Rasidin bin Partorjo v Frederick Kiai 1976 2 MLJ 214 2 486 Red and Yellow Omnibus Co Sdn Bhd v Chuah Lay Boon 1993 2 CLJ 480 2 484 Tan Kuan Yau v Suhindrimani 1985 2 MLJ 22 2 485 Tuck Seng Loong Transport Co Sdn Bhd v Latchaman Singh 1979 1 MLJ 82 2 483 United Plywood and Sawmill Ltd v Lock Ngan Loi 1970 2 MLJ 237 2 488 Decision of judge-in-chambers Foong Weng Yee v Malaysia Smelting Corporation Bhd 1995 3 MLJ 441 2 489 Decision of trial judge Ganesan amp Anor v Baskaran 1986 2 MLJ 26 2 490 Defence, striking out of Comptroller of Income Tax v Goodearth Realty Pte Ltd 1988 3 MLJ 312 2 491 Discretion exercised by appellate court Sri Alam Sdn Bhd v Newacres Sdn Bhd 1997 1 MLJ 297 2 492 Discretion exercised by magistrate Foo Chiew Fong v Guriman 1957 MLJ 51 2 493 Discretion exercised by senior assistant registrar Novotel Societe DInvestissements Et DExploitation Hoteliers amp Anor v Pernas Hotel Chain (Selangor) Bhd 1987 1 MLJ 210 2 494 Discretion exercised by trial judge East Asiatic Co Ltd v Malaysian International Merchant Bankers Bhd 1981 2 MLJ 30 2 501 Eng Mee Yong amp Ors v V Letchumanan 1979 2 MLJ 212 2 499 Malaysia National Insurance Sdn Bhd v Meraslam 1982 1 MLJ 274 2 498 Manilal amp Sons (M) Sdn Bhd v Mahadevan amp Anor 1986 1 MLJ 357 2 506 Motor Sports International Ltd (Servants or agents at Federal Territory of Labuan) amp Ors v Delcont (M) Sdn Bhd 1996 2 MLJ 605 2 500 Nanyang Development (1966) Sdn Bhd v Malaysian Armed Forces Cooperative Holding Society Ltd 1972 2 MLJ 149 2 505 Poh Swee Siang v Trustees of Tong Khoo Kongsi amp Ors 1986 1 MLJ 53 2 503 S amp F International Ltd v Trans-Con Engineering Sdn Bhd 1985 1 MLJ 62 2 502 Shanghai Hall Ltd v Town House Hotel Ltd 1967 1 MLJ 223 2 495 Tan Eng Hoe v Liang Hooi Kiang 1961 MLJ 119 2 497 The Lung Yung The Lung Yung and Thai Yung Owners amp Ors v Sadit Timber Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1984 1 MLJ 29 2 504 Vasudevan v T Damodaran amp Anor 1981 2 MLJ 150 2 496 Vijayalakshmi Devi d/o Nadchatiram v Dr Mahadevan s/ o Nadchatiram amp Ors 1995 2 MLJ 709 (1995) CSLR XX6581 2 507 District Court to High Court, appeal from Goh Teng Hoon amp Ors v Choi Hon Ching 1987 1 MLJ 95 2 508 Herbs and Spice Trading Post Pte Ltd v Deo Silver (Pte ) Ltd 1991 2 MLJ 311 2 509 Election judge Wee Choo Keong v Lee Chong Meng amp Anor 1996 3 MLJ 41 2 511 Election judge, from Re Perting Timor Election (No 2) 1962 MLJ 333 2 510 Error in order made by magistrate Saadian bte Karim v Ong Ting Chai 1996 5 MLJ 646 2 512 Evidence Sivalingam a/l Periasamy v Periasamy amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 395 2 518 Evidence, critical examination of Tractors Malaysia Bhd v Tio Chee Hing 1975 2 MLJ 1 2 513 Evidence, evaluation of Chand Singh v Bhagwan Singh 1965 2 MLJ 144 2 515 Teknikal dan Kejuruteraan Pte Ltd v Resources Development Corp (Pte) Ltd 1994 3 SLR 743 2 514 Evidence, inferences from Lim Tian Seng v Chong Lee King Civil Appeal No 26 of 1989 2 516 Yong Nyee Fan amp Sons Sdn Bhd v Kim Guan amp Co Sdn Bhd 1979 1 MLJ 182 2 517 Fact, finding of Commercial Union Assurance (M) Sdn Bhd v Ng Chek Hung and another appeal 1997 2 MLJ 465 2 519 Lee Chong Keong v Cheang Kok Weng amp Anor 1996 4 MLJ 133 2 522 Mathavan a/l Shunmugam v Woo Bee Leng 1995 1 MLJ 841 2 523 Peh Eng Leng v Pek Eng Leong 1996 2 SLR 305 2 524 Sivalingam a/l Periasamy v Periasamy amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 395 2 526 Soon Pook Seng Arthur v Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd 1995 3 SLR 531 2 520 Tan See Tee v Ong Brothers Realty Pte Ltd Civil Appeal No 12 of 1986 2 525 Tay Beng Chuan v Official Receiver and Liquidator, Kie Hock Shipping (1971) Pte Ltd 1987 2 MLJ 419 2 521 Fact, findings of Alwee v Lai Kong Fook amp Ors 1981 2 MLJ 82 2 585 Arumugam amp Anor v Lim Boon Neo 1988 1 MLJ 80 2 539 China Steel Corporation v Pan Asia Shipyard amp Engineering Co (Pte) Ltd 1988 2 MLJ 475 2 552 Choo Kok Beng v Choo Kok Hoe amp Ors 1984 2 MLJ 165 2 565 Choo Kok Hoe amp Ors v Choo Kok Beng Choo Kok Eng amp Anor v Choo Kok Beng 1983 1 MLJ 53 2 550 Chow Yee Wah amp Anor v Choo Ah Pat 1978 2 MLJ 41 2 582 Chu Choon Moi v Ngan Sew Tin 1986 1 MLJ 34 2 568 Chua Chong Cher v Teo Lang Keow amp Ors 1970 2 MLJ 27 2 554 Chung Hwa Ying v Phang Mun Mooi amp Anor 1987 2 MLJ 693 2 532 Commercial Union Assurance Co plc v Lee Siew Khuan 1991 2 MLJ 541 2 531 Dalip Kaur v Pegawai Polis Daerah, Balai Polis Daerah, Bukit Mertajam amp Anor 1992 1 MLJ 1 2 592 Development amp Commercial Bank Bhd v Num Tjuan Sdn Bhd 1989 1 MLJ 475 2 528 Dover Transport and Trading Co amp Anor v Singapore Bus Service (1978) Ltd 1987 2 MLJ 47 2 586 Eastern Supply Co v Kerr 1974 1 MLJ 10 2 575 Eastern Supply Co v Kerr 1974 1 MLJ 10 2 589 Eng Joo Lee Pte Ltd v Kian Chiang Granite Quarry Co (Pte) Ltd 1986 2 MLJ 256 2 559 Eng Joo Lee Pte Ltd v Kian Chiang Granite Quarry Company (Pte) Ltd 1986 2 MLJ 256 2 558 Ganesan v Kalima 1975 2 MLJ 201 2 562 Goh Leng Kang v Teng Swee Lin amp Ors 1977 1 MLJ 85 2 545 Goh Pit Leong v Singapore Pools (Private) Ltd amp Ors 1973 1 MLJ 141 2 534 Grace Shipping Inc amp Anor v CF Sharp amp Co (Malaya) Pte Ltd 1987 1 MLJ 257 2 549 Great Sun Trading Co v Foo Yin Peng amp Anor 1982 1 MLJ 63 2 548 Guthrie Waugh Bhd v Malaiappan Muthuchumaru 1972 2 MLJ 62 2 571 Hitam bin Abdullah amp Anor v Kok Foong Yee amp Anor 1974 1 MLJ 193 2 546 Hong Leong Finance Bhd v Datang-Jadi Industry Sdn Bhd 1986 1 MLJ 376 2 553 Inter Equipos Navales SA v Lew Kah Choo amp Ors 1986 1 MLJ 277 2 574 JB Jeyaratnam v Law Society of Singapore 1988 3 MLJ 425 2 533 JB Jeyaretnam v Goh Chok Tong 1987 1 MLJ 176 2 535 JB Jeyaretnam v Lee Kuan Yew 1982 1 MLJ 239 2 542 Jaafar bin Ibrahim v Gan Kim Kin 1987 2 MLJ 109 2 543 Jeremiah v Lee Yew Kwai 1966 1 MLJ 59 2 536 Johari bin Khalid amp Anor v Mohamed Zamri bin Khalid amp Anor 1985 1 MLJ 142 2 560 Khoo Boo Gong v Manson-Hing 1948-49 MLJ Supp 27 2 579 Kim Guan amp Co Sdn Bhd v Yong Nyee Fan amp Sons Sdn Bhd 1983 2 MLJ 8 2 567 Laila M Reza v The Official Assignee as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Koh Puay Kwee Roger District Court Appeal No 53 of 1990 2 529 Leong Huat Sawmill (Pte) Ltd v Lee Man See 1985 1 MLJ 47 2 540 Lim Kim Chet amp Anor v Multar bin Masngud 1984 2 MLJ 165 2 587 Loh Jue Tee amp Anor v Low Chick Sum 1989 3 MLJ 332 2 530 Ludhiana Transport Syndicate amp Anor v Chew Soo Lan amp Anor 1979 2 MLJ 207 2 557 Management Corp Strata Title No 586 v Menezes 1992 1 SLR 807 2 593 Manilal amp Sons (M) Sdn Bhd v Mahadevan amp Anor 1986 1 MLJ 357 2 561 Manilal amp Sons (M) Sdn Bhd v Mahadevan amp Anor 1986 1 MLJ 357 2 566 Mat Shah bin Mohamed amp Anor v Foo Say Meng amp Ors 1984 1 MLJ 237 2 556 Mulkh Raj Sharma v Shanti Sroop 1983 2 MLJ 396 2 576 Multar v Lim Kim Chet amp Anor 1982 1 MLJ 184 2 564 Murugan v Lew Chu Cheong 1980 2 MLJ 139 2 578 Muthusamy v Ang Nam Cheow 1979 2 MLJ 271 2 551 Nihal Singh v Bhag Singh 1977 1 MLJ 8 2 570 Rajaratnam v Gunn Lay Teik amp Anor 1961 MLJ 199 2 581 Sabarudin bin Shamsuddin v Aishah bte Kuntom 1985 1 MLJ 70 2 588 Samar bte Mansor v Mustafa Kamarul Ariffin 1974 2 MLJ 71 2 573 Saminathan v Pappa 1981 1 MLJ 121 2 555 Seong Fatt Sawmills Sdn Bhd v Dunlop Malaysia Industries Sdn Bhd 1984 1 MLJ 286 2 590 Siti Aisha bte Ibrahim v Goh Cheng Hwai 1982 2 MLJ 124 2 538 Sornaratnam amp Anor v Ramalingam 1981 1 MLJ 24 2 569 Swamy v Matthews amp Anor 1968 1 MLJ 138 2 563 T Mahesan v Malaysian Government Officers Co-operative Housing Society 1978 1 MLJ 149 2 544 TO Thomas v Asia Fishing Industry Pte Ltd 1977 1 MLJ 151 2 577 Teo Ai Choo v Leong Sze Hian 1986 2 MLJ 331 2 591 Teo Chwee Geok v Ng Hui Lip amp Co 1967 1 MLJ 245 2 584 Wong Thin Yit v Mohamed Ali 1971 2 MLJ 175 2 537 Wong Thin Yit v Mohamed Ali 1974 1 MLJ 1 2 547 Wong Yon Lin v Liew Tham Soon amp Ors 1980 2 MLJ 99 2 541 Woon Ngee Yew amp Ors v Ng Yoon Thai amp Ors 1941 MLJ 37 2 580 Yahaya bin Mohamad v Chin Tuan Nam 1975 2 MLJ 117 2 572 Yew Phaik Hoon v Quah Ooi Keat amp Anor 1969 1 MLJ 32 2 583 Fact, findings of, by Special Commissioners Mamor Sdn Bhd v Director-General of Inland Revenue 1981 1 MLJ 117 2 527 Fact. findings of Jeyaretnam v Law Society of Singapore 1988 3 MLJ 425 2 594 Facts (specific), findings of Lee Suat Hong v Teo Lye 1988 2 MLJ 537 2 610 Facts, finding of Hussaina Rani i/k Naina Mohamed (suing as widow of Naina Mohamed, deceased) v Ahmad Nadzri Kamaruddin amp Anor 1997 2 MLJ 534 2 595 Facts, inferences from Hitam bin Abdullah amp Anor v Kok Foong Yee (f) amp Anor 1974 1 MLJ 193 2 599 President, District Council, Batu Pahat v Lo Hong Tan 1983 1 MLJ 299 2 597 Sepang Omnibus Sdn Bhd v Christina Loh Soo Pang amp Ors 1970 2 MLJ 234 2 598 Tithes Dental amp Photo Supply Sdn Bhd v Empresa Lineas Maritimes Argentinas amp Ors 1977 2 MLJ 13 2 600 Tong Khing Kia amp Anor v Yeo Kong Boon 1991 2 MLJ 101 2 596 Facts, inferences not supported by Lim Soh Meng amp Anor v Krishnan 1967 1 MLJ 8 2 601 Facts, question of Hanshim Corp Sdn Bhd v New York Plastic Co Pte Ltd 1990 1 MLJ 345 2 605 Lim Boon Neo v Arumugam s/o SA Renganathan amp Anor 1990 1 MLJ 325 2 606 Lim Tian Seng v Chong Lee King 1989 3 MLJ 79 2 602 Luk Dai Chung v Ngu Ee Nguok 1966 1 MLJ 119 2 608 Ng Eng Wah v Getaz Corp (Spore) Sdn Bhd 1989 3 MLJ 71 2 609 Re AB Ltd 1956 MLJ 197 2 607 Veeramuthu Ramathas v Singapore Aero-Engine Overhaul Pte Ltd Civil Appeal No 92 of 1987 2 604 Wharf Properties Ltd amp Anor v Eric Cumine Associates, Architects, Engineers amp Surveyors Privy Council Appeal No 45 of 1989 2 603 Final judgment Hong Kim Sui amp Anor v Malayan Banking Bhd 1971 1 MLJ 289 2 613 Peninsular Land Development Sdn Bhd v K Ahmad (No 2) 1970 1 MLJ 253 2 612 Tio Chee Hing amp Ors v Government of Sabah 1982 1 MLJ 138 2 611 Final or interlocutory judgment Haron bin Mohd Zaid v Central Securities (Holdings) Bhd 1982 2 MLJ 94 2 614 Forma pauperis Loh Chee Yan v Loh Kong Yew amp Anor 1917 2 FMSLR 176 2 615 Teo Tong v Tan Sai Hoon 1940 MLJ 86 2 616 Grounds of appeal Hoong Chin Wah v Cheah Kum Swee amp Anor 1967 1 MLJ 163 2 618 Jeyaretnam Joshua Benjamin v Lee Kuan Yew 1991 2 MLJ 135 2 617 Mohd Azam Shuja amp Ors v United Malayan Banking Corp Bhd 1995 2 MLJ 851 2 619 Grounds of decision Lai Wee Lian v Singapore Bus Service (1978) Ltd 1984 1 MLJ 325 2 620 Grounds of judgment General Ceramics Manufacturers Sdn Bhd v Non-Metallic Mineral Products Manufacturing Employees Union amp Anor 1988 3 MLJ 474 2 622 Ho Shee Chit amp Anor v Bruusgaard Kisteruds Skibsaksjeselskap amp Anor 1982 2 MLJ 35 2 621 Saw Kang v Thevarayan Chetty 1924 4 FMSLR 187 2 623 Tan Kim Leng amp Anor v Chong Boon Eng amp Anor 1974 2 MLJ 151 2 624 High Court Mohd Nadir bin A Syed Ahamed amp Ors v Zubaidi bin Abdul Hamid amp Ors 1994 2 MLJ 159 2 625 Inteference by appellate court Lee Puey Hwa v Tay Cheow Seng 1991 3 MLJ 1 2 626 Interference by appellate court Chih Lim Neo v Sit Hoon Neoh 1889 4 Ky 492 2 628 China Airlines Ltd v Maltran Air Corp Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Maltran Air Services Corp Sdn Bhd) and another appeal 1996 2 MLJ 517 2 633 Guruvammah v Ramasamy 1939 MLJ 110 2 632 Heller Factoring Sdn Bhd (previously known as Matang Factoring Sdn Bhd) v Metalco Industries (M) Sdn Bhd 1995 2 MLJ 153 2 634 Hongkong Bank (M) Bhd v Raja Letchumi a/p Ramarajoo amp Ors 1996 2 MLJ 34 2 630 Low Teck Cheng v Leong Wah Lim Kay Poh, Third Party 1964 MLJ 372 2 631 Renal Link (KL) Sdn Bhd v Dato Dr Harnam Singh 1997 2 MLJ 373 2 627 Tien Ik Sdn Bhd amp Ors v Peter Kuok Khoon Hwong 1992 2 MLJ 689 2 629 Interlocutory order QBE Insurance Ltd v Sim Lim Finance Ltd 1987 2 MLJ 656 2 636 Seabridge Transport Pte Ltd v Olivine Electronics Pte Ltd 1995 3 SLR 545 2 638 Seabridge Transport Pte Ltd v Olivine Electronics Pte Ltd 1995 3 SLR 545 2 639 Singapore Press Holdings Ltd v Brown Noel Trading Pte Ltd amp Ors 1994 3 SLR 151 2 635 Tio Chee Hing v Chung Khiaw Bank Ltd 1982 1 MLJ 137 2 637 Issue not raised in High Court Tan Tek Seng v Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan amp Anor 1996 1 MLJ 261 2 640 Issues abandoned before High Court Khor Cheng Wah v Sungai Way Leasing Sdn Bhd 1996 1 MLJ 223 2 641 Jurisdiction Anuar bin Mat Amin v Abdullah bin Mohd Zain Civil Appeal 12 2 642 Jurisdiction of appellate court Government of Malaysia v Zainal bin Hashim 1977 2 MLJ 254 2 643 Jurisdiction to entertain Andre Paul Terence Ambard v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago 1936 MLJ 117 2 645 777 Enterprise (A firm) amp Anor v Abdul Samat Salinri Civil Appeal No T(11)-4 of 1992 2 644 Lapse of four months since appeal Teknikal dan Kejuruteraan Pte Ltd v Resources Development Corp (Pte) Ltd 1996 3 SLR 145 2 646 Law, question of Abdul Kadir bin Amin v Tan Cheng Chua amp Anor Civil Appeal No 12-2-90 2 647 Director-General of Inland Revenue v Kulim Rubber Plantations Ltd 1981 1 MLJ 214 2 648 Woon Kwok Cheng v Tan Sri Datuk Chang Min Tat amp Ors Civil Appeal No 02-175-93 2 649 Leave of court to appeal Pestmasters Pte Ltd v Pestbusters Pte Ltd 1997 1 SLR 377 2 650 Leave to Anthony s/o Savarimithu v Soh Chuan Tin 1989 3 MLJ 5 2 653 Leave to appeal Amer Mohideen Dawood v Sneh Bhar w/o Ter Binder Singh 1996 2 MLJ 329 2 665 Auto Dunia Sdn Bhd v Wong Sai Fatt amp Ors 1995 2 MLJ 549 2 693 Chong Kueng Ying amp Anor v Lovis Lavagna 1972 1 MLJ 180 2 681 Chooi Mun Sou amp Ors v Ng Seng Kiok amp Ors 1997 5 MLJ 353 2 652 Euco International Sdn Bhd v PF Chen 1986 1 MLJ 53 2 690 GS Tan Holdings Sdn Bhd v Sharani Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor Civil Suit No D3-22-151-89 2 691 Hoe Joo Sawmills v Sigma (Air Conditioning) Sdn Bhd 1981 2 MLJ 215 2 688 Hornbeam Co Ltd v Lembaga Alat-Alat Pembajaran Luar Negeri amp Ors 1964 MLJ 73 2 660 Hsiung Teck Pin v Mohammed Farouk Civil Appeal No 11-14-90 2 664 International Bank of Brunei Bhd v Hock Hin Trading Co 1990 3 MLJ 95 2 678 Johari bin Khalid amp Anor v Mohamed Zamri bin Khalid amp Anor (No 2) 1985 1 MLJ 205 2 689 Jones v Palaniappa Chetty 1937 MLJ 127 2 673 Jones v Palaniappa Chetty 1937 MLJ 127 2 684 K amp Kenanga Sdn Bhd v Hezan Shah bin Haji Abdullah Civil Suit No C24-617 of 1986 2 670 Loh Holdings Sdn Bhd v Peglin Development Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1986 1 MLJ 52 2 661 Lopes v Valliappa Chettiar 1968 1 MLJ 224 2 685 Monohary Teresa amp Anor v Tan Ah Lek 1995 3 MLJ 365 2 659 Nagappa Rengasamy Pillai v Lim Lee Chong 1968 2 MLJ 91 2 656 New Chew v KBC Sawmill Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1992 2 MLJ 403 2 663 Ong Cheng Neo v Yeap Cheah Neo amp Ors 1874 S LR 89 2 654 Pang Hon Chin v Nahar Singh 1986 2 MLJ 145 2 686 Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Melaka Tengah v Mat Nayan bin Tak 1996 2 MLJ 45 2 658 Phung Hoe Seng v United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd 1995 3 MLJ 487 2 692 Rank Xerox (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Ultra Marketing Pte Ltd 1992 1 SLR 73 2 675 Rank Xerox (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Ultra Marketing Pte Ltd 1992 1 SLR 73 2 677 Re Cheah Swee Ean, ex parte Chan Chin Huat Bankruptcy No 29(43)-552-88 2 687 Shell Co of the Federation of Malaya Ltd v Chairman, Municipal Council (No 2) 1961 MLJ 149 2 674 Syarikat Bekerjasama-Sama Serbaguna Sungai Gelugor Dengan Tanggungan Bhd v Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang 1996 2 MLJ 697 2 671 TO Thomas v KCI Reddy amp Anor 1974 2 MLJ 87 2 682 Tan Hap amp Anor v Liang Ann Hock Originating Motion No 32-14-87 2 672 Thong Kim Chea v Thong Seng amp Co Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 481 2 669 Tiong Ing Chiong v Giovanni Vinneti 1984 1 MLJ 316 2 662 Tong Tiong Lim v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah, Johor Bahru amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 631 2 657 Tong Tiong Lim v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah, Johor Bahru amp Anor 1995 3 MLJ 631 2 676 Tractors Malaysia Bhd v Southern Estates Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1984 1 MLJ 118 2 680 Weng Lok Mining Co Ltd v Hiap Lee (Cheong Leong amp Sons) Brickmakers Ltd 1972 2 MLJ 67 2 666 Yai Yen Hon v Teng Ah Kok amp Sim Huat Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1997 1 MLJ 136 2 651 Yap Ban Tick amp Ors v Standard Chartered Bank 1995 3 MLJ 401 2 668 Yap Fook Cheong amp Anor v Burkill (Malaya) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 160 2 655 Yap Fook Cheong amp Anor v Burkill (Malaya) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 160 2 679 Yeoh Him amp Ors v Yeoh Cheng Kang amp Ors 1887 4 Ky 204 2 683 Yupaporn Seangarthit v Neil Allan Campbell Webb 1995 3 MLJ 705 2 667 Leave to appeal granted subject to conditions Government of Malaysia v Sim Siok Eng 1978 2 MLJ 32 2 694 Leave to appeal out of time Bumi Gajah Agencies v Khintan Enterprise Sdn Bhd United Asian Bank Bhd (Garnishee) Tatab Industries Sdn Bhd (Applicant) Civil Suit No D4-23-2492-87 2 695 Leave to defend Malayan Traders amp Co Sdn Bhd v Choo Yoon Seong Civil Suit No D3-23-2181-87 2 697 United Malayan Banking Corp Bhd v Indah Engineering Trading (M) Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No D1-22-2303-89 2 696 Magistrates court Dominic Daung Ak Saba v Mohamad Hamden bin Dollah amp Ors 1989 2 MLJ 353 2 698 Memorandum and record of appeal Alloy Automotive Sdn Bhd v Enkei Automotive Co Ltd amp Anor 1997 3 MLJ 205 2 699 Capital Insurance Bhd v Kasim bin Mohd Ali 1996 2 MLJ 425 2 701 Lee Guat Eng v Tan Lian Kim 1985 2 MLJ 196 2 700 Memorandum of Batang Kali Estates Sdn Bhd v Romani bte Abdul Aziz amp Anor 1993 2 MLJ 267 2 711 Elayachee v Woo Siu Tip 1991 3 MLJ 108 2 713 Gan Hay Chong v Siow Kian Yuh amp Anor 1975 1 MLJ 41 2 703 Gan Hay Chong v Siow Kian Yuh amp Anor 1975 2 MLJ 129 2 704 Haji Mohamed bin Suboh v Devadas 1981 1 MLJ 136 2 706 Hj Abdul Ghani bin Kesah v Tuan Ahmad bin Tuan Man 1990 3 MLJ 45 2 702 Jaafar bin Ibrahim v Gan Kim Kin 1985 2 MLJ 24 2 707 Kuching Pharmacy Sdn Bhd v JL Morison Son amp Jones (M) Sdn Bhd 1990 2 MLJ 170 2 715 Lye Boon Hong amp Anor v Ishihara Sangyo Kaiun Goshi Kaisha 1932 MLJ 175 2 708 Pembinaan Nadzri Sdn Bhd v Koon Hoe amp Co Sdn Bhd Rayuan Sivil No R31224395 2 716 S Singaram v Fong Peck Moi amp Anor 1976 1 MLJ 237 2 709 Samsuri bin Saad amp Anor v Chew Kit Toh (t/a Kit Thong Woh Hup) and another appeal 1996 1 MLJ 576 2 712 Sek Yuen Hwa amp Ors v Syn Tai Hung Sdn Bhd 1990 2 CLJ 294 2 705 Shobri bin Hasan v Ramalingam 1993 1 MLJ 263 2 710 Shobri bin Hasan v Ramalingam 1993 1 MLJ 263 2 714 Memorandum of appeal Balakrishnan v Khalid Aluminium Industries Sdn Bhd Civil Appeal No 12-3-92 of 1992 2 718 Siang Galau v Ang Wak Hiong 1994 1 MLJ 42 2 719 Syarikat Kayu Bersatu Sdn Bhd amp Ors v UMW (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd Civil Appeal No MR 2 of 1994 2 717 Yupaporn Seangarthit v Neil Allan Campbell Webb 1995 3 MLJ 705 2 720 Misdirection by trial judge Four Seas Communications Bank Ltd v Eng Chuan amp Co amp Ors 1981 1 MLJ 4 2 721 New evidence Re Lim Hong Kee David 2 722 New point raised on appeal Luggage Distributors (M) Sdn Bhd v Tan Hor Teng amp Anor 1995 1 MLJ 719 2 723 New points, introduction of Ang Hua Bee v Leong Miaw Yu 1969 1 MLJ 192 2 732 Attorney General v Pang Ah Yew 1934 MLJ 184 2 763 Beecham (Malaya) Ltd v Yunus 1962 MLJ 336 2 761 Borneo Co (M) Sdn Bhd v Penang Port Commission 1975 2 MLJ 204 2 740 Chiam Keng v Wan Min 1924 5 FMSLR 4 2 749 Cho Chih Yee v Chief Assessor 1969 2 MLJ iii 2 734 Chor Phaik Har amp Ors v Choong Lye Hock Estates Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1996 2 MLJ 206 2 766 Chow Khai Hong v Tham Sek Khow amp Anor 1992 1 SLR 4 2 744 Fresh Food amp Refrigerating Co Ltd v Syme amp Co 1935 MLJ 196 2 731 Government of Malaysia v Iznan bin Osman 1977 2 MLJ 1 2 724 Gulwant Singh v Abdul Khalik 1965 2 MLJ 55 2 752 Hinnawi v Faruq 1936 MLJ 123 2 753 Ho Kean v Kong Lai Soo 1974 2 MLJ 63 2 747 How Paik Too v Mohideen 1968 1 MLJ 51 2 756 Huang Han Chao v Leong Fook Meng amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 337 2 727 Huang Han Chao v Leong Fook Meng amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 337 2 730 Innaya v Lombard Acceptance (Malaya) Ltd 1963 MLJ 30 2 757 Keng Soon Finance Bhd v MK Retnam Holdings Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1989 1 MLJ 457 2 728 Khoo Ah Yeow v The Overseas Union Bank Ltd 1967 2 MLJ 22 2 743 Khoo Ah Yeow v The Overseas Union Bank Ltd 1967 2 MLJ 22 2 754 Lee Ah Chor v Southern Bank Bhd 1991 1 MLJ 428 2 736 Letchumi amp Anor v Asia Insurance Co Ltd 1972 2 MLJ 105 2 742 Lim Chui Lai v Zeno Ltd 1964 MLJ 314 2 759 Lim Kar Bee v Duofortis Properties (M) Sdn Bhd 1992 2 MLJ 281 2 726 Lu Su Tsoon Timber Depot v Southern Estate Sdn Bhd 1971 2 MLJ 161 2 735 Malayan United Bank Bhd v Straits Central Agencies (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1990 2 MLJ 254 2 729 Manilal amp Sons (M) Sdn Bhd v Mahadevan amp Anor 1986 1 MLJ 357 2 745 Mohamed Ibrahim v Lim Tuan Hong 1960 MLJ 180 2 751 Muniandy amp Anor v Muhammad Abdul Kader s/o Muhamad Saheed Civil Appeal No 226 of 1987 2 739 Navaradnam v Suppiah Chettiar 1973 1 MLJ 173 2 764 Perwira Habib Bank Malaysia Bhd v Tamansuri Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No D2-23-3592-87 2 741 Philip Hoalim Jr amp Anor v The State Commissioner, Penang 1976 2 MLJ 231 2 765 Rengasamy Pillai v Comptroller of Income Tax 1970 1 MLJ 233 2 760 S Mariappan v Government of Malaysia 1983 2 MLJ 340 2 737 Saw Seng Kee v Nadzri amp Ng Securities Sdn Bhd 1996 2 MLJ 238 2 738 Siow Kwang Joon amp Anor v Asia Commercial Finance (M) Bhd 1996 3 MLJ 641 2 725 Soon Hon Sen v Bong Khiuk Nyong 1975 1 MLJ 75 2 748 Steamer Phillip Dodge v Dominion Bridge Co Ltd 1936 MLJ 30 2 750 Tan Tek Yan v Samuel 1964 MLJ 283 2 755 Tio Chee Chuan v Khoo Siak Chiew amp Ors 1967 2 MLJ 20 2 758 United Marketing Co v Hasham Kara 1963 MLJ 261 2 762 Yong Mok Hin v United Malay States Sugar Industries Ltd 1967 2 MLJ 9 2 733 Yong Mok Hin v United Malay States Sugar Industries Ltd 1967 2 MLJ 9 2 746 No appeal against consent order Fuyawa Enterprise Pte Ltd v Lim Han Tee t/a Wifu Marketing Suit No 1195 of 1994 (Notice of Motion No 312 of 1995) 2 767 No live issue Attorney General, Singapore v Joo Yee Construction Pte Ltd (In Liquidation) 1993 1 SLR 272 2 768 Notice of Ahmad bin Yahya amp Anor v Ahmad bin Sulaiman 1972 2 MLJ 109 2 786 Asia Commercial Finance (M) Bhd v Pasadena Properties Development Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1991 1 MLJ 111 2 778 Atlas Stevedoring amp Lighterage Co Ltd v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (No 1) 1960-63 SCR 108 2 775 C Line (Holdings) Sdn Bhd v Zulkifli bin Hussain amp Anor 2 769 Chan Tai Tai amp Anor v Official Assignee, Federation of Malaya 1957 MLJ 54 2 784 Cheah Teong Tat v Ho Gee Seng amp Ors 1974 1 MLJ 31 2 789 Cheah Teong Tat v Ho Gee Seng amp Ors 1975 2 MLJ 149 2 790 Chen Chien Wen Edwin v Pearson 1991 2 MLJ 501 2 810 Chern Yen Ming amp Anor v Teng Ik Ngee Construction Sdn Bhd amp Ors (Chern Boon Hong amp Anor, Third Parties) 1996 4 MLJ 227 2 776 Chin Hua Sawmill Co Sdn Bhd v Tuan Yusoff bin Tuan Mohamed 1974 1 MLJ 58 2 793 Chong Ah Yok v Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang amp Ors 2 794 Goh Gin Chye amp Anor v Peck Teck Kian Realty Pte Ltd 1982 1 MLJ 117 2 792 Gurbachan Singh v Seagrott amp Campbell (No 2) 1962 MLJ 370 2 780 Hardeep Singh v Raspal Singh District Court Suit No 860 of 1990 2 773 Hoe Joo Sawmills v Sigma (Air Conditioning) Sdn Bhd 1979 2 MLJ 236 2 782 Hong Kim Sui amp Anor v Malayan Banking Bhd 1971 1 MLJ 289 2 800 Hong Seh Sdn Bhd amp Ors v Edward Martin Roberts Civil Appeal No R1-12-327-95 2 774 Hsiung Teck Pin v Mohammed Farouk Civil Appeal No 11-14-90 2 783 Ismail bin Abdul Hamid v OSK amp Partners Sdn Bhd 1996 3 MLJ 686 2 771 Law Yee Wah amp Anor v Poh Koh and Sons Realty Sdn Bhd 1974 2 MLJ 28 2 788 Lee Lan v Lim Yoon Loy amp Ors 1991 3 MLJ 419 2 791 Lee Lan v Lim Yoon Loy amp Ors 1991 3 MLJ 419 2 797 Liew Chee Tat v Lok Moon amp Ors 1972 2 MLJ 29 2 781 Lim Yoon Loy amp Ors v Lee Lan 1990 2 MLJ 425 2 787 Ling Kee Ling amp Anor v Leow Leng Siong amp Ors 1996 2 SLR 438 2 813 Mohd Robaei bin Hj Md Som amp Ors v Damanhuri bin Hj Hashim amp Anor Originating Motion No 25-1 of 1990 2 812 Muar Hup Seng Tapioca Sdn Bhd v Perbadanan Kemajuan Ekonomi Negeri Johor 2 803 Oriental Bank Bhd v Zulkifli bin Ishak amp Anor 2 770 Pandan Maju Sdn Bhd v Dulon Industries Sdn Bhd 1995 4 MLJ 737 2 814 Pearson v Chen Chien Wen Edwin 1991 3 MLJ 208 2 807 Pearson v Chen Chien Wen Edwin 1991 3 MLJ 208 2 811 Perwira Habib Bank Malaysia Bhd v Glostal Sdn Bhd amp Ors Suit No 23-3992-87 2 804 Pg Md Yaakub bin Pg Hashim amp Ors v Ak Mahrup bin Pg Hashim Originating Summons No 2 of 1995 2 815 Poh Swee Hoon v Syarikat Tanahrumah Sdn Bhd Civil Suit No C1868 of 1983 2 808 Rembha Bai amp Anor v Jasani 1960 MLJ 306 2 809 Seow Teck Ming amp Anor v Tan Ah Yeo amp Anor and another appeal 1991 2 MLJ 489 2 806 Setali Development Sdn Bhd amp Anor v Lim You Keng 1984 1 MLJ 26 2 801 Shanghai Fire and Marine Insurance Co Ltd v Tam Cheong Chan 1924 4 FMSLR 300 2 779 South East Asia Insurance Bhd v Nasir Ibrahim 1992 2 MLJ 355 2 772 Syed Aziz bin Ibrahim v Hayward 1973 2 MLJ 135 2 796 Tan Chai Heng v Yeo Seng Choon 1981 1 MLJ 271 2 805 Tan Kang Hwa v Safety Insurance Co Ltd 1972 1 MLJ 87 2 799 Tan Ting Kok v Cheong Lep Keen amp Anor 1969 1 MLJ 153 2 798 Tara Rajaratnam v Datuk Jaginder Singh amp Ors 1981 1 MLJ 97 2 777 Tong Ah Seng amp Anor v Chan Swee Lan 1985 1 MLJ 85 2 795 Tong Lee Hwa amp Anor v Malayan Banking Bhd 1978 1 MLJ 257 2 785 Vettath v Vettath 1992 1 SLR 1 2 802 Notices of Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur v Mahadi bin Abd Rahman 2 816 Order for sale of land Overseas-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd v Sindoma Realty Sdn Bhd 1989 1 MLJ 377 2 817 Order in chambers Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associations v Chai Yen 1980 1 MLJ 198 2 819 Chai Yen v Bank of America National Trust amp Savings Association 1978 2 MLJ 245 2 820 Mae Bina Sdn Bhd v Chee Kie Chong t/a Sykt Interior Decorating 1991 3 MLJ 322 2 821 Tractors Malaysia Bhd v Southern Estates Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1984 1 MLJ 118 2 818 Order on summons in chambers made in open court Sinnathamby amp Anor v Lee Chooi Ying Brijkishore amp Anor v Lee Chooi Ying 1987 1 MLJ 110 2 822 Originating motion Development amp Commercial Bank Bhd v Government of Malaysia amp Ors 1989 3 MLJ 359 2 823 Parties Mohamad Salleh v Lau Siok Kee 1974 1 MLJ 102 2 824 Mohamed Ashraff amp Anor v Commissioner for Federal Capital Kuala Lumpur amp Anor 1972 2 MLJ 69 2 826 The Vanda 1960 MLJ 283 2 825 Penghulus court, from Perak Penghulus Appeal No 9 of 1934 1935 MLJ 281 2 827 Powers of court Abdul Salam v Lee Ah Song 1951 MLJ 149 2 829 Chan Sau Choon v Foong Seong 1949 MLJ 60 2 834 Chong Thian Yin amp Ors v The Trustees of the Estate of Cheang Kok Seang, deceased and the Commissioner of Lands, Federation of Malaya 1954 MLJ 37 2 832 Hotel de LEurope Ltd v WD Currie-Fryer 1956 3 MC 89 2 828 KSRM Veerappa Chettiar amp Anor v Supramaniam Chettiar (No 2) 1940 MLJ 35 2 835 Murugappa Chettiar v Letchumanan Chettiar 1939 MLJ 238 2 833 Muthucumaru v Alkaff amp Co 1933 MLJ 27 2 830 Re VS Madar amp Co 1940 MLJ 278 2 831 Procedure Mohamed Kassim amp Co v Miller McLean amp Co 1923 4 FMSLR 31 2 836 Record and memorandum of appeal Ooi Bee Tat v Tan Ah Chim amp Sons Sdn Bhd amp Anor and another appeal 1995 3 MLJ 465 2 840 Parasuraman v Sazali bin Akhir amp Anor 1993 1 MLJ 195 2 841 Record of appeal Ang Sing Hock v Prime Credit Leasing Sdn Bhd 1996 3 MLJ 361 2 843 Chan Kok Kiang v Tan Swan Cheng amp Anor 1970 2 MLJ 253 2 842 Chan Shi Shi v Ong Tiow Peng 1970 1 MLJ 89 2 854 Hau Khee Wee amp Anor v Chua Kian Tong amp Anor 1987 2 MLJ 146 2 849 Hsiung Teck Pin v Mohammed Farouk Civil Appeal No 11-14-90 2 852 Huo Heng Oil Co (EM) Sdn Bhd v Tang Tiew Yong 1987 1 MLJ 139 2 858 JLJ Selvam amp Anor v SJ Mehta amp Anor 1980 2 MLJ 144 2 848 Kemajuan Hunda Kredit (Kuching) Sdn Bhd v Titus Chuo Mui Ing 1995 2 MLJ 542 2 859 Kemajuan Hunda Kredit (Kuching) Sdn Bhd v Titus Chuo Mui Ing 1995 2 MLJ 542 2 860 Lau Hee Teah v Hargill Engineering Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1980 1 MLJ 145 2 844 Mat Yassin bin Dollah v Ibrahim bin Hussin amp Anor 1997 2 MLJ 681 2 839 Ng Chee Meng v BBMB Securities Sdn Bhd 2 837 Ng Yit Seng amp Anor v Syarikat Jiwa Mentakab Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1981 2 MLJ 194 2 857 Ong Choo Nee amp Anor v Arab-Malaysia Merchant Bank Bhd 2 838 Ooi Soon Eng v Ng Kee Lin 1980 1 MLJ 26 2 855 Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar v Mariamah Civil Appeal No 11-20-1993 2 851 Ramli bin Zakaria amp Ors v Jusoh bin Hussain 1993 3 MLJ 756 2 846 Ratnam v Cumarasamy amp Anor 1962 MLJ 330 2 853 Singer Sewing Machine Co v Jeremiah 1972 2 MLJ 199 2 850 Teoh Soon Kok t/a Tsk Supplies Trading v MBF Finance Bhd Civil Appeal No 11-53-95 2 845 Yang Salbiah amp Anor v Jamil bin Harun 1981 1 MLJ 292 2 856 Yeo Yoo Teik v Jemaah Pengadilan Sewa, Pulau Pinang amp Anor 1996 2 MLJ 54 2 847 Reinstatement Permata Chartered Merchant Bank Bhd v Hiew Fook Realty (Holdings) Sdn Bhd amp Ors 1992 1 MLJ 73 2 861 Reinstatement of appeal Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd v Kredin Sdn Bhd amp Ors Suit No C23-948-1986 2 862 Removal of caveat Kumpulan Sua Betong Sdn Bhd v Dataran Segar Sdn Bhd 1992 1 MLJ 263 2 863 Respondent relying on a ground not used by the trial judge Siti amp Anor v Lee Kay Li 1996 3 SLR 31 2 864 Retrial State of Negri Sembilan v St George 1923 4 FMSLR 93 2 865 Right of appeal Goh Siam Yong v Zacharia Norman Augustine amp Anor 1989 3 MLJ 406 2 868 Lim Phin Khian v Kho Su Ming 1996 1 MLJ 1 2 866 Lim Phin Khian v Kho Su Ming 1996 1 MLJ 1 2 867 Right of appeal to High Court Augustine amp Anor v Goh Siam Yong 1992 1 SLR 767 2 869 Security for costs Hendry v De Cruz 1949 MLJ Supp 25 2 871 Menon v Abdullah Kutty 1974 1 MLJ 130 2 870 Statute Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd v Pendaftar Hakmilik Tanah, Pulau Pinang Originating Motion No 25-40-89 2 872 Statutes, under Gurcharan Kaur v Rochi Silk Store 1959 MLJ 229 2 873 Haji Adam v Selma 1913 1 FMSLR 136 2 879 Lee Beng Kong v Comptroller of Income Tax 1962 MLJ 346 2 876 Raphiah v Haji Arshad 1926 6 FMSLR 64 2 880 Re Aw Boon Haw, deceased Aw Sian v The Commissioner of Estate Duties 1967 2 MLJ 80 2 874 Re Phuah Hin Leong, deceased, and Ong Teng Neoh, deceased 1939 MLJ 272 2 875 Re Seafield Rubber Co Ltd 1920 2 FMSLR 234 2 881 Subramaniam v Muthiah Chetty 1934 MLJ 222 1933-34 FMSLR 270 2 878 Yap Suat Tee amp Ors v Collector of Land Revenue 1968 1 MLJ 306 2 877 Statutory body, from Abaco Estate v Selvarajah 1985 2 MLJ 149 2 883 Khoo Hean Kee v Chop Wong Soon Co 1964 MLJ 19 2 888 Lee Soo Chuan v Lai Ah Yan amp Anor 1972 2 MLJ 33 2 889 Pengarah Tanah dan Galian, Wilayah Persekutuan v Sri Lempah Enterprise Sdn Bhd 1979 1 MLJ 135 2 885 Sundaram v Chew Choo Khoon 1968 2 MLJ 40 2 882 Syarikat Maltaco Sdn Bhd v Eow Teh Yu amp Ors 1985 2 MLJ 19 2 884 Yee Seng Rubber Co Sdn Bhd v The Commissioner of the Federal Capital of Kuala Lumpur 1972 2 MLJ 21 2 887 Yong Yoke Sung amp Ors v Sungei Way Estate 1966 1 MLJ 175 2 886 Statutory minimum amount Chan Kee Beng v Ramasamy Naidu 1939 MLJ 113 2 890 Mohamed Hussain amp Anor v Pavadise 1956 MLJ 63 2 891 Rajaratnam v Gunn Lay Teik amp Anor (No 2) 1961 MLJ 220 2 892 Wong Yin v Wong Mook 1948 MLJ 164 2 893 Stay of appeal pending application to set aside default judgment Rawther v Abdul Kareem 1966 1 MLJ 175 2 894 Stay of execution Ajaib Singh v Jeffrey Fernandez 1971 1 MLJ 139 2 896 Lee Sian Hee v Oh Kheng Soon 1992 1 SLR 77 2 897 Mohamed Mustafa v Kandasami (No 2) 1979 2 MLJ 126 2 898 Re Kong Thai Sawmill (Miri) Sdn Bhd, Ling Beng Sung v Kong Thai Sawmill (Miri) Sdn Bhd amp Ors (No 2) 1976 1 MLJ 131 2 895 Striking out Pestbusters Pte Ltd v Registrar of Companies amp Anor 1996 2 SLR 78 2 899 Subordinate court appeal Nikodo (S) Pte Ltd v GVC Karaoke Sdn Bhd 1997 2 MLJ 742 2 900 Ruby Investments (Pte) Ltd v Candipark Pte Ltd 1989 3 MLJ 396 2 901 Summary judgment PacPress Media Pte Ltd v House of Publishing Pte Ltd DC Suit No 5319 of 1991 2 904 Standard Chartered Bank v Kentland Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1989 1 CLJ 1126 2 906 Taiping Poly Malaysia Sdn Bhd v Soon Lee Enterprise Civil Appeal No 12-4-95 2 905 Summary judgment, decision to refuse Tan Soo Leng David v Wee, Satku amp Kumar Pte Ltd amp Anor 1994 1 SLR 481 2 903 United Malayan Banking Corp Ltd v Ipoh Mining Co (M) Ltd 1964 MLJ 69 2 902 Summary order for accounting Goh Say Hun v Ooi Chit Lee amp Anor 1994 2 SLR 268 2 907 Time Abdul Jamil bin Abdul Mutalib v Darshan Singh Khaira 1993 3 MLJ 187 2 928 Abdul Majeed v Yeo Chng Tay 1964 MLJ 75 2 921 Anandan v Sajjan Singh amp Anor 1948-49 MLJ Supp 164 2 920 Bank Nationale De Paris v Shin Hong Hang Enterprise Pte Ltd amp Ors 1988 2 MLJ 519 2 911 Cheviot Industries (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v Lean Hup Brothers Co Civil Suit No C2814 of 1983 2 926 Chew Poh Choo v Chua Kwong Pow 1948 MLJ 177 2 919 Chia Nai Kong amp Anor v Heng Swee Chim Notice of Motion No 61 of 1993 2 924 Datin Hajjah Zaleha amp Ors v Perkasa Trading Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1985 1 MLJ 41 2 908 Karuppiah Pillay v Mohamed 1950 MLJ 118 2 917 Leong Shu Weng v Tian Kim Loong amp Anor 1989 2 CLJ 450 2 927 Manickam v Tremelbye (Selangor) Rubber Co Ltd 1949 MLJ 90 2 918 New Chew v KBC Sawmill Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1992 2 MLJ 403 2 925 Ooi Phee Cheng v Kok Yoon San 1951 MLJ 135 2 909 Pearson v Chen Chien Wen Edwin 1991 3 MLJ 208 2 915 Re Anson Cycle amp Motor Works, ex parte The Official Assignee 1960 MLJ 171 2 910 Seow Teck Ming amp Anor v Tan Ah Yeo amp Anor and another appeal 1991 2 MLJ 489 2 913 Shafie bin Ahmad v Hajjah Fatimah bte Ahmad amp Ors Civil Appeal No 11-27-1989 2 923 Sri Jaya Transport Co Ltd v Fernandez 1970 1 MLJ 87 2 922 Syarikat Seri Berlian Sdn Bhd v Piang Hong Yon amp Ors 1983 1 MLJ 164 2 912 Wilkins amp Ors v Wilkins amp Anor 1951 MLJ 80 2 916 Wong Ngar v Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Originating Summons No 249 of 1993 2 914 Want of prosecution Soh Keng Hian v American International Assurance Co Ltd 1996 1 MLJ 191 2 929 Withdrawal of appeal Estate amp Trust Agencies (1927) Ltd v Chang Kiam Hoe amp Ors 1938 MLJ 241 2 931 HSBC Trustee (Singapore) Ltd amp Anor v Lycee Francais de Singapour 1996 2 SLR 24 2 932 Subramaniam Chettiar v Renganathan Chettiar 1933 MLJ 29 2 930 Withdrawal of appearance Khatijabai Jiwa Hashim v Zenab, Executrix of Haji GH Harji 1959 MLJ 50 2 933 Appearance Admiralty action in rem Owners of the Ship or Vessel Kusu Island v Owners of cargo lately laden on board the Ship or Vessel, Brani Island The Kusu Island 1989 3 MLJ 257 2 935 Conditional appearance Low Yat v Grace 1947 MLJ 80 2 937 The Avro Venture Forsythe International Ltd v Avro Venture, Owners of 1987 1 MLJ 16 2 938 The Avro Venture Forsythe International Ltd v Avro Venture, Owners of 1987 1 MLJ 16 2 940 USA v Yang Soon Ee 1950 MLJ 102 2 936 YAM Tengku Ali Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail v Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu 2 939 Yamato Transport (M) Sdn Bhd v Syarikat Bumichung Forwarding Agency 2 941 Delay in entering conditional appearance Bashah bin Dato Haji Ahmad v Executive Builders Sdn Bhd Originating Petition No 26-01-92 2 942 Indorsement of time for appearance Seng Loong Trading Co v Angel Department Stores Sdn Bhd 1987 1 MLJ 310 2 943 Irregularity Saw Seng Kew amp Co Ltd v Firm of MSA Shaik Othuman 1957 MLJ 229 2 944 Late appearance O Sambaur (No 2) 1958 MLJ 87 2 946 Tatchee Machinery Agency v Posan Timber Trading Sdn Bhd 1989 1 MLJ 388 2 945 Late appearance and defence Aleykutty James v Syed Putra bin Syed Omar Shahabudin amp Anor 1979 1 MLJ 238 2 947 Non-appearance by defendant Abdul Majeed v Boor Singh 1970 2 MLJ 4 2 948 Yeo Hiap Seng v Australian Food Corp Pte Ltd amp Anor 1991 3 MLJ 144 2 949 Partner Wee Wat Neo v Chor Khoo Aik Seng amp Co 1908 11 SSLR 50 2 950 Unconditional appearance EG Tan amp Co (Pte) (in liquidation) v Tan Chong San 1993 1 MLJ 256 2 954 The Avro International The Avro Venture Avro International (Owners of) v Arabian Marine Bunkers Sales Co Ltd amp Anor 1988 1 MLJ 147 2 951 The Epar 1985 2 MLJ 3 2 952 Valliammai Achi v Nachiappa Chettiar 1957 MLJ 27 2 953 Withdrawal of appearance from appeal before Privy Council Judicial Committee Rules 1925 and 1957 Hashim v Zenab 1959 MLJ 50 2 955 Without authority Credit Corp (Malaysia) Bhd v Complete Information Search Sdn Bhd amp Ors Civil Suit No D2-22-916-89 2 957 Leonard Rosenthal and Freres v Syed Mohamed Alsagoff 1929 SSLR 113 2 956 Tan Lian Hong v Min Ngai Knitting Factory (M) Ltd amp Anor 1974 1 MLJ 76 2 958 Application to refer question of law to Federal Court General principle Wee Choo Keong v Lee Chong Meng amp Anor 1996 3 MLJ 41 2 959 Arbitration Arbitration agreement cannot oust the right to resort to litigation Tullio v Maoro 1994 2 SLR 489 CSLR X649 2 960 Effect of arbitration clause Elf Petroleum SE Asia Pte Ltd v Winelf Petroleum Sdn Bhd 1986 1 MLJ 177 2 961 Jurisdiction of arbitrator State Government of Sarawak v Chin Hwa Engineering Development Co 1995 3 MLJ 237 2 962 Procedure State Government of Sarawak v Chin Hwa Engineering Development Co 1995 3 MLJ 237 2 963 Arrest before judgment Action for damages Yap Piang v Wong Lee Nam 1933 MLJ 102 1931-32 FMSLR 367 2 964 Inducing defendant into jurisdiction Lim Guan Teet v Tunkoo Akobe 1882 1 Ky 539 2 965 Malicious and without reasonable cause Kirtha Singh v Kabul Singh 1935 MLJ 39 1933-44 FMSLR 357 2 966 Attachment Amendment to order of attachment Meenambal v Tan Kee Chong 1934 MLJ 280 2 968 Nanyang Development (1966) Sdn Bhd v Malaysian Armed Forces Co-operative Housing Society Ltd 1972 2 MLJ 149 2 967 Attachment before judgment Amanullah v Nazir Ahmad 1969 2 MLJ 1 2 969 Datuk Abu Mansor bin Mohamed Nasir v Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd amp Anor 1982 1 MLJ 258 2 978 Hari Singh v Sundarammal 1965 2 MLJ 174 2 971 Ing Chiat v Nicholas 1934 MLJ 251 1933-34 FMSLR 306 2 976 Ipoh Garden Sdn Bhd v Ismail Mahyuddin Enterprise Sdn Bhd 1975 2 MLJ 241 2 979 Kepong Prospecting Ltd v Schmidt 1962 MLJ 375 2 977 Malaysian Armed Forces Co-operative Housing Society Ltd v Nanyang Development (1966) Sdn Bhd 1972 2 MLJ 6 2 973 Nanyang Development (1966) Sdn Bhd v Malaysian Armed Forces Co-operative Housing Society Ltd 1972 2 MLJ 149 2 974 Ng Chin Siu v Muthiah Chetty 1939 MLJ 80 2 970 PSD Shipping Sdn Bhd v Sakura Jaya Enterprise amp Ors 1981 2 MLJ 349 2 975 Serply Sdn Bhd v Protexa Drilling (M) Sdn Bhd 1984 2 MLJ 237 2 972 Attachment of defendants equity of redemption in property Toh Kum Swee v Ong King Seng 1967 1 MLJ 185 2 980 Bailiffs duty as to custody of movable property under attachment Pillay v Nadasan 1914 1 FMSLR 157 2 981 Creditors goods Guthrie amp Co v Sheena Mohamed Abdul Kader Re Arunashellum Chetty 1882 1 Ky 553 2 982 Enforcement of judgment Raymond Michael Ignatius amp Anor v D amp C Finance Bhd 1994 2 MLJ 679 2 983 Execution Kapoor Singh v Haji Ibrahim 1948 MLJ 29 2 984 Garnishee order Cheong Heng Loong Goldsmiths (KL) Sdn Bhd v Chan Kim Swi (Capital Insurance Bhd, Garnishee) 1997 5 MLJ 191 2 985 Kedah Kelang Papan Sdn Bhd v Hansol Sdn Bhd (Teknibina Advisory Services Sdn Bhd, Garnishee) 1988 1 MLJ 434 2 988 Mohammad bin Abdullah amp Ors v Fu Lee Development Sdn Bhd 1988 3 MLJ 39 2 987 Tye Chwee Hoon v Cayman Commodities (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1990 2 MLJ 23 2 986 Garnishee order made absolute Behn Meyer amp Co (M) Sdn Bhd v Agropharm Sdn Bhd amp Ors (Eskos Printing House Sdn Bhd amp Ors, Garnishees) 1988 2 MLJ 636 2 989 Land Ramasamy Pillai v Hashim bin Haji Kechil 1937 MLJ 70 2 991 Registrar of Titles, Selangor v Gunn 1926 6 FMSLR 38 2 990 Objection by third party Tan Sai Hoon v Tan Song Chua amp Anor 1953 MLJ 8 2 992 Pension Central Electricity Board v Govindamal 1965 2 MLJ 153 2 993 Property that can be attached Motor Emporium v Arumugam 1933 MLJ 276 1933-34 FMSLR 21 2 994 Rateable distribution Wah Tat Bank Bhd v Wong Lee Kok amp Ors 1978 1 MLJ 268 2 995 Salary Doss v Ramasamy Pillai 1919 1 FMSLR 445 2 996 Setting aside order of attachment Serply Sdn Bhd v Protexa Drilling (M) Sdn Bhd 1984 2 MLJ 237 2 997 Shares Hilckes v Lee Choon Guan 1912 1 MC 17 2 998 Sheriffs interpleader Development amp Commercial Bank Bhd v Lam Chuan Company Num Tjuan Sdn Bhd (Claimant) 1989 1 MLJ 475 2 999 Solicitors lien Ex parte Wagner 1908 2 FMSLR 10 2 1000 Warrant of attachment Marian Rebello v Periathamby 1931-32 FMSLR 37 2 1001 Wrongful Dr Mathew Sebastian v Metroplex Leasing amp Credit Corp Sdn Bhd 1996 5 MLJ 558 2 1004 MS Ally amp Co Ltd v Calhaem 1966 1 MLJ 114 2 1002 Sabhapathi Pillay v Tham Hing Kwai 1935 MLJ 207 2 1003 Award Award of relief not prayed for Mokhtar v Arumugam 1959 MLJ 232 2 1005 Bill of costs Taxation Elisabeth Sugirthamalar Alfred (Administratrix of the estate of Lilian Nesamalar Alfred) v Tan Jiu See (t/a JS Tan amp Co) 1997 2 MLJ 208 2 1007 Sumitomo Bank Ltd v Kartika Ratna Thahir 1997 1 SLR 690 2 1006 Certiorari Application for extension of time to apply for leave Tengku Anoomshah bin Tengku Zainal Abidin amp Anor v Collector of Land Revenue, North-East District, Penang amp Anor 2 1011 Application for leave to apply Md Aris bin Zainal Abidin lwn Suruhanjaya Pasukan Polis amp Satu Lagi 1996 4 MLJ 77 2 1012 Application for leave to apply for order of certiorari Kasnen a/l Kandasamy v Menteri Sumber Manusia Malaysia amp Anor 2 1008 Application for leave to apply for order of certiorari to quash award of Industrial Court Association of Bank Officers, Peninsular Malaysia v Malayan Commercial Banks Association 1990 3 MLJ 228 2 1014 Chang Kum Yuen v Menteri Sumber Manusia, Malaysia amp Anor 2 1009 Tuan Hj Sarip Hamid amp Anor v Patco Malaysia Bhd 1995 2 MLJ 442 2 1013 Application for leave to apply for order of certiorari to quash the decision of the respondent Pengangkutan Jalan Pantai Sdn Bhd (suing on behalf of itself and on behalf of and representing 29 others) v Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan 2 1010 Compromise Action for damages for breach of contract Yee Chang amp Co Ltd v Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij 1958 MLJ 131 2 1015 Compromise by counsel before trial Chee Kuan Cheng v Chuo Kong Kah 1967 2 MLJ 74 2 1017 Goh Mui Teck v See Eng Kiat 1967 2 MLJ 53 2 1016 Compromise by parties solicitors Insas Bhd v Nadinusa Sdn Bhd 1992 4 CLJ 1859 2 1018 Costs of Timberline Development Sdn Bhd v Guan Guan Sawmill Sdn Bhd 1973 2 MLJ xlvii 2 1019 Enforcement Sucha Singh v Suet Chow Housing Development Sdn Bhd 1976 1 MLJ 29 2 1020 Enforcement of terms of compromise Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij v Yee Chang amp Co Ltd 1959 MLJ 97 2 1021 No leave of court Oomah Meida v Moona Jana Shaik Allaudin amp Ors 1932 MLJ 23 2 1022 Consent order Agreed to by counsel Chee Kuan Cheng v Chuo Kong Kah 1967 2 MLJ 74 2 1023 Chew Kong Kah v Cheu Kuan Cheng 1967 1 MLJ 147 2 1024 Agreement between solicitors Maria Chia Sook Lan v Bank of China 1976 1 MLJ 41 2 1025 Costs Fuyawa Enterprise Pte Ltd v Lim Han Tee t/a Wifu Marketing Suit No 1195 of 1994 (Notice of Motion No 312 of 1995) 2 1026 Effect of Ganapathy Chettiar v Lum Kum Chum amp Ors Meenachi v Lum Kum Chum amp Ors 1981 2 MLJ 145 2 1029 Insofex Sdn Bhd v Labasama Group (M) Sdn Bhd 2 1028 Soo Lina v Ngu Chu Chiong amp Anor 1992 2 MLJ 870 2 1027 Judgment for plaintiffs by consent M Lee v RCH Lim amp Co 1957 MLJ 190 2 1030 Jurisdiction to set aside Au Yuan Chee v Lim Leong Thiam amp Ors 1956 2 MC 260 2 1031 Meaning of forthwith United Malayan Banking Corp Bhd lwn Chuah Gim Suan Originating Summons No 24-442-88 2 1032 Nature of Chung Khiaw Bank Ltd v Lau Ah Yen amp Anor 1989 2 MLJ 247 2 1034 Sunny Tay Thiam Chin v Tay Ley Eng Originating Summons No 24-755 of 1995 2 1033 Not appealable Chen Pang Kwee v Meru Tin Limited 1954 MLJ 90 2 1035 Rent Control Ordinance (Cap 86), s 10 President, Rent Control Board v Trustees of the Indian Mosque amp Anor 1960-63 SCR 311 2 1036 Setting aside, application for Kannappa Chettiar v Vellasamy Pillai 1977 1 MLJ 255 2 1040 Khaw Poh Chhuan v Ng Gaik Peng amp Ors 1996 1 MLJ 761 2 1038 Khaw Poh Chhuan v Ng Gaik Peng amp Ors 1996 1 MLJ 761 2 1041 S Pakianathan v RK Stallard 1979 2 MLJ 251 2 1042 Siang Yam Beng v Marushin Canneries (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 2 1037 Syarikat Marak Jaya Sdn Bhd v Syarikat Masinda Sdn Bhd 1991 2 MLJ 417 2 1039 Validity of Leow Seng Huat v Low Mui Yein 1996 5 MLJ 381 2 1043 Toh Seow Ngan amp Ors v Toh Seak Keng amp Ors 1990 2 MLJ 303 2 1044 Variation Haji Mohamed Zebidi bin Haji Salleh amp Anor v Dato Haji Abdullah bin Mohd Hussin amp Ors (Dewan Perniagaan dan Perusahaan Melayu Malaysia, Intervener) 2 1045 Ng Kee Lin v Ooi Soon Eng 1978 2 MLJ 214 2 1047 Ooi Siew Yook amp Ors v Lim Bar Kee 1987 2 MLJ 267 2 1046 Consent order for custody and maintenance Divorce proceedings not pending Ong Ah Mai v Ling Pooi Ming 1984 2 MLJ 129 2 1048 Contempt of court Administration of justice Ambard v Attorney General of Trinidad 1936 MLJ 117 2 1049 Allegation of bias against judge Hock Hua Bank (Sabah) Bhd v Yong Liuk Thin amp Ors 1995 2 MLJ 213 2 1050 Allegation of impartiality of unnamed judiciary in newspaper article Attorney General v Lingle amp Ors 1995 1 SLR 696 2 1051 Appeal, right of Loot Ting Yee v Tan Sri Sheikh Hussein bin Sheikh Mohamed amp Ors 1982 1 MLJ 321 2 1052 Attachment for contempt Public Prosecutor v The Straits Times (Malaya) Bhd 1971 1 MLJ 95 2 1054 Re Run Run Shaw amp Anor 1949 MLJ Supp 16 2 1053 Breach of consent judgment Anthony bin Dubis v Syarikat Kuin Je Sdn Bhd 1996 4 MLJ 597 2 1055 Breach of consent order Anthony bin Dubis v Syarikat Kuin Je Sdn Bhd 1996 4 MLJ 597 2 1056 Leow Seng Huat v Low Mui Yein 1996 5 MLJ 381 2 1057 Breach of consent order and undertaking Messrs Hisham, Sobri amp Kadir v Kedah Utara Development Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1988 2 MLJ 239 2 1058 Breach of court order Capital Insurance Bhd v BS Sidhu 1996 3 MLJ 1 2 1066 Chuan Huat Hin Lime Factory v Yap Chee Seng amp Ors Guaman No S12253194 2 1062 Datuk Hong Kim Sui v Tiu Shi Kian amp Anor 1987 1 MLJ 345 2 1064 Datuk Hong Kim Sui v Tiu Shi Kian amp Anor Albert Teo Chin Kion v Tiu Shi Kian amp Anor 1985 1 MLJ 145 2 1063 Grenek Sdn Bhd v Lew Wa Chow Suit No 23-42-86 2 1061 Hong Leong Finance Co Bhd v Lee Geng amp Anor 1990 3 MLJ 474 2 1065 Instituto Bancario San Paolo Di Torino SpA v Colour Touch Sdn Bhd amp Anor Civil Suit No D5-22-1410-92 2 1060 MBf Holdings Bhd amp Anor v Houng Hai Kong amp Ors 1995 1 MLJ 135 2 1069 Ooi Meng Sua v Aetna Universal Insurance Sdn Bhd Civil Suit No 22-163-92 2 1068 Reebok International Ltd v Ng Whye Tho t/a Reebok Sports 1988 2 MLJ 287 2 1067 Breach of court order and evasion of service Wee Choo Keong v MBf Holdings Bhd amp Anor and another appeal 1995 3 MLJ 549 2 1070 Breach of court order, abetment of TO Thomas v Asia Fishing Industry Pte Ltd 1977 1 MLJ 151 2 1059 Breach of interim order Neo Khow Sot v Ang Chew Lee amp Anor 2 1071 Tay Seng Keng v Tay Ek Seng Co Sdn Bhd 1978 1 MLJ 126 2 1072 Breach of interlocutory injunction Harkishandas s/o Ratilal Doshi v Aaval Investments (Pte) Ltd District Court Appeal No 14 of 1995 2 1073 Breach of terms of court order In the Goods of Koona Sheik Madar Saiboo (1884) 2 Ky (Ecc) 33 2 1074 Polygram Records Sdn Bhd amp Ors v Phua Tai Eng 1986 2 MLJ 87 2 1075 Breach of undertaking Re a Solicitor and Advocate 1932 MLJ 177 2 1076 Burden of proof Lee Lim Huat v Yusuf Khan bin Ghows Khan amp Anor 1997 2 MLJ 472 2 1077 Civil contempt by counsel Dr Leela Ratos amp Ors v Anthony Ratos s/o Domingos Ratos amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 704 2 1078 Civil contempt, ingredients of Tiu Shi Kian amp Anor v Red Rose Restaurant Sdn Bhd 1984 2 MLJ 313 2 1079 Committal proceedings Chan Sang amp Anor v Golden Century Development Sdn Bhd amp Anor and other actions 1995 1 MLJ 92 2 1080 Committed by company A-G for Tuvalu amp Anor v Philatelic Distribution Corp Ltd amp Ors 1990 2 All ER 216 2 1081 Contravention of a prohibitory injunction Dr Leela Ratos amp Ors v Anthony Ratos s/o Domingos Ratos amp Ors 1997 1 MLJ 704 2 1082 Contravention of prohibitory injunction Allport Alfred James v Wong Soon Lan 1989 1 MLJ 388 2 1085 Lee Lim Huat v Yusuf Khan bin Ghows Khan amp Anor 1997 2 MLJ 472 2 1083 Lee Lim Huat v Yusuf Khan bin Ghows Khan amp Anor 1997 2 MLJ 472 2 1084 Criticism, accusations and harassment against judges Attorney General amp Ors v Arthur Lee Meng Kuang 1987 1 MLJ 206 2 1086 Criticisms of judgment of court Trustees of Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi (Penang) Registered amp Ors v SM Idris amp Anor Trustees of Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi (Penang) Registered amp Ors v Mohideen Abdul Kader amp Ors 1990 1 MLJ 273 2 1087 Evasion of service of court order Wee Choo Keong v MBf Holdings Bhd amp Anor and another appeal 1995 3 MLJ 549 2 1088 Ex parte mandatory injunction, breach of Ha Oi Yan M/s Betong Development Sdn Bhd amp Ors Suit No S/SG 2 of 1992/11 2 1089 Failure to comply with court order Lang Soon Tin Mines amp Enterprise Sdn Bhd v Tractors Malaysia Civil Appeal No 11-18-86 2 1090 Freedom of speech Attorney General v Lingle amp Ors 1995 1 SLR 696 2 1092 Lim Kit Siang v Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1987 1 MLJ 383 2 1091 Gross insult to court Ishamahel Laxmana v East India Co Re Trebeck 1829 1 Ky 4 2 1093 Irregularities in procedure Arthur Lee Meng Kwang v Faber Merlin Malaysia Bhd amp Ors 1986 2 MLJ 193 2 1094 Liability of directors of company William Jacks amp Co (M) Sdn Bhd v Chemquip (M) Sdn Bhd amp Anor 1994 3 MLJ 40 2 1095 Motion for contempt MBf Holdings Bhd amp Anor v Houng Hai Kong amp Ors 1993 2 MLJ 516 2 1096 Order for commital to prison Malaysian Bar v Tan Sri Dato Abdul Hamid bin Omar (No 2) 1989 2 MLJ 281 2 1099 Order of commital, application for Chandra Sri Ram v Murray Hiebert 1997 3 MLJ 240 2 1098 Class One Video Distributors Sdn Bhd amp Anor v Chanan Singh a/l Sher Singh amp Anor 1997 5 MLJ 209 2 1097 Karam Singh Veriah v Karpal Singh 1988 2 MLJ 603 2 1102 Neo Khow Sot v Ang Chew Lee amp Anor 2 1100 Syarikat M Mohamed v Mahindapal Singh amp Ors 1991 2 MLJ 112 2 1101 Order of committal United Malayan Banking Corp Bhd lwn Chuah Gim Suan Chai Chong Chin Originating Summons No 24-442-88 2 1105 Order of committal, application for Allport Alfred James v Wong Soon Lan 1992 2 SLR 385 2 1103 Wee Choo Keong v MBf Holdings Bhd amp Anor and another appeal 1993 2 MLJ 217 2 1104 Order of discovery OKRST Arumugam v KRSSP Suppiah Chettiar 1935 MLJ 4 2 1106 Penalty Attorney General v Lingle amp Ors 1995 1 SLR 696 2 1107 Publication in magazine Attorney General v Fred Zimmerman amp Ors 1986 2 MLJ 89 2 1108 Publication in newspaper Public Prosecutor v Abdul Samad amp Anor 1953 MLJ 118 2 1112 Public Prosecutor v Palaniappan amp Ors 1949 MLJ 246 2 1114 Public Prosecutor v Penang Municipal Services Union amp Ors 1956 MLJ 267 2 1110 Public Prosecutor v Straits Times (Malaya) Bhd 1971 1 MLJ 69 2 1109 Public Prosecutor v Straits Times Press Ltd 1949 MLJ 81 2 1113 Re Sin Poh Amalgamated Ltd amp Ors 1954 MLJ 152 2 1111 Real, serious or substantial risk of prejudice to fair and proper trial Loot Ting Yee v Tan Sri Sheikh Hussain bin Sheikh Mohamed amp Ors 1982 1 MLJ 142 2 1115 Reflections on administration of justice in will In the Goods of Thomas Kekewich (1813) 2 Ky (Ecc). 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To get you started, here are some basic things you should go over with your insurance provider to get the personalized coverage you deserve. Business Insurance Features A Business Owners Policy, or BOP, usually covers many of the basic insurance needs of most small businesses. There is no standard set of policies under this type of package it varies from one insurance provider to the next. Generally, though, you can expect a BOP to cover damage or loss to the building itself or its contents, and liability protection for your business operations both on-site and from your products upon operation completion. While a business owner8217s package is great and, yes, you will need it, there are still several things that it will not protect against, namely professional liability and workers8217 compensation. Professional liability insurance, sometimes called Errors and Omissions or EampO, is different from a general liability policy which protects against things like bodily injury and property damage. Professional liability coverage is designed to protect you and your business in the event that a client or customer raises a claim that an error or omission on behalf of your company has resulted in their financial loss. A significant claim of this nature could cost you some serious cash if you are not protected. Surety bonds are also a great form of protection for small businesses. They act as more of a line of credit than an actual business insurance policy and are required in many industries across the United States. A surety bond is a three-way agreement between a principal (performing the work), an obligee (receiving the work), and the company providing the bond. 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